Jr High


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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
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Im going to Jr High next year. (Finally)

And there's alot of changes. I already had the experience of changing schools so I get all the new ppl stuff. But what are the other changes like, is there a real diffrence, changing classes for each subject are the teachers nicer. I just want a little heads up.



Lol, The transition between grade 6 and 7, is nothing compared to the transition from jr. high to high school. Im on my last year of Jr. high, and go in to level 1 high school (grade 9 to some people). The teachers for me were the same, be cause my High, Jr.High, and middle school are all attached together. The teachers wont have much of a change in personality. The homework is different. You will get your first big indefinite homework. What i mean by this is an assignment they assign at the beginning of the year, and expect done by the end of the year. No due date per say. You will have other assignments with this one so, start it early if it comes. Tests are the same basically. Midterms wont happen for you (thank god lol) But finals will. You'll stress for finals, but as long as you study before and after finals you'll do ok. BTW what i mean is, after the final itself, you get the rest of the day off to study. So if you do the final for four hours, or two hours, or one, then you get the rest of the time in the school day to study in school, or at home.

Changing classes... Hm... your teachers may still come to you, but in modules ( choice classes) you have to leave and go to another part of the school. For example, in Home Economics, you would go to the kitchen or a class room, to learn about cooking and babysitting and stuff like that, and to do cooking and stuff like that. As you can see, there is not much of a transition, but if you ever need help, guidance, advice, or other wise, feel free to PM me.

There is a real difference.

They don't treat you like a kid, they treat you in a mature way (so they expect you to be mature). The new schedule isn't too bad. You get used to it after about a month. The eigth greders may be a bit mean to you, but if you act like you don't care they'll stop.


If you want to know more, jsut ask me. ;D

Each teacher has a different personality.

There's teachers you enjoy, teachers your afraid of, teachers you hate, and teachers that are just plain insane.

And don't worry about the class transition. You'll get used to it. :D

You'll find your way around, and you'll be fine. :)

Plus, seeing different people every 45 min. (or whatever) is nice. :)

I am going to expand a little on what i said earlier.

As far as grade 8 bullying, don't worry about it. I know personally some students at your school, and they will be more then happy to help you out, and bullying probably wont occur (unless you hang out with the skeets (if there are any, mainly in high school) Skeets are drug users basically. They wont bother you, if you just don't talk to them. As for seeing new people every once in a while, the people stay the same in jr. high, the teachers just change, except in module classes, which is a mix of grade 7s and 8s. They are put together in a class. Don't worry about the grade 8s in these classes, as usually 50% or more of the class is grade 7s, and the grade eights wont bother you. I like this quote " they don't treat you like a kid any more". Thats not exactly true. In Jr. High your 12-14. They wont baby you or anything, and you will have a hell of allot more freedom, but if you ever need help with something, they will give it willingly, and they still check homework in math and stuff thats meant for personal development and extra learning. They dont put every thing on you. They assign lockers, time tables, and all that stuff. Not much change there. Also as for being mature. I have met 4th graders more mature then jr. highers. Sometimes you just gotta be. The teachers kind of expect that. They are still liniant with punishment, and so, they wont tell you to leave or give you detention for just any thing.

Yeah, if i think of any thing else ill add it.

Remember, PM me if you need further help.

Im going to Jr High next year. (Finally)And there's alot of changes. I already had the experience of changing schools so I get all the new ppl stuff. But what are the other changes like, is there a real diffrence, changing classes for each subject are the teachers nicer. I just want a little heads up.


Ah, middle school. A social hellhole as I describe my 2 years experience with it. From it I've learned a lot, and I shall pass on the 9 most important things I learned. They'll help if you're considered "unpopular" like me.

  • Be careful who you tell what. Saying the wrong thing to another clique (especially "populars") will result in social suicide.
  • I'm not against free speech, but speaking your mind too much will freak people out.
  • If you have a crush on someone, it usually is best to first be friends because you may not be sure if they're sincere when they compliment you.
  • If you feel isolated, just focus on your studies. Don't try so hard to win someone's respect that you scare them off.
  • Be yourself around everyone. Do not, I repeat, do NOT, be a social chameleon. People will come to the conclusion that you're two-faced.
  • Be strong and know your priorities. For example, let's say you're excellent in school and you get into your first relationship. If you become too wrapped up with your partner, your grades might begin dropping. That'll hurt.
  • Despite what you've heard about X teacher, they're good teachers. You just have to find what's good in them.
  • For the sake of your digestive system, bring your lunches to school if you can.
  • Probably the most important - find out who you are by the end of middle school. Then you'll be able to go off to high school knowing what courses you're interested in, and you might even prefer those things in college and get a job in that area.

Well, I feel the same way as you, when I first heard Jr. High. You can believe I was pretty intimidated, but it's okay. I'm a Freshman in High School now, and I'm happy I made it through that year on a good note. But, trust me, you'll be fine. Just remember that if you're worried about being late to class, just go straight there, and when you get into a grove, you can do what I do, and stop off, and talk to friends. Also, each teacher is different, and if you don't give them any problems..they'll like you...trust me. Anyway, another thing is to always stay with the good kids, and find the right kind of people to hang out with. You'll do just fine. Trust me, I've been through it. :D :D

well i want to know too. but my friend is going in 8th and we had a school party at the jr high. they had lockers like evrywhere and u get treated different than in k-6th. you don't share lockers (thank god) cause we share lockers now and i don't really like my lockermate.

good luck

It's fine! I am in jr high, and finding your way around is hard the first couple days, but then it's fun! You get to meet new people, but not all of them are good.

It's actually fun!

Junior high is just an peek into what things in high school will be like..it's not usually that bad. Watch what you say, and make sure that you have good friends :D

Junior high is just an peek into what things in high school will be like..it's not usually that bad. Watch what you say, and make sure that you have good friends :D
Middle school wasn't that hard for me. People seemed to get curious about me after a month or so, since I had no friends once I first got into 6th grade. Now, in 10th grade, I have all my friends from Middle School still here with me! :pochitchi:

I'm going to high school next year.

AS an eighth-grader, we aren't allowed to bully anyone at our school. The rules are marked quite clearly and if any of the violations are subjected, (eg. hitting) we get sent straight home immediately. However, check your Jr.High's rules and talk about them with your parents and/or principle if you have any concerns with them.

woah...i started middle in 6th grade and i am still in 6th grade...next is 7th grade and i am very scared....lol

By the way even tho i am a year younger then you middle school is fun to me :] you feel more independant and you will meet TONS of new people from other schools you never even heard about it. This year was really fun and i love being the youngest in the school lol


It's a pretty big transition at first. I remember in September when I started Middle School I had no idea where to go so my friend in 8th grade had to walk me there. Then I couldn't find my way to the gym and I had to ask this 7th grade teacher where it was. You have to switch classes most of the time. You'll get used to your schedule and stuff though after a few weeks.

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