Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!


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In my school they banned electronics.So i put my tama in my bag on pause.And there's a girl who i don't like who threatend to tell on me.But she never.

A tip

If you have a tray under your desk in school put it in there on pause or mute

Okay...........I have gotten my tam taken away once or twice (or maybe thrice)and I know it is not fun. Here are some tipps

If a teacher asks what it is, put it on clock mode, cover up the "tamagotchi connection" symbol, and show it to them. (NOTE) this may only work on teachers who DON'T know what tams are

If you have a REALLY mean teacher then just don't play with it during her class.

Play with it during a movie. No one will notice.

Girls, bring a purse or small bag to keep them in. I have a black bag thing meant for IPOd

's, but it can fit around three tams.

Remove the Keyring for less noise when playing with it during class.

Some teachers won't mind. My lang. arts teach doesn't care, since his daughter has one.

We show him them sometimes. My friend even named one after him!

If you don't have a purse (or are a guy) then you can just bring a wallet and hide then in there.


Hide it in your hand for quick checkups. My classmates are really mean and try and tell on my friends and I. They yell "OOOOHH, TAMAGOTCHI!"



Usually P.E. teachers & lunch ladies don't care, but the lunch monitors do!

During recess, go out some where and then play with em'

Those are all my tips fo' now. Have fun. I Gotta go, so PM any questions to me, kay"
This topic is old-ish. :rolleyes:

well heres another way of bringing it to school:

ok tell yout teacher to go to the toilets and then bring your tama with you and then go in one of the toilets and then turn off the sound if someones in there turn the sound off realy quickly and then lock then door then yeah play with your tama and pretend your going toilet

Back in 1997, when they were popular, they were banned at my school and nobody liked me so they would've told on me for having one in class. I brought three different virtual pets to school every day. (A Dinkie Dino, a Digital Doggie Giga Pet, and a Nano Kitty.) Here is how I did it:
1. I turned the sound off on the Nano and the Giga Pet. I couldn't figure out how to turn the sound off on the Dinkie Dino, so I took a whole bunch of toilet paper and taped it to the back so that nobody would hear it. I tested it to make sure that it couldn't be heard, and it couldn't.

2. I wore a jacket thing every day with two pockets that zipped up. I was allowed to wear it in class because I wore it underneath my real jacket and told the teacher that I didn't think of it as a jacket. It was long, so I could put one of my pets in my pants pocket and nobody would notice the bulge. The other two went in the jacket pockets, and I zipped them up to make sure that they couldn't fall out.

3. I went into the bathroom before school started, and made sure that they were okay. Then, I put the Giga Pet to sleep. At Recess, I'd either hide in the bathroom and play with them (it was only 15 minutes long), or I'd go to a secluded part of the playground where nobody could find me, but that was risky. At lunch, I'd sometimes hide in the bathroom the whole time. (Hey, I was a loser without very many friends... The playground was stupid and people threw things at me and called me names.) Usually I'd just go in there once at the beginning of lunch and once five minutes before the bell rang. I'd put them all to sleep at the end of lunch. After school, I'd go to the bathroom and check on them before going home. I walked home, and people would tell on me if they saw me walking home with them. Once I was at home, I played with them like normal.

4. Don't tell anybody that you have them at school. People can't be trusted to be quiet. They might not mean to hurt you, but a lot of people have really big, loud, stupid mouths. I made the mistake of telling my best friend, and she almost got me caught several times. I had to have a very long talk with her. Hehe.

5. Most importantly, don't do anything stupid like checking on them in class. Even if you're watching a movie. It's a very good way to get caught, and you do not want that. If you really feel the need to check on them, ask if you can go to the bathroom. I recommend doing this only once every two days at the most, or else the teacher will get suspicious. You have to be smart and sneaky or else you will be caught. Don't pull it out in the middle of the class because there are probably a lot of mean kids who think it is funny to get other people in trouble.

