Jordboss's Descriptive Tama Log


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We're finally here! :L

28th May 2012

I have posted since the last log but it hasn't uploaded for some reason. What a shame :(

A lot has happened since last time, I'm not longer running my Osutchi and Mesutchi. I'm taking a break from them. I found it hard to get good characters when I was unable to give them good care.


Since my last post, Makiko has been doing well, she decided to go to the Match maker today and fell in love with Mametchi. She tolled me that she ha always had a crush on him and that he was the love her her life.

Anyway here she is just before we went to the Match Maker.


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29th May 2012

Wow! Im actually updating two days in a row. Im going to try and do this more often from now on.


Well last time I posted, Makiko had had a baby with Mametchi from the date place. After having a awesome date with him, she gave birth to a wonderful bouncing baby (Momoiritchi). After playing and spending a Mother and Daughter moment, Momo decided to sleep. Makiko took advantage of the moment to depart leaving little Momo in my care.

I gave Momo really good care and it wasn't long until she evolved into Paletchi. Momo then decided to change her icons from the tree and houses to the apples. She also wanted to play a few games to try and get enough money to redecorate the house. We played several games and then decided to download a few items onto the ID L. She was so happy and thanked me for hours for getting new items for her. We visited the park and then she decided to go to sleep.

This morning we woke up at 7:00am. It was time to get up and head of to school. I didn't take her with me today but just before I left I saw that she had changed into Sabosabotchi, the same character that her Mother was. I hope I don't get a Makiko again. Although it was nice having her she isn't my favourite character and I want to collect all of the 2 hapy stamps. Variety is the spice of life after all. We didn't do much today because I did not get home till late. I did take a photo though.


31st May 2012


Momo has spent most of the day on pause. It's been to hard to give her good care. So that's why there isn't much to update. Anyway I'll be posting a little bit later. Here's a picture of her:


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1st June 2012


Momo woke up at 7am as usual and decided that she was going to receive her happy symbols. After earning them she finally got the 4th one. We then set off to the match maker and saw Mametchi. She said that she chose him because he looked like her father.

We looked after he beautiful baby boy. Yurapatchi was born. After saying good bye to his mother and playing some games he took a nap. When he woke up his mother was gone and he was left in my care. We then played a few games and ate a few meals. He then settled down and went to sleep.

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