~Kero's Log~


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Edit 1: So... the resizing didn't work... hold on

Edit 2: Did it! Also, we're on page 2 now! And thanks for over 800 views! :wub:

Hello everyone, like I said in my last post, I can't be logging as much as I used to. But since it is now officially Winter Break, I can start again, at least for a little while. So let's start!

Sea the Mimiyoritchi ended up marrying a Memetchi and having a baby boy who I decided to call Greg, after my little brother's middle name. He's currently a Young Mimitchi

I really like this character :lol: Not much is going on right now, he's due to evolve tonight or tomorrow morning. We used some of the items Sea left behind...

The first time, he caught a regular sized fish and didn't seem too happy about it, but luckily he got to use it one more time.

This time around, he caught... a whale? I think it would be pretty cool if when you used the fishing pole item, you got a fish in your food items when you caught one.

Anyway, I've been trying to get another battery for a few days now, but with the holiday season Target (the store) is really crazy right now. If or when I get one, I'll be continuing running Dawn the Ponytchi on my v4 as promised. That'll be all for today, thanks for reading and happy holidays! :lol:

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Thanks for over 920 views! Can we get to 1,000 by Christmas evening?

I got four new batteries and pulled out my v2, v4, v4.5 and v6 Music Star to run as along with my v3. This post may or may not be in two parts, and will have seperate updates for each Tama I'm running.

v3 (Greg) :

My little guy has evolved into an adult already! The character's called Debatchi. I've had him once before. He's five right now, so hopefully he gets married tomorrow or the day after.

v2 (Cat)

The first Tamagotchi I started up was my beloved v2. I pressed download to see Cat, a Young Mametchi. Soon she evolved into a very... graceful Hanatchi! I was so happy to see a Hanatchi because this very v2 was my first Tama and Star the Hanatchi was my very first adult character. She's only four, I can probably marry her off on Saturday.

v4 (Dawn)

I don't actually have any pictures of her, because I just accidentally deleted them all :eek: I had really, really good pictures of her wedding that I thought I transferred to another file, but it didn't work apparently. I'd take one tomorrow, but she's leaving tonight and she's asleep now. Great. She's a Ponytchi and got married yesterday to a Tarakotchi
and had a baby boy. Hopefully I can get a Minotchi
this generation, since Tarakotchi is a Kutchi family adult and so is Minotchi.

I'm gonna have to continue this log on another post, see you then...

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... This is a continued post from the last one.

v4.5 (Bella)

Next up's Bella the Ura Young Violetchi. I pressed download and was greeted by Bella the Kurobotchi who soon evolved into the Ura Young Violetchi she is now. She chose Mrs. Flower and is working on her gorgeous points at the moment.

v6 (Mia)

I know it's hard to see the picture, the contrast on this version is pretty weird...

I haven't run my music star for a few months. Mia and her band passed Pro Debut today, but I didn't get any pictures. She's asleep now, but before she went to bed, I checked her Star Ranking and it was at 1st place!

I think that's everyone, so that's all for today's post. Thanks for reading, and again happy holidays!

Edit: Thanks to tamastar113 for following, i just noticed :lol:

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Hello, a few things have happened so far today:

v3 (Greg)

No picture of him today, there's nothing to really take pictures of. He should be turning six today and hopefully he can get married today or tomorrow.

v2 (Cat)

I saw her doing this animation today, guess she's getting into the holiday spirit as well!

v4 ( Bronx)

I ended up not getting a picture of Dawn after all. She left last night, but her baby boy whom I named Bronx after my aunt's dog, stayed. He soon evolved into...


v4.5 (Bella)

Just working on her gorgeous points for now, I hope she turns into an Ura Memetchi
yay for hotdogs

Again, there's a limit on how many pictures I can post in one post, so I'll have to continue this on another one...

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... Continued from the last post:

v6 (Mia)

Big day for her today! The band passed Pro Debut finally. She's 7 years old, but for some reason the Matchmaker isn't showing up.

She accepted the award from the Tama King himself.

That's all for today, (for now, at least) but I'll post if anything else happens. Thanks for reading, and Merry Christmas!!

I know I already posted twice today, but my mom suprised me...

And got me a Tamagotchi Friends for Christmas!! I'm so happy!

This is the shell, it's a blueish-mint green color with a white front with some stars on it. I really like it...

Of course, I started it up and after setting the date and time, I was shown three eggs. I picked the very last egg, with stripes on it.

Soon enough, the egg hatched and a Pinkbotchi greeted me.

After the usual baby hour, she evolved into this character, who is called Terupotchi.

That's all for today. I'll update tomorrow, but in the meantime thanks for reading and again, Merry Christmas!

Hey guys, I probably won't have time to do one big update so I'll be doing these small ones throughout the day.

v4 (Bronx)

Bronx is a Gourmetchi. I'll try to get him too evolve into ShimaShimatchi
if I can.

v4.5 (Bella)

She suprisingly evolved today, at age two, into an Ura Memetchi!

That's all for now, thanks for reading. More updates later today.

v2 (Cat)

v3 (Greg)

I knew I saw a romance blossoming :wub: That's right! I was connecting them a whole bunch of times and they ended up falling in love and... they married today!

I didn't get the best pictures, because it was kind of unexpected. But they had two twin girls
, and the second-born went over to live with Greg.

That does mean they'll have to leave soon... I'll miss them, especially Cat.

Again, sorry for the multiple posts, but I'm just logging as things go. I'll see if Mia gets married today but I doubt she will, and the unamed-for-now Tamagotchi on the TF will be evolved into a teenager thie evening.

Thanks for reading!

