Mine are shamelessly pampered. At the moment anyway, I may be a Tama-addict
I usually run two at a time so they don't get lonely, but also because I can handle two. Any more and they migt get neglected
Any time when I find myself sitting or waiting somewhere with nothing else to do (i.e. on the train, doctor's waiting room, on my break at work, or waiting for the microwave etc.) I play games to boost their skill points. When they start to refuse, I feed them a treat so they will play more games
I don't just feed them any old food either, I only give them food I would eat

Shopping on a Tamagotchi is really fun to me- I get excited when I know the shop is re-stocked
I always carry them around inside a Tamagotchi-design zip purse thing that I ordered from ebay. It has spare batteries and a screen cloth in there too. I hate fingerprints, and all my Tamas are in perfect condition. The thing I hate most is when the design chips or rubs off, so I never let them bash together or against anything. I love it when my Tamas look all shiny and scratch free
I am slightly obsessive.
My boyfriend hates them

They get more attention.