Jordboss's New Logs


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2010
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Hello and welcome to my new logs. These are written to replace the old ones,These are new logs that I have written over the past few days. The main reason for there being some new logs is that the old log was getting filled up and I needed to add some more pictures and information and it was just messed up, Insted of trying to get it all fixed and looking nice it was just better to start again. I hope that you will find these logs easy to read and will continue to visit often.


21st July 2011




Version 2


I still have my 2 version 2's running with me, They are doing fine. The other night I decided to connect them with the love potion, a few hours after that they decided they were going to have little children, This supprised me as I thought they would have mated the day after they first fall in love. The Male Ben ( Kusatchi) connected and went over to the females house ( Fuwatchi) and they both looked at each other, Did a little kissing face and then the screen went black and lots of fireworks shot across the screen and next thing I know, there is two little black baby boys tsanding on my screen.




A few days later the mother and father decided it was time to leave the children in my care. I named them Alex and Zak. Alex is housed in the U.K Camolflauged case and Zak is in a purple case. I hope for Alex to mate with my other v2 and have 2 girls and I hope for Zak to either grow old and stay with me or just get married with help from the match maker. As of 15:47 they are Young-Mimitchi.







This morning I decided that I was going to buy a tamagotchi ID-L, but until I have all my money in my account I am unable to buy it off ebay. I have found it for a good price of just £37 ($60) with shipping. I will be buying it tomorrow when I put my money into the bank. I looked into my draw and a saw my tama-go. I have only played with it for just under 2 generations and I have decided to give it another chance. In one way it is like a traditional tamagotchi but with some Color features, I suppose that it cool but I really want a ID-L now.






I took it out of my draw and put two next AAA batteries into it and saw that on my screen was a 6 year old Shimashimatchi along with his wife Makiko, I guess in a few days they will have a son or a daughter. I also wonder how long the batteries will last since they are cheap ones I bought quite a while back. I wish they would accept rechargeable ones.





I then looked in my memory's under the last selectable menu, (the book) and I found a image of my Old Pipotchi, for some reason she was 8 but it showed 13yrs's a glitch or what?

Well that it all for now friends and mates and such, I will post later n if anything else happens. Otherwise it will be tomorrow now. Bye!


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23rd July 2011

It's 16:56 and I'm bored, so bored I'm watching football! And those of you that know me would know that I hate footie! Anyway, this log is going to be mainly just about me and what I have been up to with my Tama's over the past few days and since the last post.


On Thursday, I decided that I was going to buy a ID-L. I had been wanting one for a while now and yesterday I had the corouge to finally buy one. But (there is always a but! XD) I had no money in my bank, also I had no PayPal account and no eBay account in my name. So I signed up and took a long walk into the top to top up my account. I then got home and then I sat at the pc deciding if I should buy a ID-L or a Kindle. Eventually after much thought and Internet browsing I decided that I was to buy a ID-L as they are rare and I never know when I would find one again for such a good price. After all I could always save up for kindle an I don't really want one. Don't get me wrong but I would rather pick up a book and read it if you get what I mean? So after that I then bought it and selected EMS shipping so it should be here by next Friday with luck! Hopefully sooner! :)


I'll write more in a bit :)

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23rd July Continued.

Well I did plan on updating this earlier but I have just had no time. I am so busy all of the time at the moment. I have family related stuff and also I am not well as my tonsils are swollen and I am wating for a tonsilectomy. Ill start by finishing off about the ID L and then talk about the tama's.

I had a email a couple of hours ago saying that my ID L would arrive in about 5 days and gave me a tracking number, im glad I payed for EMS and not standard as anything could have happened! I will be adding this to the log later when it arrives.


I woke up very late today, (12:21) and I though, what if the Tamas are dead. i quickly shot up and looked down at the little screens and saw that they were fine and there were a little baby girl bouncing arround on the screen. Other than that and a few games thats all that has really happened!


These are doing just fine. When I woke up they were ill and just had no hearts filled. after taking care of that they both evolved , one was Gozaratchi and the other Zuccitchi. I kind off guessed that as the had bad care! Opp's! hehe better luck next time! :)

Sorry no pictures they will be in the next log, I am off now! Night :)

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25th July 2011


Welcome to my logs for today. I have a death today which is sad and it is all my fault. I should have looked after my little Gozarutchi more. I hope he is happy in Tama-Planet now. :( Anyway because of that I have put him away and got his brother and friend out of the draw and I am running them, so to make it easier I will post pictures and explain it all along the way.


Introducing the new line up of Tama's featured in this log!




So up first we have Hoshitchi, (The Tama-Go) She was born on the 23rd of July 2011 to Shimashimatchi and Makiko, They departed on the 24th of July leaving there daughter in my care, She has plans to become a unhealthy character. (A challenge for me :) ) She is currently 1 YR and 75lb on the 3rd generation.