Continued from yesterday for 12/26/14

v6 (Mia)

She, suprisingly, evolved. Into an oldie! The Matchmaker hadn't come yet at this point. While she's now an Otokitchi, her other two band members turned into
, two Dango Obotchis.

Tamagotchi Friends (Unamed)

The teenager I ended up getting was Neotchi for this one.

That was all for yesterday. As you read this, the update for today is being worked on. Unless, of course, it's already posted... :p

v3 (Greg)

Greg and his baby are doing well ...

v2 (Cat)

... As are Cat and hers.

They'll both leave tonight. :(

v4 (Bronx)

Oh, did I seriously forget to log it? I did, hold on...

Here it is, so he yelled at his preschool teacher for a few minutes...

... And chose the social teacher, Mr. I-forget-his-name-now.

That's about as many images I can have, so part two of today's update should be up in a couple minutes...

v4.5 (Bella)

Bella also yelled at her teacher today, like Bronx did. She tried every job offered, but couldn't get one today.

v6 (Mia)

The Matchmaker suprised me today, and brought her a Mametchi!
They had a baby boy.

Tamagotchi Friends (Unamed)

Sorry for the blurry image. So yeah, I got Cofferetchi. Not sure how I feel about this one... :eek:

Thanks so much for reading.

Sorry for no post for a couple days, I was busy. I have a lot to catch up on so this'll be a short post.

Update for 12/28/14:

She got a job at the bank today! The Bank and the Scientist minigames are my favorite ones. We also went on an ultimate weight loss mission! She went from 87 to 32 pounds after playing lots of games of Tug of War,

I named the twins Pixel and Cindr. "Cindr's" name was supposed to be Cinder but it didn't fit in the name slot.

They later evolved into a Hitodetchi and a Tamatchi.

Continued on the next post...

I can't finish logging now, I'll update everything but later today.

I'm really, really behind on logging. I'll just list everything that's happened...

Bella got married yesterday to a Yaraguretchi
and had a baby boy. I won't include the picture of her with her baby to save space.

Pixel is a Propellertchi...

And Cinder is a Nikatchi.

Bronx is a Gozarutchi. Gah, he's so cute. ^_^

Mia left a few days ago, and her baby who I named Steve evolved from a Babytchi to a Kuribotchi to a Hinotamatchi yesterday. His music teacher came by and gave him a guitar and he formed his band after visiting the school.

They're called Vivid, and the band consists of Steve with vocals, a Kikitchi with a Trumpret I think and Ringotchi on the guitar.

I have not married off Cofferetchi yet, but she turned six today.

I think that's everyone. With that, I need to say that I took the batteries out of my v3 (Cinder), v4 (Bronx), and Tamagotchi Friends (Cofferetchi). I've been busier than I was and school is starting soon, so I can only run the less needier ones, which are my v2 (Pixel), v4.5 (Bella), and my v6 (Steve).

Thanks for reading. I can't update until tomorrow at the least.

One more thing... Happy New Years!

v2 (Pixel)

I got Mimitchi, like I wanted!

Here she is trying on some boots we found.

v4.5 (Joey)

Bella left last night, and left behind her baby boy who I named Joey. After the usual baby hour, he evolved...

... Into Hitodetchi! He already got his Preschool mail, and he should evolve into his teenager stage tomorrow. Since I'm guarenteed to get an UraMeme family character, I hope he changes into Yasaguretchi
like his father because that's the only UraMame family character I've never gotten.

v6 (Steve)

I realize that Tosakatchi is a horrible care adult, but he's the cutest thing ever. I've never had him, so I never realized how much I love this character! I wasn't expecting to get him either. He evolved yesterday after I posted.

I think that's the limit for images on a post, but I have only one more thing to say, so I'll have to continue this with a short one...

... Continued from the last post:

So, like I was saying Steve evolved yesterday. That day he had his first Pro Debut with his band members who have now evolved into Tarakotchi
and a Chantotchi
. They didn't pass Pro Debut that time. But today, which is what the picture above is from, they did!

I'll also soon be ordering a second v6, the Red Piano design and a white iD L.

Thanks for reading, until next time!

Thanks for over 1,100 views!

v2 (Pixel)

Pixel's still a Mimitchi, it's been a quiet past few days with her. She's five today, so she'll probably get married tomorrow or the day after.

v4.5 (Joey)

Joey's a Crackertchi, though I have no idea why! Both his parents were of the UraMeme family. Crackertchi is from the UraMame family. And I actually took good care of him as a toddler. I think I'll go for Samuraitchi
then, since Joey's Gorgeous points are highest at the moment and I haven't had Samuraitchi before.

v6 (Steve)

I didn't get any pictures, but yesterday Steve got the 1st ranking award with his band! I'm now waiting for him to get married. The Matchmaker will start coming tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!

Thanks to Flare.exe and Kyuu for following!

Hey guys, so obviously it's the weekend and this is the only reason this posts being made other than the fact that I feel the need to go out and say this:

A week ago, school started for me again which is why I haven't been posting. During the time that those last posts were made, I was on winter break. I can't post for a whie, but I will be logging again in the future.

Pixel, the Mimitchi had a baby girl and I took the battery out.

Steve, the Tokasatchi on my v6 had a baby boy and I took the battery out.

Joey, the Crackertchi on my v4.5 has evolved into Samuraitchi and I took the battery out.

I got a green Entama I ordered in the mail two days ago.

Until next time! Thanks for reading!

Hello you wonderful, wonderful reader who has stumbled upon my log once more, whether it was an complete accident or on purpose, welcome back!

Since I only have one battery, I'm just running my v4 right now.

Meet Zorro! He's currently a Young Mametchi.

Since I last logged, I've gotten a green EnTama and a purple 4U, so what other versions should I run?

Sorry for the short post but that's all, hopefully I'll have more to log about tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
