is there something wrong with me?


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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2008
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Okay, I know this sounds kinda stuck up, but guys HATE me because of how I dress. I'm starting to think there is something wrong with me. Any advice??

No. There is nothing wrong with you. The boys are just being jerks. They shouldn't hate you by the way you dress. It's something wrong with the boys, not you.

Don't live to impress others. Don't change just for others.

These guys have something wring with them. If they can't accept someone because of the way they DRESS, than that's not really respectful.

I'd ignore them. They're not worth noticing if they don't even respect others who maybe don't dress like them. So I suggest to ignore them, and be happy with yourself.

If you're happy with the way you dress, that's all that matters :)

I agree with everyone else. There's nothing wrong with you, it's something wrong with them.

And when guys hate you, isn't that supposed to be a cover up for when they like you? :furawatchi:

Yeah, but they're just being stupid. They're not worth worrying about :)

Don't worry.

Guys grow up eventually.

And when they finally grow up and realize that it's not just about what someone's wearing,

Will be the day you have guys lining up to date you.

So don't worry about it right now.

As long as you feel confident and are happy with what you're wearing,

That's all that matters.

Confidence IS sexy.

Hun, there is NOTHING wrong with you at all! It's the boys, they are the ones who have problems and something wrong with them. I wouldn't worry about it, dress the way you wanna dress.

But if they are verbally (sp?) making fun of you, then I would tell a trusted adult.

And I do think the saying that girls mature faster than guys is true, if these boys are judging you by your looks. You have an awesome personality, don't pay any attention to these boys.


i dress....Gothic/Emo I guess. And i get cricizied for it CONSTANTLY. By EVERYONE!!!!!!! Even my parents. grrr.....

Okay, I know this sounds kinda stuck up, but guys HATE me because of how I dress. I'm starting to think there is something wrong with me. Any advice??

Boys at your age (even my age) are ALL (actually, most are, not all) immature and dumb. Most of them don't really look for a relationship. Some might, but most don't. They only notice the incredibly slutty girls, the ones with big ****s, blonde hair and stuff. I don't see why, they're superficial. If a guy doesn't notice you, or hatse you for your looks, they probably don't deserve you at all.


You should dress how you want.

They only notice the incredibly slutty girls, the ones with big ****s, blonde hair and stuff. I don't see why, they're superficial.
Um, no. Just because you are blonde and have a bigger chest does not mean you're "slutty" or "superficial".

I hate it when people call me a **** because get guys. I stood there and laughed and flirted with him while they sat there glaring at me. Who do you think he's going to pick? The happy bouncy one? Or the one that looks like she's about to cry and runs away whenever he talks to her because she's just that nervous? It is not just physical appearance, it's also personality.

My advise to you is to seem open. Be happy, bubbly, and confident, talk to a lot of people. Don't be that girl who hides in the corner accusing others of being a **** because you can't rival them. Trust me. Personality is key.

I also think it's a social class thing.

A guy feels successful and mighty if they "get" that coveted girl that everyone else wants.

if they really care how you dress and they're guys, that's dumb. i mean why do they care how you dress. you are a great person and never forget that. anyway, i think emo is cool. i wish i could pull it off. plus guys usually say the opposite of what they think like i know this girly girl she dresses good she has nice hair she is wealthy pretty and everything but guys say she is ugly which everyone in my class knows is not true. keep your style. i once changed my style to fit this girl's fashion standards and boom she is decked out in abercrombie saying "i hate the store you shop at".

if you dress like they think you should it doesn't help them stop bullying you. if you do want to change your style personally, though, then go ahead. : )

i dress....Gothic/Emo I guess. And i get cricizied for it CONSTANTLY. By EVERYONE!!!!!!! Even my parents. grrr.....
Yea im dont full on dress emo but sometimes wen i do a bit evrybody critiscises me and i really get sick of it sometimes...

Well once i came to school like in a black tee shirt and jeans and that abercrombie girl i was talking about (not that i have anything against abercrombie she just wears the same abercrombie clothes everyday so i reconize her by it) SAID I WAS GOTH!!! i really dont get it. for some reason she is always picking on me about my clothes. i mean, what gives? But now i like black cuz it looks good on me and my fav shirt is black so i wear it. anyway, emo is like the RAGE these days!!!

There's nothing wrong with trying to look better. Take pride in yourself and your body - take care of it. But the most important thing is to feel comfortable with yourself and have confidence that isn't based on what guys think.

Confidence is attractive. :D

There's nothing wrong with you. Yes, being a guy, I know we can be immature jerks. However alot of the time we don't realize it and don't really mean it. As for hating you because of your clothing, I do know some people like that, guys and girls, just try to ignore them, not everybody's like that.

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Ignore their comments and if you wanna get guys, flirt with them.

But DON'T YOU DARE wear a see thru shirt and/or see thru bra just to get guys.

i dress....Gothic/Emo I guess. And i get cricizied for it CONSTANTLY. By EVERYONE!!!!!!! Even my parents. grrr.....
dang, I like your style, and I'm a boy. o_O

Anywayz, this a big rule that you must follow. It's simple and it applies to you, me and everyone. Wear what you like. It doesn't matter what people think about you what you wear, as long as you like it, so what if they have a problem with it. Don't fall into people's negativity. I know how it feels, people can be so negative to you about your style it can make you feel bad about yourself.

I'm a black male, and I get criticized and made fun of because I wear skinny jeans.

Maybe time is the answer.

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