Japanese Text on English On


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Mar 22, 2017
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Just a few minutes ago I pressed the C button on my Fairy On - an English Tamagotchi - and my twins (Tingulltchi and Jingulltchi) said this:


Never before have I seen a whole line of Japanese dialogue on my English On and even though the translation can be rough in places, they've never presented something outside of the Latin alphabet. I wonder if they are actually saying in Japanese what is usually rendered as "hello" normally. I also wonder if this was either a line that was left untranslated - it occurred for me during 9 p.m. on my On's clock - or if it was a side-effect of connecting my On several times with my Pastel Meets - I got the twins on my On up to the highest friendship with my twins on my Meets. I know that the On - and also the Connection Tamagotchis - do recognize and preserve Japanese text as evident by the entries in the friend list for connections with Japanese tamas. So far, none of the other text has changed to Japanese which leans more in favor of this being untranslated dialogue as opposed to glitch dialogue. Has anyone else seen this textbox on his/her On?

(I put the "Meets" tag in due to character restrictions preventing both searching and categorizing this post as being for the "On".)

Nah, I haven't dropped it recently XD (I am a little disturbed about how often I drop my tamas, so thank God they are sturdy little things.) I also got the same textbox to pop up this morning which thus convinces me that this is the "hello" text, unless there was a different phrase said at night. I guess Tingulltchi and Jingulltchi picked up some Japanese from their friends; pity I can't read it. I'm pretty sure this isn't a setting on the On since none of the other dialouge changed and the original Meets had no option for that either. I'd honestly be less surprised if there was a French dialouge option since Canada is bilingual, selling Ons in Quebec would probably require it, and I hear other countries speak French.

I reset and downloaded my On and the Japanese text still remains. A full-on reset would probably get rid of it, but I want to keep the data I have and it doesn't bother me that much. It will be interesting to see when I eventually marry my Pastel Meets with my Fairy On whether any other text would change. Even more, it would be interesting to see if the Japanese text is eventually replaced with English after an in-device marriage. Well, looks like I'll have some more testing to do and I'll update this post if anything changes. What I have found does suggest something about the On's programming and how it receives data. I am, however, not in a position to get much use out of that, but maybe someone down the line will.

Update: I married my Fairy On to my Pastel Meets and "hello" is back! It thus appears that starting the next generation really does fix this glitch. It makes sense as new data is added which likely overwrites old data. As an aside, my Fairy On ended up with twins while my Pastel Meets only had a single child. Both parents were twins so this suggests that getting twins is only a possibility.

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