Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!


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My teacher is the meanest teacher in my shcol...and i have t have him for two years!!!

I d somtimes bring my tamas to shcool...and believe me...i knw how to keep teachers from seeing them!!!my teacher(s) used t take them away all the time(they are really strict)! so i have had alot of experience w/mean teachers(i have 3!!)

1.turn ff the sound(as always)and atuff it into your pocket or desk(anything convenient)when he/she comes near

2.for chinging rooms...put into a pencil case(the oness that go into your binder)in a pocket that's see through,and check up on it every know and then.

3.if you nedd o(or want to)play with your tama...put into your lap...and when he/she comes near...put your jacket ver it(or smthing like that)

all of these tops and tricks really helped me(at my school...we hve n problem w/lunch people or yard duties). also...they helped all f my friends from having there tama taken away!!= ) :eek:

hah hah. I am in high school and i still play with them in classroom. My teachers don't care much because i'm a good student and they don't suspect a thing! :angry: :angry: :D :D :D

I am a 3rd grade teacher, and I'm cool with them so long as:

1) The seat work is done. (critical)

2) I'm not talking.

3) The morning announcements, guest speakers, pledge of allegiance, etc. isn't happening.

4) The sound is off.


Granted, I don't have many kids with them, but the main point is: ask your teachers if you aren't sure if they care. Most teacher are fine with them so long as their rules are followed. Tamas don't die even after a couple hours, except for babies.

Never name a baby in class! They take too much attention. Let it wait until after school, it won't hurt anything.

myne never get taken (i have to take care of 6! ) i just keep them in this little pencil bag i bought i only have lyke 2 pencils in it >.<

myne never get taken (i have to take care of 6! ) i just keep them in this little pencil bag i bought i only have lyke 2 pencils in it >.<
kewl :lol: i like :D he's my fave character

i brang my tama to schol twice told teacher one time no trouble she wwass sssooooooooooo niiice once i hid it in myk bag should i bring it again

there is is this horrible girl in my class who shouts "OOOOoooooHHH!!tamagotchi!!"then she tries to take my friend's tama off her and plays with it in class and turns the sound on and plays a game and when the teacher looks she gives it to my friend,then my friend has to pick up litter all lunchtime.Hurumph!! :p :ichigotchi:

Oh my god! That same thng happened to me! My friend got it taken away and I stole it back and she TOLD THE TEACHER. What a twit!

Well really, I never brought my tama to school because I was afraid that I'd get in trouble, because in school, I'm a good grade girl. I just don't get bad grades. But when I do, it's problably only once or twice that I'd get bad grades in a whole year.


The only bad thing is that when you get mail (V4) it beeps. I almost got in trouble during a math test but luckly I it was winter and I had a heavy sweater so it was almost mute.



I love tamagotchis and I hate when teachers take them. I'm not quite a master at hiding them but here are some tricks that usually work for me:


1:If you play them during class try digging through your desk every (I don't know) 10-15 minutes and check on it then if you HAVE to. I hook mine onto my belt loop and every once and awhile glance at it.


2:Find someone you trust at the back of the room. I picked one of my friends at the very last row to hold my tamagotchi (he was always asking for it anyway) because I sat right in front of the teacher. He took care of it and almost got ours to be partners but they weren't grown up yet.


3:(you've seen this before) :) PLAY AT BATHROOM BREAKS!!!


4: I carry around a purse at school and I usually would stuff my tamagotchi in there and play it at lunch. Though I couldn't connect much at lunch.


5: The same friend actually came up with a GREAT idea that really works. When you play your tamagotchi at school keep something else small in your friend. If your teacher gets suspicious of what you are staring at hold up the small object. (a blank folded up peice of paper sometimes works)


Thats about all I really know. I'm actually on summer break now B) and going to middle school next year so I don't know that much yet. ;)

Ive never gotten my tama taken away but i have some funny things to say about how i almost did.ya see me and my 2 friends Tiffany and Sarah had brought our tamas every day to school in 4th grade. we played with them early in the morning before school started and connected and stuff. then before class we would put them on pause and put the sound off.during bathroom breaks we would play with them in the time my class was doing handwriting and my teacher leaned over my desk to check my work and i thought she wasnt looking but she was and she told me she never wanted to see that time during computer class my friend tiffanys tama was beeping alot and she didnt know it was hers so she asked me and sarah if it was ours and we said no so she checked hers and her tama was getting married.AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Our tamas would be beeping like crazy and our teacher could care less(SERIOUSLY).

this year our teacher was soooooooooooo mean that we were afraid to bring our tamas

Okay...........I have gotten my tam taken away once or twice (or maybe thrice)and I know it is not fun. Here are some tipps

If a teacher asks what it is, put it on clock mode, cover up the "tamagotchi connection" symbol, and show it to them. (NOTE) this may only work on teachers who DON'T know what tams are

If you have a REALLY mean teacher then just don't play with it during her class.

Play with it during a movie. No one will notice.

Girls, bring a purse or small bag to keep them in. I have a black bag thing meant for IPOd

's, but it can fit around three tams.

Remove the Keyring for less noise when playing with it during class.

Some teachers won't mind. My lang. arts teach doesn't care, since his daughter has one.

We show him them sometimes. My friend even named one after him!

If you don't have a purse (or are a guy) then you can just bring a wallet and hide then in there.


Hide it in your hand for quick checkups. My classmates are really mean and try and tell on my friends and I. They yell "OOOOHH, TAMAGOTCHI!"



Usually P.E. teachers & lunch ladies don't care, but the lunch monitors do!

During recess, go out some where and then play with em'

Those are all my tips fo' now. Have fun. I Gotta go, so PM any questions to me, kay"
My teachers aren't so stupid as 2 think it's a clock (it worked with my last teacher though!)

We aren't allowed to watch movies B)

The purse trick is my favourite! I have a blue purse which I got from a magazine. It's the perfect size for my V4!

Everyone (except the class bully!) just sees my tama hidden in my pencil case, and tells me I'm a daredevil, but none of them would snitch on me. :p

tama*chic*101 :(

School staff has no right to keep your personal possessions anyway, tams included!
:) :furawatchi: :unsure:
Yes they do have the right to confiscate them if they become a distraction- a.k.a. playing with them during class.

Nice tips. xD

I did the whole purse thing and had my back up plan with the time.

Okay... One time I took my Tam out to school and played with it. Like, a second before I was about to go to lunch, the teacher (social studies, my favorite subject...) saw it. So, I took a hall pass and ran to the bathroom. I missed, like 5 minutes of lunch though...

Tip; do what I did. Always works. lol
