Jade's Baby Tamagotchi Guide!


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WOW! You sure have done your Tmaagotchi research! You certanly love the Teletchis!

- Mei

Even though I hadn't checked it word for word (or should I say minute for minute, but yes...this sounds right from what I've experienced) P.S- I'm a newbie at this place...tell me what PM and pin means?
PM is Private Message. You can send mail on Tama!

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Really good guide. :D

However the pooing time can be different. I have noticed that on some gens, babies poop every 8 minutes, others every 9, others every 10 minutes, and I had one that did so every 12 minutes. :S

[SIZE=21pt]Jade's Baby Tamagotchi Guide![/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Hi, I'm here to tell you all my knowledge about baby tamagotchis.  I'm hoping this is in the right forum  :furawatchi: .  This should tell you everything you need to know about your baby tamagotchi!  If you have a question, mail me.  Please do not copy this guide and claim it as your own.  I've already had that problem before, and it isn't fun :( [/SIZE]


[SIZE=8pt]What is a baby tamagotchi?  It's the first stage of your tamagotchi's life.  This stage usually lasts an hour before turning into a toddler.  There are two babies.  They both are Teletchis, but one is a girl (white) and one is a boy (black).  There are many different names for this baby.  The baby's base weight should be from 5 - 7 lbs.  Babies need the most care out of all the tamagotchis.  They drop a heart almost every 2 minutes, and make a mess almost every 5 minutes!  There is only one game you can play with a baby, that is called Get♪ (To do the music note thing, press ALT + 13).  It's not very hard to take care of a baby knowing that babies can't die in this stage!  This is the fortunate thing about them.  They are also 1 of the 2 stages that can cry (so you have to Praise it).  Babies can't use a lot of items.    [/SIZE]


This is the guide I made to show what an average baby tamagotchi's life is.  It took me a long time so please don't complain.  The pooping schedule may be confusing.  5 minutes and 9 minutes are the main times, so that might help a little.  Feel free to PM me!


First start: 0 Happy, 0 Hunger

5 minutes: Empty a hunger heart

5 minutes: Poop (sometimes along with the hunger heart dropping)

7 minutes: Drop a happy heart if no poop

9 minutes: Poop if no poop before + hunger heart drop

10 minutes: sick

12 minutes: Poop if it pooped at 5 minutes

12 minutes: Drop of hungry and happy heart

16 minutes: Poop if pooped at 9 minutes + drop of hungry heart

21 minutes: Poop if pooped at 5 minutes + hunger heart drop for both

26 minutes: Poop if pooped at 9 minutes + hunger and happiness heart drop for both

30 minutes: Bedtime for 5 minutes

37 minutes: Poop if pooped at 5 minutes + hunger heart drop for both

39 minutes: Poop for 9 minutes

40 minutes: Crying (Praise it)

41 minutes: Poop for 9 minutes

42 minutes: Hunger heart loss

44 minutes: Happy loss

45 minutes: Poop for 5 minutes + hunger loss

50 minutes: Poop for 9 minutes + hunger loss

54 minutes: Poop for 5 minutes + hunger loss

57 minutes: Happy heart loss

58 minutes: Poop for 9 minutes

60 minutes: Evolve into toddler, which in my case means a Mizutamatchi and a Hotodetchi

[SIZE=10pt]Hope this guide helped you!  Feel free to PM me :) [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] May add on to this? There are 4 major beeps that, no matter how bad care you give to your baby, it will still do. [/SIZE]

1. First beep to fill up all hunger and happy hearts.

2. The beep it does when it gets sick and you wil need to give it medicine.

3. The beep it does when it goes to sleep for 5-10 minites and wants you to turn off the lights.

4. The beep when its crying and needs to be praised.


~ Camelle.

EDITED: Huge font

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Here are the children a Baby Tamagotchi can evolve into:















Memepotchi (not sure about this one)



There are more but I forget... lol

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