Jordan's V3 and V4 and Morino and P2 Diary :)


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2010
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So hello! My name is Jordan and I am a collector or tamagotchi! I just love them so much and they means everything to me....

I thought that I would start up a new log because my old one was getting too long. I will try to include pictures when ever I can but since it's 1:00 am I am doing it from my iPod! I'll start my log by doing it from the 9th! Okay here we go......


Today I was grounded and was sat in my room and thought to myself why don't I start up my tamagotchi! It would give me someone to talk to and just be there for me! So I looked into my draw and the first thing I saw was my v3 and v4 ! There names are Ichie and Darbie ! They were both children and are very good. I continued to look into the draw and found my p2 and Morino so I decided to start them up! I restored my p2 and he is hashitamatchi and Morino is still in the baby stage. P2 is 5 and Is going really well. I saw my sisters v3 and and decided to start that one up swell with my v4. So that's all that has happened and I will post more in a bit ;)


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Today has been a pretty awesome day- if I wasn't I'll. I have been I'll with my tonsils and have had a blood test to see if I have got glandular-fever. Anyway I woke up to my alarm to get up for my tamas and only 3 of them were up ! They have been good and have been pooping all day! Sorry but this log is going to be short because I feel like poo! :( poor me :3


So what's up? I have been busy recently with things and me being I'll since December and having lots of time off, but I am on the road to recovering..... I woke up at 9 this morning ready for my tamagotchi to get up! They were fine so I filled the hearts up on each and slept in till 10:30 because I was just so tiered! I played several games to try and wake me up and to lower the weight! Because I was ill I have been neglecting and not playing games but by feeding snacks! I went on eBay and saw these tamagotchi and asked my mum if I could buy them! She said okay so I waited until the bidding ended! The tamas went on pause from 12-7pm because I was busy and had no time to care for them! They will have to go on pause in the morning from 8-3:30 till I get home from school! When I got home I had missed the bidding and decided that I was going to buy a tamagotchi go! I was so happy and can't wait for it to come! Obviously since they are not out in the UK yet I will have to wait several weeks to receive it. O well I am not bothered!

At 9:00pm: My P2 went to bed along with fire and Blue (v3 and 4) they are 2 and 3 years old and will change in the next few days ! Hopefully to tomorrow they will! At 10:00pm the others went to bed ! So it was a quite day but very exiting ! Got to go as there is mtohing else to write :)

Hello! I have not posted a log in a wile because I have been busy with my tamagotchi website and adding more information about the tamagotchi go! Did I tell you that I purchased one! The black one that included the Mametchi Fig. It will take a while to come so I guess I will just have to dribble over the information and logs that I find scattered on this website. So I will start with yesterday:


14/03/2011 and 15/03/2011


Today I woke up and thought about my taamgotchi. None of them were up yet since I had to get up at 07:20 for school. I put them on pause and just hoped that they would change today. -------------> As day got closer to 2:50: I was ready to unpause my tamagotchi and see if the would change. I was in for a good suprise as both of them changed at the same time. As I looked at the screen, the character that stood befour me was..........


Okay end of log :)


These were tamagotchi that stood infront of me.




I was really happy to have these tamagotchi characters as I have not had them in a while! I must say though that my favorite has got to be my silver v3 (3rd picture) there names are in order of pictures:

Tommi and Abbey and Ichie and Darbie.


Tommi and Abbey are to mate in a couple of days when Abbey becomes a adults and Ichie and Darbie are going to grow old with the hopes of me then mating them together to produce the secret character. Abbey's case and sound is broken! My cousin accedenly droped it and the sound went and the ariel broke. The ariel broke on my Darbie but she is doing fine and sound works.

Thats all thats has happened today sp pretty boring and I hope to talk soon! Thanks and Byee! :)

OST EDIT: *Closed by request of topic-starter*

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