Keep out of reach of children.


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
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probably memes
Okay, so there was a topic called Keep out of reach of children that got bumped and closed. I thought it looked pretty interesting so I've brought it back to life. Basically, you post funny stories from when you were little. As Krystal said when she made this topic:

"C'mon, you know we all have funny stories of when we were little."

So, me, well, when I was about five or six years old, my mum accidently made a fire in the kitchen. Me and my sister hid in the pantry. My mum was going "Where are you?" and I was saying "We're over here" and my mum was like "Where's here?" and I was like "Over here!" and that went on for a while. (or so my mum tells it)

So, you?

Woot. Bringing back my old topic. x3

Well as I said, I climbed up and ate pretty much a whole bottle of those Flintstones vitamins. :'D They were so good/disgusting. 8D

Woot. Bringing back my old topic. x3
Well as I said, I climbed up and ate pretty much a whole bottle of those Flintstones vitamins. :'D They were so good/disgusting. 8D
omg i used to do that too :)

I covered my brother in oil and talcom powder xD

I was five years old, and my cousin was three. We were in the playroom of my gran's house and there was a treadmill in the room! After pressing buttons at random, it accidentally came on at a high speed. Since my cousin was at the back of the treadmill, he lost his footing and fell in the miniature space between the couch and the treadmill. God, did I ever get in trouble.

Oh yeah. When I was four and my cousin (same cousin) was three, we were playing secret spies with toy guns. And since I was smart enough to know how to load it, I climbed up in the tree and pelted him with styrofoam.

OH YEAH. I just saw the word treadmill and that reminded me:

One time I was being an idiot when I was young and got on the treadmill. Big mistake. It was going way too fast and I fell and my hair got caught in the moving part. x_____x

April: Win.

^ OOOH I saw those Flintstones vitamins at Wal-Mart.

I guess I was about three and squirted some of mom's Nivea cream on the sofa.

I was afraid that she'd yell at me, so I bent down and licked some of it off.

It tasted really weird and sourish. Then I used some of the leftover cream to style my hair. I did some pretty stupid things when I was little. xD

EDIT; Typo.

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My mom was talking to her friend and I wanted to go home, so I started running across the street just when a car was coming. My mom screamed and grabbed my arm, nearly breaking it. xD

My mum's told me quite a lot (I was a weird little kid). The only one I can come up with from the top of my head is the time when I made a giant idiot of myself...again.

Well I was at this park playing on the climbing frame bit and there were these boys under it making ghost noises trying to scare me, so I turned to them and said, "Don't you know I'm a princess? You must NEVER frighten a princess!" then I kicked one of them and they all started laughing their ***** off.



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I just remembered another one.

I was about six years old. My sister was about two. I found some scissors in a cupboard under the bath and I cut both of our hair. It was so horrible, especially on me, that my mum had to shave our hair. I ended up bald for a while.

OMG this is cute, hilarious, and embarrassing at the same time:

When I was three, me, My aunt, My mum, My grandparents, And my cousin all went to this weird amusement park. I found a 5 dollar bill on the ground, so I ran off and bought ice cream. Then since everyone in my family went in the maze, so I waited for them at the exit.

Ohyes. In first grade we went to the carnival for our end of the year field trip, and Sam and Jason got lost in the hedge maze, so me and someone else (I can't remember who) went in to find him, then WE got lost. So after we found Sam and Jason, we just crawled through all the shortcuts hidden in the maze.

Well. When I was I think Six I saw super glue sitting on my little dinner table that I always ate on Well I thought it was eye Drops and I always saw out room mate using eye drops so I tried to. Well Someone was coming down the stairs and I tried to hurry All I know is I cant see to well out of my Right eye and I had to dip my hands and head into hot water to make all the glue to away It was pretty back

I remember, back when I was about five years old, my older sister (who was seven at the time) convinced me that if I stayed in the bathtub too long, I would rust. And of course she was my older sister, I looked up to her and trusted her completely, so I refused to take a bath for three days and started crying when my mom made me before I told her. Kirsten got in trouble. :3

[she also tried to tell me later on that a new state called Indigo had risen out of the ocean next to Alaska. I told on her. :D ]

To get revenge for the lies that she had told me, I later crawled up on my mom's bed and waited for her to pass.. I jumped on her back, knocked her over, grabbed two fist-fulls of hair and started beating her face repeatedly into the (carpeted) floor. I was an evil child.

Hmm. Oh, we (as in Kirsten, me, and three other kids who lived near us in our apartment building who all happened to be siblings) all had a grudge against this particularly snotty girl who lived around the corner and always ruined our games, so we started the "Anti-Emily Club." She later heard that we had a club and asked to join, so we had to quickly change the name to "The Super Fun House Club." We eventually kicked her out. xD

Haha. I also remember my mom used to make "Magic Water" for Kirsten and I if we complained of a stomach ache or a headache. To find out if we were faking it or not, she would just add sugar and food coloring to a glass of water and have us drink it, but of course we couldn't see it because "the magic wouldn't work" if we did. She had to add the secret ingredient in private, obviously. A few minutes after we drank it, she would ask if we felt better, and if the answer was yes, we were faking. If we threw up purple water, then we weren't. xD We eventually found out what she was up to.

Ahahaha. I love my childhood memories. :3

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I followed my cat down the stairs when I was a baby. Ouch.

I drew on the wall, and my dad actually LET ME do it.

I drew spots on myself.

I dropped my cat in the bathtub... I still feel bad about that.

I refused to get my hands wet in the bath.

I picked my nose and ate it.

I refused to cut my nails.

I kept some snails in a fish bowl in my house, and they kept escaping, and I would find them weeks later on the ceiling or something, still alive... One even had eggs, but they didn't hatch.

I touched a piece of dog poo because I thought it was something else, I don't remember what o_O

I only wanted one friend at a time for some reason.

I locked the bathroom door, then went outside and closed it, and my sister had lost the key. My dad had to break open the door o.o

I slapped some annoying girls in the face :huh:

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Well. In Theater one day I was back stage about ready to walk on stage We were just going over lines But I jumped on my friends back and Another friend came over Jumped on mine and I was in the hospital for two days..

once when i was 12, we were in this meat shop, i was playing with this meat grinder, and the metal handle fell off, the WHOLE store went quiet and looked at me. The same time that day we were in this restuarant supply store, they had these knives where you squeeze it and it chops, well they had clips on them to keep them closed, i took a clip off and it shot half way across the aisle, luckily noone saw me. and when i was 8 or 9 me and sister were jay walking, i looked both ways but my sis didnt, she was in the middle of the road and a car stopped a centimetre away from her, all these people stopped to see if is she was okay....and when i was 7 i had really long har, i could never get it away from my eyes, so i took some scissors, and cut my bangs part way, so i had a window to see out of XD

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Well, up until I was nine, I was terrified of Chuck E. Cheese. So one day when I was six I was playing Ski-Ball, and I saw the guy in the costume walking up to my brother (who was about two) to give him a hug. Being the naive child I was, I screamed bloody murder and threw the ski-ball in my hand at him. It hit the guy square in the head, and he toppled over and landed on the ground. Kids started screaming after he didn't move for a couple minutes, and some girl screamed "SHE KILLED CHUCK-E!"

Ah, the good old days :3

Oh yes, kittens. Tons and tons of kittens. xD

One kitten scratched me right by the eye. RIGHT BY IT. I'm lucky to be seeing. I had a scrape there for quite a while. I felt like Anakin. 8D

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