One time, I accidently left the sound on on my Digital Doggie, and I got caught. I didn't want it to die, so I faked sick and the teacher had to give it back to me before I went home. He told me not to bring it again. Little did he know that I brought it every single day after that. :D

If you have any questions, be sure to ask me. I was a very sneaky little kid.
Wow! :eek: You were so clever! If I had three virtual pets and took them to school every day, I would have doubtlessly got caught. I will try some of your techniques next time I take my tamagotchi to school, though if I get caught I'm not sure my teacher would give it back to me even if I fainted on the spot. :) Thank you for all the advice anyways, you must be a professional if you had three virtual pets in 1997 and are still into tamagotchis. ^_^

I am an adult, but I take both my tamas with my to work. Fortunately I work night shift so they tend to go to sleep a couple of hours after I get to work. If I get en evening break, I'll go check them them. Or I might go to the bathroom and check them in there.

I took the keychain off the ends of them and have fashioned beaded bracelets with stretchy cord and seed beeds. I wear them on my wrists under my little jacket sweater thing ((one under each sleeve)). If anyone hears it, no one has said anything yet to me, for I do not take them out and play with them at work.

I've paused it once when it was a baby so I would not have to worry about it needing so much attention while I was doing my job, but for the most part, I let them go. Then at mindnight, on lunch break, I may reset the time and feed and clean before putting them back to sleep.

Naturally, I keep them with me while I sleep and I check them in the morning before I sleep, in the afternoon when I get up, and any time I wake up, either from them beeping or for any other reason.

Anyway, the point of the post, my recommendations

1) Resetting the time to put it to bed

2) Pause to keep it from dying if needed in critical stages

3) Check it only on breaks, or if dying

4) No games in class. Afternoons and weekends should be plenty to keep it slim enough to keep going. ((I only excersise it when off, and still get Mametchis and Memetchis, so it must work))

I love tamas like everyone here, but I also know how useful school can be. Good luck.

I agree but tams are banned from my school so in my case they can. :eek: I never get my tama confinscated and nether do my friends 'cos we have this big orgainisation tet gets the teachers confuesed!We are tricky! ;)
You trick your teachers?! Awesome! :p <_< How do you trick them?

Nobody has tamas at my school-well I don't know anybody that does- except me (i think)! So i'm probably allowed to bring my tamas to school but i'm not gonna take a chance of losing it or having someone break it! I have a Mimitchi so I don't want to lose it!

I'm in high school (Year 8) and I'm on my 4th generation and I play with it in class when I'm bored. The teachers don't notice. I play games during maths period and english. They don't/haven't banned them because they think everyones too mature to have one, except me.

I'm in Year 9, and the teachers really don't seem to care once you hit high school. Just play with them under your desk or in your pencil case. Make sure the sound is off though. Otherwise things could get... awkward. -cough-other kids-cough-

My wonderful horror story! Ha. I had been bringing my V2 to school for a while, and the teachers where figuring out what they were... Dun dun dun. Anyway, I had brought mine, but relized I didn't have any pockets, so I gave it to my friend to stick in her purse. Guess what, she lost the purse. :) I lost a pretty purple camo tama. RIP, Nancy. ;) My suggestion is to keep an open purse handy, just in case, and excuse yourself to the restroom when you wish to play for a while.

I agree but tams are banned from my school so in my case they can. :) I never get my tama confinscated and nether do my friends 'cos we have this big orgainisation tet gets the teachers confuesed!We are tricky! ;)
kewl! what's ur system? i've never gotten mine taken away, but on the other hand, learning a new skill never hurt :D

Heres a little story for anyone who can be bothered to read it:Today I just replaced my tamas batteries and to celebrate me and my friend took our tamas into school. We were having a good time messing around with them before school started. So in our first class i remembered to pause mine and turn off the sound. But my friend DIDN'T :lol: :) :D and we were lucky because when it started beeping my teacher thought it was her mobile phone ;) and whilst she went to get it to switch off me and my friend had enough time to pause and mute our tamas. At playtime a bully said hed tell us off cause he was jealous. When we were in our second lesson i was caught!!! :D But i said it was a clock and she beleived me. But here is where the complete DISASTER comes - a girl in our class has a v3 (i have a v2) and that girl was caught and she said it was a clock but the teacher noticed the ariel and then saw the tamagotchi writing above the screen and it was CONFISCATED! :D Then the teacher came back over to me and said "let me see yours" and i set it to clock mode and said its a clock and she beleived me because v2's have NO ARIEL! :D :D

