Jabby's Blog! Come and read~


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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Hello! I'm Jabby. Call me Ilyane! (Ill-yahn-eh) I'll be starting off with my egg. Setting... Setting... Okay! Done! This little egg is bobbing, up and down, up and down, Poof! 'Outta my egg... A petitichi girl! How sweeeeeeet! There was so much pressure, and she was covered in eggie yolkies. I decided to clean her up. Soon, she was bobbing around happy. By the way, her name is Dannila. (Duh-nil-uh) #0 min. later, I checked to make sure she was clean, no poopies, for I knew that she would sleep soon. All of them have a schedule, they sleep about 30 min. after being born. Well, about 10 min. later, I checked again for poopies, none. Ooooh! Good girl! Potty trained ALREADY! (Not really, just being enthusiastic) Then 5 min. later, (total of 15) she beeped while I was at her side. Nap time! Then a few more min. later (I wasn't keeping track) Dannila woke in surprise. She slept for quite a while! Then "beep beep! beep beep!" *more random beeping* Dannila! Oooh! Oooh! What are you? What are you? Lemme see! Lemme see! Sad for me, not what I expected. A Tamatchi staring back glumly at my disappointed face. :furawatchi: Oh well, you get what you get and you don't get upset. Well Dannnnnila!!!!! How about your new looks! ;)


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Well then, I'm sorry that I didn't post in a while. But Dannila did nothing interesting! Isn't that sad? Well, today, I was minding my own business on the computer and let Dannila do whatever she liked. It was so she could evolve from Tamatchi. Suddenly, in the middle of my Neopets game, I heard some faint beeping. I put her under a cloth-like thing, so I picked her up. I looked, and guess what? Guess! Guess! Just Guess! I'll give you ten seconds, so don't look down please! 10! 9! 8! 7! Tamgotchi v.6! 5! Ice Cream! 4! 3! 2 TamaGOtchi!


Chamametchi. Isn't that cute?

Well then.. Signed, Ilyane?

How about you copy and paste the link in my signature? Down there?

I need it. Go warm up Eevee, she went up from 1 mil to 3 mil, then 2 mil. I really apprectiate it. :furawatchi: :)

Today teacher came over to watch us practice tamagotchi music. Dannila did well with her band members! I named the band Fametchi, for Fame! My band members are Paul and David, I used to get Lydia and Coleen. Oh well. I hope they evolve to well trained band members like Mametchi and KuroMametchi! Kuro means black, hehe. BlackMemetchi.

Time for favorites! A once in a generation chance!


Favorite Tamagotchis: KuroMametchi,Memetchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Dazzlitchi, Ichigotchi

Normal Tamagotchis: Chantochi, Mimichi, Makiko, Kunoitchi, Gozuratchi

Least Favorite: Sebiretchi,Kuchipatchi, Maidchi, Stupidchi:), Lolchi :furawatchi:

It evolved into the best Tama you can get... MIMITCHI!!! -applause- Well then, I wanted a Memetchi, but Mimitchi is a SUPER good character, I didn't think I could have taken such great care of it!!! Sorry for bragging, I'm just sooooooooooooo happy!

Today I got the first Ranking, I was so happy when I saw so man people! Mimitchi is the BEST!

I haven't posted in a million years. super long update.


i had another tama, and it was a tarakotchi. Dannila and Jayden got married, and gave birth to twins Eon and Zen. They both grew into cute little Androtchis, and Eon is now wearing a puppy costume. He looks cute. Zen, unlike his father, passed the test but Eon, unlike her mother, did NOT pass. I got lazy. Well, anyway, I am waiting for my friend to get a girl, and he'll choose if he wants to marry Eon or Zen. I'm thinking Zen, Zen is better but Eon is cooler. Oh well I'm bored so byeeeeee....

My friend is awesome. He gave meh a ton of stuff for Zen and Eon. Paused creatures, extinct, but Eon passed the test, and caught on to 5th place in 5 min. Toodle-oo! Okay that was short, but you gotta understand I don't have time.
