Jordboss2k10's Logs


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hello, some of you may have noticed that the website has gone under some new design and all of the menu's have been replaced with new links and other new features. So onto tamagotchi, I have currently got 7 running:

Silver - V3

Blue - V3

White - v4

blue -v4

Yellow - p2

White - Morino

White - Digimon

So most of them are sleeping at the moment and I don't want to wake them up to have a look at there hunger and happiness (ect....) I am going to sleep in a minuet, but I will have to be up at 9am for all the tamagotchi, Normally I have to set my alarm on my phone and then put it on vibrate and then put it under my pillow. Got to go then, so bye people.

Jord :)

20th december 2010

Today has been a sad day as Morino died of what I think was old age: He was only 15 so he was still young. Secondly: Digimon died as well, I have never had much luck with him because he always dies when he gets to 18 years old. The the thing that I like about Digimon is that they change nearly every day ( sort of like Angels do. All of the connections are doing okay but I am still not very well so they are remaining on pause until I am feeling better and I fell like I can cope to look after them again. Now onto Mimitchi Tama (P2), he is sleeping at the moment and when he wakes up, he is going to be 3 years old. He is getting average care this time so I have no clue what character I will get. I have got to go as I fell like i am going to puke :(

Jord :-(

Last edited by a moderator:
22nd december

well morino is doing okay, he got attacked about 3 times but other than that he is doing just fine! :)
