Is there a name for us?


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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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To put it simply, I realized that I've never heard a real term for us tamagotchi fans. Many subcultures after all have their own names; such as the fans of 'My Little Pony being called "bronies/pegasisters", and "Ringers" being the term for the fans of Tolkien's 'The lord of the rings.

So is there a name for us? And if my suspicions about the answer being "no", are correct, don't we, as the biggest global tamagotchi fan community on earth, have the authority to create one? :p :lol:

Suggestions? We could make a poll later, if we gather up some nice suggestions first... :D


Anyway my boyfriend suggested that we should we called TamaTomo / TamaFriends since that's the word used for friends in the Tamagotchi anime and on the ID and ID L

I'll try thinking of my own suggestions later XD

:D I think TamaTomo would be very cute and greatly fitting the meaning of this fandom!!! The only thing is that it could cause confusion between the actual TamaTomo (anime ones) and fans :( But I think an half-japanese term like TamaTomo would be perfect ;)

I basically want to go for the "TamaFriends" thing, because at least that'll describe us English speakers. :/

But many fans aren't English speakers :) what about Non-English fans? It may be more correct to everyone simply keeping the original language: we already have tons and tons of English terms, without needing to add others XD (This is just my opinion)

Well, they did often use English letters for most signs and messages in the anime. Hmph. If the anime is supposed to be Japanese, then they should of used Japanese letters then. Heh.

Even though I might like the tamatomo word, I agree with Painaputchi, in that there alteady is something called tamatomo. I guess this makes using the term "tamatomo" for us appeal less to me, because I guess it just makes the term less unique...?

I kinda have an idea sprung from it though, based on tamatomo but altered slightly to create a completely new word.

My thought is, what would a real tamagotchi call a tamagotchi fan...? Hopefully a "friend", right?

So why not just call us "friends" in japanese, but adding the sweet and popular ending from the Forest Patchi accent; namely the -tchi...?

So my suggestion is "Tomo-tchi, or Tomotchi".

I like personally how it would simply be meaning "friend" in japanese (the original tamagotchi langueage) plus Patchi accent (the original tamagotchi accent).

Also, the word itself sounds a lot like "tamagotchi", which would make it easy for people to recognise us as tamagotchi fans.

Just my suggestion and thoughts... :p :)

(Edit: i'd just like to add, that me proposing for us to call ourselves tomo-tchis, as if Kuchipatchi himself was calling us friends, isn't meant to be arrogant, as if we're absolutrly stone-set-sure that that's what he'd call us.

I'd rather it'd be taken as an aspiration; what we hope to be in the eyes of tamagotchis, wishing that they'd like us enough to call us friends in such a familiar way.)

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*___* Jokus, I think that would be the perfect idea!! Then it's so cute that the name reminds a character's one!

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