Up next we have Ben (Kusatchi) son. He is called Zak and has had a tough life so far. He had to deal with his brother dieing, his wife and his 2 Niece's passing away. This made him decided he does not want any kids and just grow old with his best friend Charma (Maskitchi). He is currently 5 YR's 97lb and 2nd Generation.




We then have Charma (Maskitchi) She had a easy life and was born from a egg that I hatched 7 days ago. She is currently 7 and is going to turn a oldie soon. I hope for her to turn old and have a child with her best friend (See above)


Well i have got to go for the mineut but I will be back later with more pictures! :)

25th July 2011 (Continued)


Welcome back, Sorry I left the last log with out much info on the tama's, I was so busy and in a hurry to post it that I forgot to write as much information in it. Anyway I am back now and have a few pictures to show you. I think the pictures will go over the limit so this might have to be stretched over two posts. I introduced you to the new line up earlier, well we have even more new ones. We have 5 tama's running at the moment. I show you them all below, Please dont feel to upset that the Music Star has gone ( :) I really don't like them. The only bit that i did actually like was that I had Kuromametchi on it as I have never had him before.




The Tama go has been doing fine and is staying in the log as for now. However I do have plans to scrap it eventually and just run my ID-L when it arrives so that will be its replacement. Anyway he evolved today into ChuChutchi, Anyway here are some pictures that I took earlier before he changed.






Version 2


The twins turned 5 today but sadly one of them departed. It was so quick, one minuet he was there and then the next he was gone. All in a flash he was gone. It really suprised me as I had a big plan for him so thats the end of him. I now just have Zak, he is going to mate with my Maskitchi (Chama)






Version 3


Chama is fine and is still aged 7 today, not much happened with her. All I know is that she is going to mate with my other tamagotchi, (Above) Here she is :)





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Quick update:

Im coming back with my Tamagotchi's. Most likely it will be tomorrow now because its late and I am so tiered that I am unable to start up any! :)

Well just a quick note before I continue. Forget all of the information above because I'm not using them tamagotchi's now :)

I've always wanted a vintage Tamagotchi, so I decided to give ebay a look. The first listing was a old worn and tiered tamagotchi P2 that looked like it could do with a home. I was so exited and could not wait to receive my little tama. But I had to wait for it to arrive from japan and into the United Kingdom.

When it arrived, I immediately took the P2 out of it's box and stared at it. I could see a worn and tiered little tamagotchi that was unloved and needed a new home and new owner. I knew what to do. I gently pulled out the tab to awaken the tamagotchi from its sleep.

I sat patiently and attached my eyes to the egg that sat watching me from the tiny screen. The casing surrounding the tiny creature was a plain and simple yellow colour. Towards the edge of the screen there is a warn and faded orange colour. Suddenly the tiny egg shook with excitement. I stopped and realised that the tiny egg was about to hatch. I quickly picked the tamagotchi up from the warm quilt it was placed on and held it tightly in my hands. I sat back down, exited to see what will happen next. It shook once more. I was so excited, so intrigued to find out what was in store. Quickly, The eggshell exploded, leaving behind an adorable white creature, The characters name is Babytchi and he is to turn into one of my favourite characters of all time: Mimitchi. Well, I hope so. He is best care character you can possibly get on the P2, he requires amazing care and needs attention every 15-30 mins. During this time he will drop a heart and you need to fill it up and never let it go bellow 1 heart empty on each!

After being filled up on all of the hearts and playing several games he soon was very happy and stuffed with food. Then he pooped, took a nap and was sick and cured. He soon evolved into TonMarutchi.

Today I also hatched up my Osutchi and Mesutchi. At first when the hatched they looked like little poops. Im happy that I am running these again. I have kinda been missing them. For some reason I seem to like some of the older ones more than the connections. Its properly because I have run more of them than the connections. I guess that it will change in time. Like regular Tamagotchi, Kuritchi needed that one hour and 5 mins of constant care. I admit I fed a few snacks because I though that s/he needed a treat. They took a nap, pooped twice, got sick, and finally changed into Mohitamatchi.

At the moment I am down my auntie's and she doesn't have a pc that has internet so I am writing this up on my good old blackberry. Then I will go onto tama talk and my website and post this log. When I first started up Osutchi and Mesutchi, I had to go looking around the house for some batteries because I have non left. Well I did find some very old ones that are the wrong size and have about a days worth of life left in them. So tomorrow I am going to take a short walk into town and buy 4 new batteries. LR44 ones are hard to find now er days because the connections used CR2032 and now we are on AAA batteries sooo..... Anyway I'm unsure what I will be doing when my current P2's pass away. I think that I might put them back in storage and leave them for a few weeks or months and just use my Osutchi and Mesutchi for a while. Well I also think its time to wrap this log up for now, well regards :)

(Pictures are coming in the up coming logs)

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