(Kinda) Weird Embarrasing moments


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I couldn't help laughing at the last one.I once said to the grade fours... "Music is awesome and that is an important lesson."

That wasn't very embarassing but... oh well.
:p and remember that I have a topic like that

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well my best friend who is also my crush he jumped be hind me and said geuss who but he scared me so i hit him by acident

also me and my band where practicing and he ran in to watch us so stupid me trying to impress him trow my drum sticks in the air and it hits me in the head the other hits him well i'm an idiot

One time i got home from church i had to go to the bathroom so bad that i peed in my pants and my pants were soaked to the bone.

At a school dance i was wearing jeans with a zipper and when i did the worm i got hurt so badly so i turned my pants to the side and my friends were laffing at me.-,-.

and dats it.

1.) Well, once I fell asleep during class and my friend was sitting right next to me. She wanted to help me by not getting me in trouble (She was a good friend, I'm sad she moved away :gozarutchi: ), so she woke me up. I jolted awake and screamed a little. It was during Latin class... Everyone was looking at me. I just smiled and said "Hey, I'm not Latin! Why are you looking at ME?" Then I touched my desk and there was drool. I went "EW, DROOL! ZOMGZ!!" and everyone laughed... except for the teacher. But he's a turd. **last year**

2.) In summer camp we played dodgeball, and I was always the best at dodging, but not very good at throwing -___-; anyways, some counselor threw a ball at me, and I did a Matrix move to dodge it (It was pretty sweet xD). I was telling all of my friends afterwards, and while I was telling them and acting all cool about it, I fell ^-^; **last year or two years ago**

3.) I go to an all girls Catholic school now, and they have a chapel (obviously.). I was walking to P.E. with a group of people and they were all doing the sign of the cross when they passed, and I ACCIDENTALLY FARTED... Really loud. I was like "Oh my gosh I didn't mean it!!!" but they just looked at me xD **this year**

4.) At my old school we had risers, and there was a hole in one of them that everyone went in to go in the risers. I was trying to go in them after school (My two best friends were there, one of them being a boy and my current crush, but he wasn't my crush at the time ._.) since they both went in them. I went in head first, and I got my torso and stuff in... Then my butt got stuck. The boy was like "Ehm, your butt is stuck..." and I said "Yeah, I think I figured that out by now." I couldn't get out, either! They had to pull me out! I was SOOOO embarrassed!! **last year**

Oi, I have so many...

5.) Another time was at my new school... I had just come from science class and going into language arts. The science teacher is married and we ALWAYS have to get the "Mrs." thing right. So I was so used to saying her name (We'll call her Mrs. Science, and the L.A. teacher Ms. English) that I went into L.A. and talked to the teacher before the bell rang. I was like "Mrs. Science, blahblahblah..." and Ms. English said "MRS. SCIENCE?" and I said "Oh, sorry, I mean MS. Science... No, wait..." I was SOO embarrassed! Everyone was looking at me after that -___-; Eh... **this year**

Forgot one xD

6.) Well, I had gone to the bathroom during English (at my old school) and was walking back. The latin room and the English room are right next to each other and very similar. I walked into the Latin room and looked around. EVERYONE was looking at me. The 7th graders were having class. I was like "Oops, wrong room." I ran -- fast -- out of the room, and I heard laughing! :D I ran into the English room as if nothing happened. **last year**


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this was really emberassing. my teacher said I Reapeat, I had to take something to mrs. smith! OOHHHHH! MRS. SMITH! so then i'm walking to give it to her and they are in the middle of a lesson, so i say," i can't do it!" and i go back to my class with the thing i was supposed to give mrs. smith and Mrs. ponteri says," i told you to give that to her!" and then i say,"i don;t want to!" and then the whole class started laughing like crazy! *today*

In 1st grade we had a chinese play thing.So I was really pretty and I had a fan and I was fanning myself.(my boyfriend was there by the way)Then we finished and every one started walking to the left side of the stage and I was the only one walking to the right.Then my BFF (she still is) named Justus stopped me and turned me around and took me the right way.Everybody laughed at me.I was so embarressed.After that my boyfriend immediantly broke up with me.

P.S. I am in fifth grade and Mathew my boyfriend moved and Justus is so pretty and she is still my very best friend cause she is so nice.There is this one girl named Mackinzie that is so mean to me and she doesn't like anymore.PM me if you are a single boy.

One time, this group of people (whom seriously despise me, in fact, everyone in the school does) tricked me into going to the computer room for lunch because the cafateria was being used for something, when I got there I thought I must of been early, but then after taking one step toward a computer, a scary image and a scream popped out on each and every computer, I screamed so loudly and I heard giggiling and I look behind me to see the group filming me! I ran out the room and tripped while doing so! But gladly they didn't see that...I think o_O

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One time, this group of people (whom seriously despise me, in fact, everyone in the school does) tricked me into going to the computer room for lunch because the cafateria was being used for something, when I got there I thought I must of been early, but then after taking one step toward a computer, a scary image and a scream popped out on each and every computer, I screamed so loudly and I heard giggiling and I look behind me to see the group filming me! I ran out the room and trippec while doing so! But gladly they didn't see that...I think o_O
Ouch. I'm buying plane tickets, Where's your school?

Now, What's the best thing to do to them... Poisoned food or knives? (Kidding!)

Because really, they've got to be pretty stupid to do that to YOU of all people.

One time at gym somebody saw my plumber crack :blink: >_> It was probably a joke..

While we was steretching..

i got my period in class and it was all over my pants.

this one kid , sam was all like Look She Wet her pants!

I Was SSSOOO embarrassed!

Well, this wasn't embarrasing for ME, but it was for my friend in 7th grade. Capoeira

1.) Today at school we had some assembly. During the assembly were some Brazilian musicians. There is this martial art called Capoeira, and it's REALLY cool when you see people fighting with it. (You can view a battle and some people doing it solo here. :( ) The people called for some volunteers to try it. They of course were bad, since they had NO experience and this was their VERY first time even WITNESSING it! xD Anyways, my one friend was going against one of the people in the little band. She was SO freaked out! There's a starting move, and she couldn't do it.... And then she sorta attempted to "karate-chop" him xD By then I was rotfl -- literally! Then she sorta ran away when he slowly attacked her. It was HILARIOUS! Everyone was laughing. My face was red, then I fell over... >.< But it was still REALLY funny!

In fact, I want to take Capoeira classes soon! =D

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