Is Bandai America Going to STOP making Tamagotchi?


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What BanDai needs is the results for a short survery I did in my class at school about what people have against Tamas. Here are the most informative results:

They're old-fashioned (grey screen, large pixels and all)

They're boring (when I described the iD L to them, they changed their mind, but iD L's don't sell in the UK)

They're girly (I must agree with the boy who said that!)

They break easily (well more like, the people who own them break them easily, but I included that one anyway)

I mean, with those four negative views of Tamagotchi, BanDai UK/America could produce a modern, exciting, gender-neutral and durable toy we all want, but their marketing isn't too good. A simple summary of my opinion: BanDai is targeting the completely wrong audience. Here we older kids, teenagers and adults are, paying $100 for iD L's from Japan, and BanDai America is struggling to attract 4-year-old girls who can't understand the Tamas. I mean, it's pathetic I think, making a toy with the design for a 5 year olds then programming it with complex games and slapping an 8+ label on the package! So either a teenager buys it and gets laughed at for the childish design or a 5 year old buys it and gets upset with the complex games and figure price for the TMGO. Neither of these would be happy!

A message to BanDai America: If you want to target young girls, make a design AND features for young girls. If it's teenagers, THE AUDIENCE WHO ARE ALREADY BEGGING FOR TAMAS AND WILL BUY ANYTHING YOU RELEASE, then make design AND features appropriate for teenagers!

It's simple! They could release a Tama-Go Giant SuperPricy Toddler Toy and we would probably buy it for $50 just for the sake of Tamagotchi! Why bother trying to attract new fans when they already have us, begging for new Tamas and making BanDai Japan rich! THEY could get all that money BanDai Japan are making out of us! It is, as someone already said, like handing over a million dollars to BanDai Japan!

~ Dazzmina ~
i totally agree with you. i am so surprised that i still have interest in them (after all these years) and i would do anything for BanDai UK/America to keep making new ones! just the thought of it excites the little kid in me xD i think teens like them because it reminds us of a simpler time, and we can always relive it when we start one up.. or at least that's what i like about them. but if BanDai UK/America all of a sudden say that they want to release a new one... i don't know what i would do with myself.

i must say i have totally given up on hope that there will be a new english tamagotchi. At least not any time soon. I really liked the tama-go and wish it could have some how revived tamas in america but it seems it didn't help. :(

for the longest time i told myself i wasn't going to buy a japanese +color or id/ id l because it was in japanese and i wanted to know what everything said on it and so i kept telling myself they would release one in english but i just don't see it happening. So for now i will suck it up and learn the japanese ones and just be glad tamagotchis are still popular some where and i can still easily get them online.

I totally agree with what some people said about releasing the id l or any of the color tamas in the USA. I feel it would definitely be a good seller. With all the technology these days kids/teens/adults really wouldn't be that interested in a small black and white screen, but a color tamagotchi would likely be a hit.

Well, I have nothing against people who love older Tamas, but I think they should go for something more modern that would also appeal to younger kids, such as me or my younger brother. After all, imagine my brother - the age when he's into Lego and football - looking at a shelf of toys, deciding how to spend his pocket money. He sees a huge Lego set, some rugby balls, a new set of action figures - and a small yellow toy with a black-and-white screen. He is unlikely to buy the Tamagotchi - a P2, to be exact, one of the Tamas popular with older fans.

All of us will grow up eventually, and give up Tamas at some point - and that's fine for us - but it's not fine for BanDai. It would be like selling Xbox Kinect in 2030 - vintage Tamas nowadays. needs to keep up with modern technology and get some new features in. No, not more expensive figurines, but computer games, more movies in English, and my best ideas for Tamas are a hot-and-cold detector (so your Tama could join in with your weather outside) and a personal messaging system - new things modern technology brings us. A fact - modern kids would rather have an iPhone over a black-and-white electronic easter egg and a few figures with extra games. BanDai doesn't see that fact. And that's why they're failing with Tamagotchi.

~ Dazzmina ~

I think BANDI AMERICA should make a color tam a that doesn't cost $100 dollars because i don't know if i can afford an iD L but i want a color tam a, also its in japanese which i don't speak so it would be really cool if they did plus a lot of people want them to!

while reading the it made me smile topic on tamazone I saw this


the show 2 boke girls they show tamagotchis as cupcake toppers so I guess tamagotchis arnt dead YET

Credit for tamagotchi_freak_06 on tamazon for finding this out and taking a pic of it
In the Big Bang Theory episode "The Weekend Vortex", they referenced Tamagotchi too, another reason Tamagotchi will never die.

On the subject bout why BanDai is stopping, I think they are probably taking a break, and it will come back a few years later. Take My Little Pony, Popples, Furby, the older Tamagotchis, etc. They took breaks and came back years later!

It's always a possibility that Bandai America could stop making tamas, considering that they aren't so successful in anywhere but Japan right now. I'm just glad they keep on making the Japanese ones. Although they are much more expensive due to the color screens, and the shipping from Japan, it is still worth it. I've heard rumors about a new American tamagotchi in 2013, but there's no details, and it's probably made up anyway.

i love to the tamagotchis so much.... i from ecuador... and .... together we can save tamagotchi ... go! -.... :nazotchi: . tamagotchi are the best of this wold... :D ;) :excl:

i love to the tamagotchis so much.... i from ecuador... and .... together we can save tamagotchi ... go! -.... :nazotchi: . tamagotchi are the best of this wold... :D ;) :excl:
I agree I hope they will renew the Tamagotchi line with something more high tech like Japan at least the Characters and stuff. Like Meloditchi, Moriritchi, ETC

i cant belive toys r us isnt selling gotchi figures anymore and if they sold ID L's a TON of people would buy it (in english). do you see how much they sell for on ebay!?!

If Bandai America is going to make a brand new Tamagotchi, it would have to be a major step up from the Tama-Go and have more inspired features from the Japanese Color Tamagotchis. I would suggest a larger screen with touch screen capabilities, which would make the Tamagotchi much flatter than previous versions. Maybe they can even bring back the sound sensors too like the OceanGotchi had as well? The newer Tama would look more like a very small touch screen phone or tablet. Technology is advancing, so the tech for Tamagotchis should too. :mimitchi:

I totally understand The older versions are way better than the tama go I used to own a tama go but I hated it I mean it was okay but I like the older versions best. I eventually ended up losing it because I never used it. The older versions are awesome yet they don't sell them anywhere there is absolutely nothing tamagotchi at my local Wal-mart Not even a plush or something it is really annoying.

I still say I want a Tamagotchi iD L that's in English. I may learn to understand SPOKEN Japanese one day, but written is probably well beyond me. As of right now, I only understand two versions of a single sentence in Japanese, and neither version is likely to be used in the iD L, which doesn't bode well. (The two sentences are: Tori wa tonde imus; and: Tori tache wa tonde imus. The basically say "The bird is flying," and "The birds are flying," respectively.) I'd be willing to pay someone to tamper with one to change its language, but, according to my boyfriend, that wouldn't even work, lol. So, basically, I have to wait on Bandai to make one in English before I can enjoy it. Pfft. Will they hurry up and do it already? Lol.

For some reason I highly doubt they will stop so soon. They have brought out the iD L and Princess Spacy version so they might have some more Tamas to release. If they are still creating more Tamagotchis like the Princess Spacy version which came out in March 2012, there is surely more to come. Let's just keep our finger crossed.

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