Well-known member
Okay, I know this sounds kinda stuck up, but guys HATE me because of how I dress. I'm starting to think there is something wrong with me. Any advice??
1)Okay, I know this sounds kinda stuck up, but guys HATE me because of how I dress. I'm starting to think there is something wrong with me. Any advice??
Um, no. Just because you are blonde and have a bigger chest does not mean you're "slutty" or "superficial".They only notice the incredibly slutty girls, the ones with big ****s, blonde hair and stuff. I don't see why, they're superficial.
Yea im dont full on dress emo but sometimes wen i do a bit evrybody critiscises me and i really get sick of it sometimes...i dress....Gothic/Emo I guess. And i get cricizied for it CONSTANTLY. By EVERYONE!!!!!!! Even my parents. grrr.....
dang, I like your style, and I'm a boy.i dress....Gothic/Emo I guess. And i get cricizied for it CONSTANTLY. By EVERYONE!!!!!!! Even my parents. grrr.....