Jordboss'es Logs 2012-


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Hello and Welcome to my new logs. After much thought I have decided that I will relaunch my logs. Instead of creating a new log, im going to continue this one, just under a new page :)

24-25 Febuary 2012


Kati decided this morning to go to the match maker. After earning her last happy stamp a few minuets earlier, we set off to find a partner for her. It wasn't log before Mametchi popped up. She told me that bit was love at first sight :)


Just a quick note, my IPhone broke so I am using my iPod now. This is why the picture quality is no longer any good.


After going on a date and being proposed to, Kati return home with a egg. After a few mins, She hatched into Momoritchi. Kati then left me with her baby, who I have named Tokyo. After around a hour of neediness and being sick twice, Tokyo evolved into Rolotchi. Just like her mother did. I hope she doesn't evolve into Pompomtchi like her mother :( . We then looked at the status meter and cha he's the icons to the apples! I have been waiting for this for a while now. Tokyo loved the change aswell. After a long hard day of playing and visiting the park, Tokyo went to sleep.


My p2 decided to leave aswell today. It was sad because he had been with me for just over two weeks. I have decided not to rehatch him this time but to give him some rest. Good bye :(

That all for this log but don't worry I'll see you tomorrow. (Well later on actually) bye ;)

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Wow! Has it really been this long? Time flies by so quick don't you think?

19th March 2012

Its 15:52, im in bed and feeling like poop. Something seems to have bitten me because I am covered in bites all over. I don't mean little small bites. I mean huge bites that cover all my legs and my ankles. Oh as well as one behind my ear. If this carries on I might have to take a trip to the doctors! :(

A lot has happened in such a short time. First of all it was my birthday. I hadn't asked for anything other than money but I had lots! £190 all together. I spent some on a new piercing that I love ;) its a shame that it won't last very long though. I also received my ID in the post I bought it off eBay from seller who is a member on here (bluegummiworms). She was really good and posted it asap. I also got a tracking number and it took 5 days to get here form Canada! It arrived and I tested it all out. I'm going to trade it hopefully now and get a a pair of Osutchi and Mesutchi. Then I will have 4 so I can cross bread and get a variety of babies.

At the moment Im not running any tamagotchi. But that is about to change now! (Be right back. ***Grabs Osu and Mesu and unpauses***) They are still only a baby in the fourth crown on the fourth generation. I cant post much because nothing has happened since I've just started them up. I will post when some thing happens. :)

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Note to TamaMum; Just wondering hey you edited my post? I haven't broke the rutledge or anything. Could you PM me?

20-30th March 2012 [u/] [b/]


It's been 11 days since my last post, and to be honest nothing has happened. That's the main reason for lack of posts.


I have recently got a second osutchi and mesutchi. I hatched those up this morning and there doing just fine. Same goes for the other pair.
