Is 12 too young for eyeliner?


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My friend's parents won't let her wear any make up until she is 16. O: For her birthday I got her a gift card and an eye shadow pallet and her parents said, "Oh, Sharon isn't allowed to wear makeup until she is 16. We'll put this away and give it to her then." Then they took her eye shadow. This was on her 14th birthday. I felt so bad. :)
Yeah mom had the rule in our house no make up until highschool, so I had to wait to at least 14/15 until I wanted to. I didn't really do it too often except on special occasions, and when I did on a normal school day it was just mascara. Nothing more. That seems just to wait until 14-16 for that privledge. Under a parent's roof you might as well do what they say and continue to listen. TM's advice is probably the best to go by.

I don't think there's an age limit for eyliner. But if your mom says you can't,Then I guess you can't. But,if it makes you feel better,My mom won't let me have a cell-phone. It sucks,so I know how you feel!

I started wearing eyeliner when I was twelve. But all parents are diffrent. Like my mom won't let me get my eard periced until I'm 16. So I guess lip pericing is out of the question too...BUT back on the subject if you are despreat to wear eyeliner ask your mom if you can wear a little grey pencil liner on special days. Like New Year parties or school scocials and stuff. If your mom sees how responsible you are with NOT caking it on she might let you wear it more often. But just ask her a week from the ocasion. So lets say the dance was a week from now, you might want to say something like ", see I have a school dance comming up and I want to wear eyeliner-not alot, just like a little grey liner on my top lid. So I won't look like a racoon with dark circles but just a little so it emphesises my eyes." Something like that.

well do want to wear eyeliner because that's the kind of person you are or simply because your friends do? sometimes, people like to dress or buy the same clothes and items their friends do so that they can "feel part of their group". this is especially true among girls. but sometimes girls who do that don't feel comfortable or they don't feel like themselves. maybe you could ask your mom if you could try wearing it just for a day and see if you like it. if your friends "didn't let you into their group" because you didn't wear eye liner and they would accept you into their group if you did, they are not true friends. perhaps your mom knows this fact and she won't let you wear eye liner because of this.

I had friends in school who were not allowed to wear eyeliner,but their Moms approved eye shadow. Soo...they realized the age old trick of wetting your eyeshadow and putting it on as liner. No one could tell the difference, and their Moms had approved it already. :)

[SIZE=14pt];O I'm your age and I DON"T want to wear eyeliner. Its ugly and hard to put on... xD [/SIZE]

To make it better, my mom won't let me dye parts of my hair[platnium blonde or black] because I have scabs and she's still thinking about a Mr.Siriano Haircut.. (Yes, I want his hair! xDD)And I need my scabs to heal... ;P



@Cinderpelt: Thats mean, i mean 16? I'm younger than that and I can wear make-up...


Anyway, I just use eyeshadow,blush and concealer. But maybe your mom's worried becuase you may "Cake" it on. Cake it on means.... um like a clown's face.. xD Just say "Mom, I am in 7th grade, I really want to wear eyeliner, and if I use a lot just once, i'll stop using it." AND DON'T BRING UP YOUR FRIENDS.

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Kids don't need to be wearing makeup. That's just sick -.-

I HATE seeing 12/13 year olds walking through the mall all dolled up with excessive makeup, or even the girls who think at 13 they should gob on eyeliner to be 'cool'.

I believe you shouldn't be wearing any kind of makeup until you're at least 16, when you can know how to use it responsibly.

12/13 year olds shouldn't look like 16-18 year olds. It throws off the minds of people 18+ D:<

Do you know how embarrassing it is to hit on a 14 year old who looks 20? It's disgusting.

I say 16+



Wait until you are MUCH older. 16+ maybe.

It's annoying how some 13yr old tries to look "pretty" by gobbing on the makeup.

The end up looking like Hookers. Not pretty.

Definetly Sweet Kandi, I agree 100%! Anywho, if your mom think it's too young, it's too young for eyeliner. Personally I HATE eyeliner, I wear minimal make-up, and I think a little mascara is much better. You should ask your mom about mascara, or eyeshadow's much more natural. :) :unsure: :) :wacko:

I aslo really dislike when young girls wear soooooo much eyeliner it makes them look like a racoon! :lol: :rolleyes: <_<

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I'm going into 7th grade and I'm not allowed to wear eyeliner. My mom thinks I'm too young(i'm 12!!!) All my friends wear it.
Well, I didn't start to wear eyeliner everyday until I was in the 7th grade, because that's when I actually started getting zits and stuff and I needed the makeup.

If you do want to get eyeliner, at least ask your mom to teach you how to put it on right. I'm sick and tired of seeing little kids trying to put on baby blue eyeliner and not even getting it in the right place just because their mom wouldn't let them wear it, so the snuck some 50 cent crud out of a flea market to try.

Get qualitly dark blue, black, brown, or dark green eyeliner (depending on your eye color. Black works for any color, but don't use as much on blue or green eyes as you would brown or black eyes because then it looks weird). It usually cost somewhere around 5-8$ to get some good stuff. I recommend the roll out kind because sharpening pencil kind is a pain and it harder on younger eyes.

My mom taught me how to put on eyeliner. I didn't quite get it until a few practices tho. ALWAYS practice with WATER SAULIABLE eyeliner before doing it with waterproof. I can't quite discribe how bad of a mistake that could be.... B-A-D.

If you really have trouble follow this simple advice.

Basically try to paint your eyelashes, except you're not trying to get the eye lashes, but the skin under them. Don't go too thick or else you'll look like Gaara from Naruto... lol. Maybe nobody should wear that much. Don't go past the outside of where your eyelashes grow.


All in all, if your mom says no, then no is the answer, sure mom's can be kinda tough, but as you get a little older and little more zitty she'll probably let you slide.

Whether we think you're old enough to wear eyeliner or not doesn't matter. It's what your mom thinks that matters. Remember, when you turn 18 you can do whatever you want, when you want and she has no legal power over you, that's what my mom reminds me when she tells me 'NO.' about dying my hair blue. 8D

I think that eyeliner at 12 is fine. Just not too much ...if you wear too much, you look like a freaking raccoon. :B

Im 13 and I just put alittle bit of makeup to cover up my ance and eyeliner on my top lid to bring out my eyes, but just dont over do it with the makeup if you do it will look really gross.

Thank you all veary much for your help. I am to young and It would be gross if I got hit on by a 16 year old. EWWW!

I think I look fine with out it. Thanks for all your coments, I REALY appreciat all of you posting on this to help me.

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