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When I was a little girl I drew a detailed picture of two naked people and showed it to a lot of random people in the store and even started to name body parts. :D I would have died if I were my mom. She found it to be quite funny. At least, now she does when we look back. . .

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I was 5, 6, or 7, And I cut my eyelashes off one eye.
Ah, that reminds me. Once upon a time in fifth grade I thought my eyebrows were too bushy, so I decided to cut a little off. In the shower, I used my razor to cut off what I thought was a little bit of hair. I felt the area I shaved, and it didn't feel right. I looked in the mirror, and I had NO eyebrows. My mom helped me pencil in fake eyebrows for two months. The end.

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Ha ha ha. I had a similar experience. Except I only had a little nub of an eyebrow. :D

Well. When I was I think Six I saw super glue sitting on my little dinner table that I always ate on Well I thought it was eye Drops and I always saw out room mate using eye drops so I tried to. Well Someone was coming down the stairs  and I tried to hurry All I know is I cant see to well out of my  Right eye and I had to dip my hands and head into hot water to make all the glue to away It was pretty back
At first, I just skimmed it, and thought you wrote hot glue gun xD

Well, I called 911 when I was little xD

Rolled down the stairs a lot. It hurt.

I was in the washroom, and I started playing with my sister's contacts, then it went down the sink... xD

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Ah. I have had some interesting stories and stupid things to happen to me, because I'm one of those people who do/say things without thinking most of the time. xD

When I was... Eight? Or seven? I got really mad at something and threw a remote at the wall in my room. If you came here this very second, I could show you where the mark in the wall is. xD

At the age of nine or so, there was this annoying piece of hair that wouldn't sit down near the back of my scalp. Yeah. I took some scissors and chopped the WHOLE strand of hair off. When it grew back, it looked like I had a chicken tail growing out the back of my head. .__.

I was outside pulling on some blanket with my teeth, trying to play tug-of-war with a dog of mine, and a loose tooth fell out of my mouth. XD 'Twas funny.


I was pulling on my mom's body pillow with my teeth... It broke. I cried.

I've toppled over a Christmas tree. It fell on me. I guess I was just eager.

I've jumped off a building. Very very dangerous, kids. xP

Ahahahahaaa. I've done the vitamin thing. NOM NOM NOM.

When I was five, I thought the little powdery circle things for egg dye was candy. So. I ate them. Very colorful mouth.

I've cut my own hair before. I gave myself a mullet. I still have the parts from my bangs.

I've helped a stray cat give itself a bath. Very very stupid child. xD

And today, I stuck a tissue up my nose. Then, I sneezed. ASPLOOOOOOODE. xDDD

Once, I tried to take my mom's cookies. She wouldn't let me. She told me they were Diet Food For Mommy Cookies. I stayed away from those for years.

And finally. I broke my glasses on purpose once, because they were so ugly. x'D

One time i swallowed Pokemon vitimans xD there where my older cousins xD

THIS ONE IS SO FREAKING FUNNY: One Time i Left my drawing paper on my bed. and so My friend comes over and when i saw what see drew it was Timmy-Turner And Barbie, and GI joe in a Sex orgy o_O EWWWW!!!!!!!!!

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Well, here's one that'll sure brighten you're Christmas spirit. :D

When I was little (like around 6 to 8 years old), me and my sisters would always make this "poison milk" for Santa Claus. We would mix toothpaste, marshmallow paste, milk, cookie crumbs, and a lotta other stuff into a giant thing and put it out for "Santa" so that we could catch him, have him knocked out. Oh the things we did for Santa. xD

Another thing that happened when I was little is I was inside the kitchen when I was about 4 and I was carrying 2 OPEN milk cartons for who knows why! Anyways, I ended up dropping them all over the place and slipping on the milk, my mom walked in, ended up slipping as well, then my sisters came in and starting running around with me around my mom laughing. My mom ended up screaming at us about it later. xD

And now, the story of how I broke my arm, very stupidly.

I was about 4, almost 5 maybe and I was playing a game of "Queen" where I stacked up chairs and then sat on the very top one with my queen crown on. So I go onto the top of 2 plastic chairs (not very sturdy at all), and I end up falling down upon the hard, wooden floor of my house, breaking my arm and having to be rushed out to the hospital. Because of the dumb old fashioned times that I lived in I didn't have a water-proof cast and I had to always hold my hand outside of the bathtub while taking a bath. LOL.

Another story (which you'll find very surprising if you ask me, because I'm usually a really happy and crazy person)... when I was little I was obsessed with horses (okay, I wasn't, but my mom was, and put me in all these horse crap things), so I was in Horse Camp for the summer and they always would ask me why I never smiled, until one day the evil horse stomped on my foot and screamed so loudly and they were like oh it'll be okay, it'll be okay but I was crying so hard (I was like 7, lol), and then they asked me a few minutes later, "Why aren't you smiling?" and I just glared at them thinking, really? Really? WHY AREN'T I SMILING? I just got my foot stomped on by a horse! Anyways, at the end of the horse camp I ended up getting an award and they announced, "To the girl who never smiled," and wrote that on my "Horse Camp certificate". I still have that thing somewhere. xD

And lastly, there was this one time when we were moving out of our old house and into the new one (which we live in now), and we were helping clean up the stuff because the people who had just been renting out the house had left a big mess and we found this giant tranchula(spelling?) except the thing was that it wasn't even real, it was just a fake one and me and my mom screamed SO loudly and the people who were helping us sell the house came in and were like, "what what?" and then we're like, "THERE'S A GIANT SPIDER!" and then they showed us it was fake. xD

Well, up until I was nine, I was terrified of Chuck E. Cheese. So one day when I was six I was playing Ski-Ball, and I saw the guy in the costume walking up to my brother (who was about two) to give him a hug. Being the naive child I was, I screamed bloody murder and threw the ski-ball in my hand at him. It hit the guy square in the head, and he toppled over and landed on the ground. Kids started screaming after he didn't move for a couple minutes, and some girl screamed "SHE KILLED CHUCK-E!"
Ah, the good old days :3
Wow, that's hilarious! For some reason I can't seem to remember anything interesting from when i was little.... i'll tell you, though, that when i was little i had no friends. it was so sad, but now i have tons of friends, so it's all good. :D

Spiders...I hate spiders!

When I was ten I had TERRIBLE arachnophobia (I still do, but I've gotten better). So I was doing my homework on my floor, when I saw what looked like a giant daddy longlegs spider. I screamed and ran into my sister's room. My dad came up and went into my room, and came to me holding...a dust bunny. :D Whoops! :p

I got my mums expensive shampoo and poured it down the shower drain. (lots of bubbles came out of the floor drain, which is connected to the shower drain)

I ate leaves and slugs out of the garden.

I had to pee really bad and i was outside. So I stood behind the cubbyhouse and peed all over the fence. (I was 3)

I pood in the bath and sat there prodding it. Then I said, Look Mummy, boat!

We got a wii fitboard for Christmas and there's a game called Scale Challenge. Basically, you to find objects and place them on the board that are about the chosen weight. 9lb can up, and my little sister and I didn't have anything close to hand, so I told her to lean on it. She went and stood on the board.

"No," I said, "not your whole weight." Then she lifted one leg up... XD

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