I know someone created a topic about which item can help you get Pts and items but I would like to create this topic for some simple items in the item list.If you have items you don't know what it's use for,find it here or ask it here.
Post it in this format
Item Name:
Uses(For what):
When can we use it:
How to use it:
Item Name: Bow/Bow tie
Uses(For what): Appearance
Reusable: Yes
When can we use it: Adult Stage
How to use it: Press 'B' when you see it in the list
Item Name: Action Figure (Boy)/Lion Doll (Girl)
Uses(For what): To play with it with your pet and might sleep with it at night
Reusable: ???
When can we use it: Anyage
How to use it: Press 'B' when you see it in the list
Sry i really have no idea on some parts because I jst started playing TMGC.
Post here for other items or unsolve answer...

Post it in this format
Item Name:
Uses(For what):
When can we use it:
How to use it:
Item Name: Bow/Bow tie
Uses(For what): Appearance
Reusable: Yes
When can we use it: Adult Stage
How to use it: Press 'B' when you see it in the list
Item Name: Action Figure (Boy)/Lion Doll (Girl)
Uses(For what): To play with it with your pet and might sleep with it at night
Reusable: ???
When can we use it: Anyage
How to use it: Press 'B' when you see it in the list
Sry i really have no idea on some parts because I jst started playing TMGC.
Post here for other items or unsolve answer...
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