Well-known member
>What day does monsters eat people?
>WHat's a toads favourite ballet?
Swamp ballet
>Why was the frog down in the mouth?
He was un-hoppy
>What do frogs drink?
Hot croaka
>What do you say when you meet a toad?
Warts new?
>What did the bus conductor say to the frog?
Hop on!
>What snakes are found on cars?
Windshield vipers!
>Whats long and green and goes hith?
A snake with a lisb
>What do snakes have on their bath towels
Hisss & Hers
>What did the mummy snake say to the cry baby?
"Stop crting and viper you nose!"
>Whats big and hairy andjumps up and down?
A monster on a pogo stick
>Who brings monster's baibies?
>What did the zombie get his medal for ?
His deadication
>WHat's a toads favourite ballet?
Swamp ballet
>Why was the frog down in the mouth?
He was un-hoppy
>What do frogs drink?
Hot croaka
>What do you say when you meet a toad?
Warts new?
>What did the bus conductor say to the frog?
Hop on!
>What snakes are found on cars?
Windshield vipers!
>Whats long and green and goes hith?
A snake with a lisb
>What do snakes have on their bath towels
Hisss & Hers
>What did the mummy snake say to the cry baby?
"Stop crting and viper you nose!"
>Whats big and hairy andjumps up and down?
A monster on a pogo stick
>Who brings monster's baibies?
>What did the zombie get his medal for ?
His deadication