Did you tell her how much your back hurts? Maybe she doesnt understand, maybe she thought you were just faking, therefore she was joking about the rude comments?
I'm not telling you that she wasn't being mean, because she was.
Has she done anything like this in the past? Does she do this often?
If you answered yes, maybe you should take the others suggestions and drop her, but if you answered no, you should think it out before you decide to do anything too drastic.
Was she a very good friend before this point in time? Did she stand up for you? Stay by yourr side? Help you whenever you were having troubles? Or was she a flaky friend? When you needed help she would say "I dunno, Hey Karen? Pass the cheese!" If you were being bullied, she would run from the trouble, not even telling a teacher?
If she was a great friend, thats all the more reason to stay her friend, but, it is up to you. Sometimes, problems sound not so bad on the PC compared to what really happened.
If she was a flaky friend, thats all the more reason to drop her, but, it is up to you.
Try giving her a call, maybe you can talk it over? Or, when you go back to school, just pretend as if nothing happened, and catch up to her and start talking. If she is acting normaly, maybe she was joking about the insults. But, still, joke or no joke, her comments were very rude. If she continues, appolligies to her, even though it was not your fault.
Whatever happens, you can always come to TT with your problems.
*rubs fingers* Ouch! What a long post.