Is v5.5 (v5 celeb) the Royal FamiTama?


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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
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Is the tamagotchi v5.5 (V5 celeb) the same as the Royal FamiTama?

I'm really confused.

Wikipedia says that their is a "Royal Dram Family Tamagotchi Plus" but i dont know if thats the same as royal famitama. The V5+ usually has a theme so i really cant get it around into my head.

please help me.

Yes, the v5.5 is the English version of the Royal Famitama. I think it has a couple of differences (besides obvious language differences) though, like extra games.

oh so Royal Dream Family Tamagotchi Plus is japanese...

interesting... :blink:

The V5 is the English-language version of the FamiTama. The FamiTama is the Japanese-language version of the V5. The FamiTama is available only in Japan. The characters and games are the same on the FamiTama and the V5.

The Royal FamiTama is available only in Japan. It's very similar to the FamiTama, but has new games and new characters. You can raise a royal family.

The "V5 Celebrity" and the "V5.5" are the same thing, just the names are different. The "V5 Celebrity" was released in USA & Canada. The "V5.5" was released in Australia. Neither was released in UK. The "V5 Celebrity" is basically the English-language version of the Royal FamiTama. (The "V5 Celebrity" and the Royal FamiTama share the same characters, but the games are different.)

so that is it put in a more complexed way.

interesting................. :(

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