jasen221's V4 Gotchi Log!


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Well-known member
May 5, 2008
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Hi everyone, this is my Tama Log. I have a bad history of not updating these, just warning everyone.

Currently, I have David, my V4.

Name: David (obviously) xD

Gender: ♂

Training: 2 bars (Yay!!!)

Character: Harutchi

Weight: 81 Lbs (I need to play more games with him...)

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 15,340 (Point generator x3)

David's journal:

OMG... I WAS BORN TODAY. xD This guy named Zach hatched me. He is taking pretty good care of me. He always tells me that I need to act better to other people though... But whatever. He tells me I'm this way because I was born listening to TiK ToK. But how could that affect my personality???

David: Zach, guess what!

Zach: ...You found a billion Gotchi at a reserve?



David: And they said I was in classes for "special kids".

Zach: ...Oh, now I see.

David: What?

Zach: Oh, nothing.

David: Well, I have to go play my guitar.

Zach: You don't even have a guitar. How are you gonna play one?

David: Buy me one so it'll make sense!

Zach: ... -_-

David: So, when am I getting a guitar?

Zach: Try never.

David: Oh, come on! Please?

Zach: If you ask me one more time about the guitar, my foot is gonna be going into someone's butt.

David: Who's?

Zach: -_-

David: ...Who's???

Zach: YOURS.

David: I'm pretty sure that's child abuse and is frowned upon in most societies.

Zach: You're gonna be frowning when my foot is up your butt!

David: I'll take your word for it. *runs*

Zach: Works everytime. x3

Well, that's enough for tonight. I'm gonna try to update tomorrow. Bye!

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Hi again. I just found out that David's a Puchitchi, NOT a Harutchi....

Name: David

Gender: ♂

Training: 3 bars

Character: Puchitchi

Weight: 96 Lbs -_-

Username: JASEN

Age: 0

Skill Points:

Smart: 2

Beauty: 5

Artistic: 3

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 13,270 (Tama Town ring toss. xD)

David: Zach, I just got an awesome Scepter from the King!

Zach: I know. I was there. :D

David: Wait... Why are you writing down everything I'm saying?????

Zach: It's for the blog.

David: Oh yeah. Hi people. I'm the best. x3

Zach: ... -_-

David:I mean, I'm not the best...?

Zach: Never mind. Anyways, you're gonna be a teen today! :D

David: Ive been waiting for this all my life! x3

Zach: I have a special surprise for you once you evolve! x3

David: ...WHAT IS IT??? :D

Zach: You'll find out when you evolve. X)

David: ...HRRRGGHHHHH!!! > :(

Zach: I'm getting your present after I finish this update.


Zach: No. You are gonna be so surprised.... x3

David: Let me guess. You got me clothes.

Zach: Not exactly.

David: ... > :(

Zach: Hold on. The phone is ringing...

Zach: *on phone* ...Oh, hello Miss Frill! ...Oh really? ...He was? ...Wait, WHAT???? ...I'll be sure to talk to him about it. ...Yeah, bye. *hangs up*

David: Oh no.

Zach: You mouthed off in class?

David: I prefer to call it "defiant negotiations".

Zach: OK, whatever. But you can't mouth off to your teacher like that!

David: But I was taking a stand for all of the students!

Zach: You said "You aren't fit to be a teacher" and "You always ask us questions you know we can't answer".

David: It's true!

Zach: OK then. You aren't getting the present.

David: ...ARGHHHHH.

Zach: ...On second thought, I'll still get it for you.

David: YAY!!!!!!!!

(I was going to get him that guitar, but now I'm only getting him a T-shirt. LOL)

OK, well, that's enough for today... I'll update if David evolves. Bye!

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Well, updates are getting a little slow... At least he hasn't evolved from a teen yet.

Name: David

Gender: ♂

Training: 9 bars (Totally full! :D )

Character: Young Androtchi

Weight: 95 Lbs

Username: JASEN

Age: 2

Skill Points:

Smart: 20

Beauty: 82

Artistic: 15

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 920

David: I GOT THE GUITAR!!!!!!! :D

Zach: I can still take it away for discipline. > :)

David: ... D:

Zach: So, you got involved in Soccer as extra curricular today?

David: Yeah. The team said that I kick like a ninja! :D

Zach: I saw you a little on the field when I came to get you from school. You kicked the soccer ball and it actually caught on fire and zoomed into the other goal!

David: Ya, I'm pretty good. x3

Zach: So, you have a girlfriend? x3

David: Her name is Tracey. :D

Zach: I remember her, you met her in pre school.

David: Yea... :D

Zach: So, why don't you tell the people reading what happened earlier today?

David: After my school, me and Zach went to watch TV. When we got there, my arch-enemy showed up!!

Zach: Anything ELSE you want to mention?

David: Oh... Well, there was a PTA meeting today.

Zach: I'm talking about the food court incident.

David: ...I ate pizza.

Zach: And...?

David: The pizza gave me a sickness...

Zach: We found out it was because some other tama had already eaten some of it!

David: I had food poisoning...

Zach: After David got out of the docters, I told the food court employees that we'd never shop there again.

David: This is a warning! Food court food may not be clean! Always make sure to buy the window food so you know it's clean.

David: Uhh... Who's that?

*Zach looks out window and sees random person about to knock on the door*

Zach: This better be important.

---: Hi!

Zach: ...And YOU are???

---: ...YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. *makes totally undramatic escape*

Zach: Hmm... That was odd...

David: Yea...

Well, that's all for now. Cya all l8er! x3

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