When I was in high school and college I had them on silent and on a lanyard round my neck or just in my pocket. I'd have 2-5 connections running at a time so it was pretty obvious I had them. I think personally I'm very lucky that although I wasn't ever popular at school, I was well known and had a lot of friends so I never had any issues from peers, if for some reason I did I knew there would always be someone nearby who would stick up for me, but nothing ever happened so I was fine c: I remember in another thread I spoke about college, but when you get to that age and have them on show everyones just really fascinated and wants to play with them and they talk about theirs, I shockingly made a lot more friends at college because it was an ice breaker and people just stop you in the corridors to ask about them

The only person at college who gave me hassle was one of my art teachers who said they were fine to have out but she'd always make snide remarks about them being babies toys and how I need to grow up, lmao.
I now work full time as an apprentice hairdresser, if I worked in an office or something I'd try risking it but hairdressers are notoriously cattier places to work and it's very difficult to hide them in that sort of environment, I tried once with my V5, I kept it in a coin pouch instead of my Alpacasso one so it was a lot more inconspicuous but I had to carry it everywhere because no matter where I'd have it other employees can get to it and I couldn't risk it.
For just under 2 months I had it set so it woke up when I got back from work and would be awake throughout the night so I'd be tending to it half asleep

This was just irritating and it meant I also wasn't looking after it properly and it just started to feel like a chore, which isn't what I want tamas to be.
I've had my V5 on pause for about 3 weeks now just because I've been too busy for it altogether, if I could take it into work though I'd have it running full time