Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!


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i have my tamagotchi on my bag when i go to college. noone cares. teachers dont mind as long as you do your work! haha. i even take my DS lite in.

I have a cheetah key-chain thing that is the exact right size for holding my tama and it has a zipper! i once got both my tams taken because i forgot to turn the sound of and they both evolved and went to bed at the same time! it was so embarassing. i had to walk over to my teacher's chair and put them there, and i was shaking the whole time, for fear i wouldn't get them back. but my teacher was nice and gave them back at the end of the day and told me to keep them in my back pack.

At my school you're not aloud V1 and V2 so they take them away, but you are allowed V3!
what about v4??.oh and last year i brougt my tam and i got told off but it NEVER got taken say that if you get caught it will be taken away for the rest of the year!and my friend and i connected and when kids came past we hid them.there is this mean girl in my class called cassie who told on me and my friend for having them at school but they didnt get taken away.

My teachers tell me off for playing with them IN CLASS but girls are allowed to play with them in class! It's so unfair that boys can't. We only get them confiscated until the end of the day, and my teacher lets me pause them if she confiscates it. We're allowed to play with them during breaks. My principal knows what Kuchipatchi Mametchi, Memetchi and all the other well known tams are and doesn't mind!

In Fourth Grade, during the middle of the year, our teacher made an announcement that boys weren't allowed to bring their tech decks to class anymore,. Some boys try tried to accuse the girls for playing with their Tamagotchis in class, and guess what the teacher said.........she said that she never saw anyone play their Tamagotchis in class! Even the people near her desk! She also said that he girls maybe sneakier than the boys: the boys would take out their tech decks and the teacher sees them right away. But the girls kept them in their deep jacket pockets to hide them from site of the teacher so we can play with them. I have my own tips too:

1. If you have a partner who has a Tamagotchi, and plays with it in class as well, play with your gotchis in shifts. If the teacher is on the other side of the classroom, start to play with your gotchi. Then have your partner look out for the teacher, and when the teacher comes close, have your friend tell or tap you hand to tell you he/she is coming. Then, you switch. (only attempt if you are finished with your work. you need good grades <_< )

2. Play only at recess. If you're still not allowed to, and people are watching (like recess monitors or something) then do the same thing as #1.

3. If you don't like to bring toys to school, keep on pause at home.

Whats the virus? I've never heard of it?
Oh the tama virus.....

No-one's heard of it?!!! :p

It's probebly the most diabolical thing anyone has unleashed....

A virus was given to a huge batch of tama's. ( How, I don't know.....)

The symptoms are:

1. Blurry sreens

2. Un-explained behavior.

3. Strange characters (In some cases)

4. All batteries are refused.

If you know of more symptoms, Please PM me!!!

The virus is different in other tama's.

Please note: The only way to catch the virus is by connecting with another infected tamagotchi.

Hope this clears something up.....I should of explained earlier. :D

Oceangotchi123 :p

Okay...........I have gotten my tam taken away once or twice (or maybe thrice)and I know it is not fun. Here are some tipps

If a teacher asks what it is, put it on clock mode, cover up the "tamagotchi connection" symbol, and show it to them. (NOTE) this may only work on teachers who DON'T know what tams are

If you have a REALLY mean teacher then just don't play with it during her class.

Play with it during a movie. No one will notice.

Girls, bring a purse or small bag to keep them in. I have a black bag thing meant for IPOd

's, but it can fit around three tams.

Remove the Keyring for less noise when playing with it during class.

Some teachers won't mind. My lang. arts teach doesn't care, since his daughter has one.

We show him them sometimes. My friend even named one after him!

If you don't have a purse (or are a guy) then you can just bring a wallet and hide then in there.


Hide it in your hand for quick checkups. My classmates are really mean and try and tell on my friends and I. They yell "OOOOHH, TAMAGOTCHI!"



Usually P.E. teachers & lunch ladies don't care, but the lunch monitors do!

During recess, go out some where and then play with em'

Those are all my tips fo' now. Have fun. I Gotta go, so PM any questions to me, kay"
my recess teacher took away my friend jarrett's tam at recess. (don't know why) *_*

if your not messing with it, they have no right to take it away! i wear mine on my jean jacket button. none of my teachers care! just turn the sound off and turn it to time. yet again, mine is the original version 1, dosent even say tamagotchi on it...

When tamas v1 first came out EVERYONE had one but teachers didnt know what they were so we could have em but this group of girls were always connecting in class and the teacher learned that this was distracting! (DUH!) So she sasid anyone with those electronoc pets go and get rid of them! But you see i only checked mine evry 20mins so my lil tama suffered for it! But once the teacher simmered off i snuck mine in my desk and it lived in the corner, i would punch buttons blindly to fix him and occasionally peeked! But once my student teacher moved in for a while his desk was behind mine so he could see into my desk if i opened it to check my tam but he was kool, he asked me what it was and i said it was my baby he smiled at me and didnt tell our proper teacher!!!!
That was a story from grade four or five, now im in grade seven and they still havent noticed me pushing buttons in my desk. heehee!

When the tamagotchi craze FIRST hit here in the States, I was in elementary school. After a few weeks, they were banned because so many kids had them that they were distractions, and because we had problems with people stealing them.

Of course, I still brought mine to school.

I always kept the sound off, and I tried to keep it sleeping for most of the day. I would wake it up when we were at recess and I could go off into a corner of the playground where no teachers could see me. If I hadn't sent it to bed that day and it needed care during class, I would put it into my pencil box (you know, the old plastic ones?), which was in my desk, and I would take care of it that way.

If my teacher heard the noise coming from my desk, I would just say I was looking for a new pencil.

I would say, however, if you're really worried about having it taken away, send it to bed during school hours and try not to have it out if you know you're risking it.

my friends teacher lets them play them whenevr they want! SO UNFAIR!!!! :wub:

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All of my teachers don't want them in school except for one. He's the coolest teacher ever! One day I asked him, "Mr. Butler, this is my tamagotchi. Can I have it during class? I'm only gonna check it every now and then, I won't play with it." He said yes as long as it didn't distract other students. :) Mr. Butler, you're awesome. Hehe. However, my friend brought hers into school one day and someone stole it out of her bag, and we never found it. She lost it twice actually, but we found it the first time.

I have 2 tamas and this stupid,idiotic boy caught me playing it in class and screamed out,"OOH! IS THAT A TAMAGOTCHI? THEY ARE SOO GAY." They are not. :angry: :D . And one time, after school, he just went up to me and tapped the screen and he said cubeworld is much better. :D :D

none of the grade six teachers care so i can play any time of the day but nice tip's

Well, when the V2s came out our school was hit by said 'craze', I was in the last year of primary schoo(I'm in year 9 now, third year of high school)l. Most kids had them, although they stayed on pause at all times until break. Of course, enevitably the 'sound off' feature was discovered (don't ask how we didn't spot it at first) and soon everyone was connecting at the back of math class in compolete silence. Actually, most kids started buying these massive pencil cases to hide their tamagotchis in. My pencil case even had a large hole in the back to slip my tamagotchi in when needed :D


Electronics are allowed during between classes and Lunch time.

Because well, no one cares!
