He's not the centre of attention. Fans find him cute, most of them preferring him over Joe or Kevin. He was going to be a soloist (err - is that a word? :S).
As Shatagama said, he's famous, so he's bound to get more attention over his diabetes. And like she said too, he does not whine about it - I mean, if you had diabetes, you would be a bit emotional, say, over it, wouldn't you? It does tend to limit you a bit -.-
I'm not just sticking up for him because I'm a fan, I'm sticking up for him because
it's not his fault he has diabetes, and gets more attention than others for it.
Personally, I love them, their music and beliefs. I think they are great guys

I used to think people were making a big fuss over nothing, but I grew to love them ;]
You don't have to be a crazy screaming fan to like them - it just takes acceptance
Best Wishes,