Just got a new TamaGo and I have a few questions..


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Lord Fabulous

New member
Feb 5, 2012
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Okay, so when I was reaaaalllyyyyy little I had two Tamgotchis, I forget what version they were, but I LOVED them. Now, many years later, I have rediscovered Tamagotchis! I found a new TamaGo for only 10 bucks, so I got it. My Tama is now 1 year old and I have a few questions about this new form of Tamagotchi (screw you technology):

If my Tama mates with another (from the dating place once they grow up) and they have a baby, do I keep my Tama, the baby, and my Tama's partner? Or do I just keep mine and the baby? Or... What?

And when my Tama "leaves", since it doesn't die apparently, what causes it to leave? I know if I don't feed it, don't play with it, let it get sick, etc. it will leave, but will it leave from old age? Or will it stay with me forever as long as I take care of it? I honestly hope it leaves from age eventually. I like the idea of it getting old then dying so it can "live on through it's children" or whatever. Or at least go to a retirement home after a while or something.

Thanks in advance! :)

Your tama adult will leave 48 hours of being un-paused. (You will have two adults for the 48 hours, the parents) Once the 48 hours is up, at midnight they will leave the baby and you will continue to care for the baby like you just hatched it.

I don't think your tamagotchi dies from old age, it's just how long you choose to take care of it until you finally let it die, but I'm not sure. xD

But if you have a baby, like SailorRosette said, your adult tamagotchi and the baby will be there for 48 hours, and then at midnight the adult will leave you with the baby, and you pretty much do the same thing over again.

So, baby->toddler->teen->adult->marriage+baby->baby->toddler, etc!

If you choose to not get married, then you'll just have that same tamagotchi until you let it die.

Thanks! So I'm assuming I don't keep their partner D:

Edit: sorry didn't read it all the way, ignore what i said lol

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Nope. Only the baby stays. If you have had the parents and the baby for 48 hours... At 11:55 you can watch the parents sit and watch the baby sleep. Then at Midnight, They will leave the baby. Then you will begin anew. Both Parents leave, but they will be added into a book log at the bottom. You can view them again there.

Ok and another thing, my Tama is still one year old and it's an adult (Mametchi).. Is that normal for a TamaGo? I was hoping it would be like, 6 or 7 by the time it got to be an adult so I could breed as soon as possible.

Okay, so when I was reaaaalllyyyyy little I had two Tamgotchis, I forget what version they were, but I LOVED them. Now, many years later, I have rediscovered Tamagotchis! I found a new TamaGo for only 10 bucks, so I got it. My Tama is now 1 year old and I have a few questions about this new form of Tamagotchi (screw you technology):

If my Tama mates with another (from the dating place once they grow up) and they have a baby, do I keep my Tama, the baby, and my Tama's partner? Or do I just keep mine and the baby? Or... What?

And when my Tama "leaves", since it doesn't die apparently, what causes it to leave? I know if I don't feed it, don't play with it, let it get sick, etc. it will leave, but will it leave from old age? Or will it stay with me forever as long as I take care of it? I honestly hope it leaves from age eventually. I like the idea of it getting old then dying so it can "live on through it's children" or whatever. Or at least go to a retirement home after a while or something.

Thanks in advance! :)
If you Tama mates with a partner from the dating place, the character that you married will come and live with you. Then a few days later a egg will appear on the screen. This will then hatch and you will have a baby on your hands.

For the first few days you don't have to do anything, other than the basic care that you would normally give your tamagotchi. Your parent will look after the baby.

After a little while, (Two days I believe) your parents (mum and dad) will leave and you will be left with your baby to look after then. This Is called a generation. The parents have gone back to Tamagotchi Planet now.

If you choose not to mate then it will grow old, and evolve into the old characters. Then it will eventually die from old. You will then have to restart by holding (a) and © at the same time. A new egg will then appear.

Hope I've helped. If there are anymore questions feel free to PM me :)


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