So if you take a tama to school, try and make it a v2.
OMG that is so close! :p B) :)

My Tamagotchi hasn't been confescated and I haven't left mt tama alone, i bring it to school I haven't left alone at any time, I am talking about my V4 but I telling you the tama school safety. The school tama saftey is:

To switch sound off

To keep it safe in your pocket or something safe like your pocket

When the teacher knows you got something in your hand or somewher show it to your teacher by hiding the Tamagotchi sighn and putting the time on

When your teacher finds your tamagotchi if its lost say yes its mines

let her canfescate it and don't worry because atleast they found it and they will give it back

This is real this has happend to me,my classmates and the people in my class.

I have got my tama taken away a million times.
But not so much after the novelty of "v3" wore off.

So I always bring my sweater with the big pockets!

I never get my v4 taken away

P.S INDOOR RECESS they let u play with ur tam
:rolleyes: And.

I think school is important if u dont wanna work at mcdonalds for the rest of ur life, so i dont play with it that much :angry:

My Teacher is so nice. She dosent even care. But to stay safe here are some tips.

1) TURN THE SOUND OFF! Don't forget! It could mean life or death(for your tam!)

2) Put it in your desk. Some teachers are mean!

3)Play with it in your desk. So nobody sees!

Hope These Help!

:( :angry: :furawatchi: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:


I had four. One of them just died by the way(5 min ago)*cries*

I brought them all to school and played with them during class!I also had a small dragon that I loved dearly!I forgot to turn off the sound on one of them. When it beeped, I said it was the dragon.(it lighted up so the teacher thought it could also make noise)The dragon was taken away!!!I still miss it..(never had the guts to ask my parents to get it back)

A realy mean girl in the opposite class to me, threatend to tell the head teacher that I had a tama, anyway i had not been told they were banned.

My best friend says if a tama ends up in the heads office (for a week) it proberbley will dye or never get given back to you.

Anyway that was a year ago now.....

Tiny children a bringing in tamas and NOT GETTING THEM TAKEN OF THEM HOW FRUSTRATING!

The only day in a year you are ever aloud them ever is toy day and that is it !!!

My tamas never grow they are always paused at home, but when I get home I spend all my time doing stuff like computers and playing with my pet rats and things.

No time for tamas my tama grew up at 2 now is 4 no job

urr mail has come its a job!!! yey at last!

When my tama leaves the teacher he or she always shouts at it.

I'm working at the restaront cool.

The game is so easy (well it would be if i was'nt so rubbish at it)

What yo have to do is look at the picture and press the butten below the one that matches.

Alright don't bring your tamagotchi to school AT ALL! It WILL get taken of you I meen it, I love tamas don't lose them its so upsetting.

My best friend had 2 1v2 1v3

She lost her v2 in the house aaages ago she has not found it yet!

I nearly left my 3 tamas(when i had 3 that is) at drama lessons I just remembered.

Altogether my tama has never been taken of me (exept when my mum took it off me for 5mins).

Remember dont lose your tama

:lol: :wub: :wacko: :unsure: :ph34r: :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: Bye :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :mametchi: :mimitchi: ^_^ :D :gozarutchi: :kusatchi:

When i was in primary school in year 5 [i live in england] i got my tama token away once! Now im in high school they dont care if u have them or not, they let u bring psp's and nintendo ds's!!!!!!! ^_^

I just turn the sound off and check it at break :D

For some reason I just never feel like playing with my Tam in class. I only play with it on the bus, and sometimes when I feel like being bad I bring it out to recess and try to hide it from the supervisors. I'm just scared of getting my Tam confiscated, and what if the teacher asks you a question?

I remember one day when I was checking on my Tam on the bus I forgot to pause it and it wasn't paused for the whole day! But I was amazed that it didn't die. I see quite a few posts of people saying their teacher confiscated their Tam and when they got it back it died.



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