Keep your tamagotchi from the teachers


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At our school,you have to cary your ID card around with you.I have this little Vera Bradley mini wallet thing i keep my card in.I put a tama in there once too,the purse protected it!And if someone asks what's in it say it's your lip gloss or a mirror XD

im in 5th grade going on 6th and i have snuck my tamas to school tuns. TURN TEH SOUND OFF!!! once my bff (moved) accedentilly left the sound on on the one i gave her and wen we wer taking a test she got mail and EVERYBODY heard it!!! i tried not to giggle. this happened in 4th grade, btw.

I just came up with a tip for hiding tamas like the tama-go,nano,and the color tamas.

Pretend its a pencil sharpener/clock

Tell the teacher that if you open the back,theres a hole for sharpening pencils!this will work well for the nano since its tiny.turn it to the clock screen also!check on it before you enter class,if your in middle school like me,crowded halls are suprisingly great for checking on tamas.the cameras wont be able to get a clear shot of you because there will be people walking everywhere!

Hahahahaha. My primary school and intermediate had a very strict policy on NO TAMAGOTCHIS EVER. However, my high school that I attend now has no such thing! I can play with them whenever and wherever.

But, my Japanese sensei once took away my v4.5 because I checked it in class. It's a good thing that I'm pretty popular and people didn't tease me when I cried...

My friends understand I'm a Tamagotchi Dork :3

Ounce my Tamagotchgi beeped in study and my teacher diden't say anything and it was quiet!! :eek: and ounce i wasent feeling good and had to stay in the nurces offece and took out my V4 and played with it and she dident say anything i was happy

we are not aloud tamagotchis at all in our school not even at lunch time.

once in bought mine to school and we started connecting then a teacher came over to take them of us but i hid mine then the teacher took the tamagotchis off my friend and didnt even let them pause it!!!
Thats what happend to my Elementry school!!!!

Thats only because we would swing it by the keychain part untill it flew off our fingers :p Goood times

gooood times

oh and also my tamagotchi is always haging out of my pockets

and once i almost lost my V4 hears how

we where swiching classes and i when to the next room i whent to see if it was still in my pocket it wasent i told the teacher i lost it and he let me go look for it!! :D now its out of batter

Cool! Maybe i will someday... I only have 1 recess in the grade Ii'm going into! I have one of those open desks that you put books in. I could defently make a pouch, and if my backs not facing my teacher, play with it. Never will play with it in class!

i think that u should bring the v4. that is my favorite. i think i will bring my v4 2. i am goin into 8th grade.

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I just put it in a pocket then i bring it out at nutrion break.(like recess but only 12 minutes and for middle schoolers) no one has noticed it, yet. wat a bout you?

thnx for thinkin it was a good idea!! some of my friends like them and some of them don't so i have to be careful, showing the wrong friend would be bad.

I can't decide what tama I should take on the first day of school.

Out of these versions:




Music Star

Tamatown Tama-Go


which should I take, and how should I hide it?
One thing: Do NOT bring your Idl. You have a risk of losing it, and it's to BIG to bring to school! Dist telling ya. :mametchi:

thnx for thinkin it was a good idea!! some of my friends like them and some of them don't so i have to be careful, showing the wrong friend would be bad.
This is very true. Although, I am lucky enough to have friends that won't tell on me for having one.

One thing: Do NOT bring your Idl. You have a risk of losing it, and it's to BIG to bring to school! Dist telling ya. :mametchi:
I don't have an iD L.. just an iD. Thanks for the tip though!

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