I'm going into 7th grade and I'm not allowed to wear eyeliner. My mom thinks I'm too young(i'm 12!!!) All my friends wear it.
Well, I didn't start to wear eyeliner everyday until I was in the 7th grade, because that's when I actually started getting zits and stuff and I needed the makeup.
If you do want to get eyeliner, at least ask your mom to teach you how to put it on right. I'm sick and tired of seeing little kids trying to put on baby blue eyeliner and not even getting it in the right place just because their mom wouldn't let them wear it, so the snuck some 50 cent crud out of a flea market to try.
Get qualitly dark blue, black, brown, or dark green eyeliner (depending on your eye color. Black works for any color, but don't use as much on blue or green eyes as you would brown or black eyes because then it looks weird). It usually cost somewhere around 5-8$ to get some good stuff. I recommend the roll out kind because sharpening pencil kind is a pain and it harder on younger eyes.
My mom taught me how to put on eyeliner. I didn't quite get it until a few practices tho. ALWAYS practice with WATER SAULIABLE eyeliner before doing it with waterproof. I can't quite discribe how bad of a mistake that could be.... B-A-D.
If you really have trouble follow this simple advice.
Basically try to paint your eyelashes, except you're not trying to get the eye lashes, but the skin under them. Don't go too thick or else you'll look like Gaara from Naruto... lol. Maybe nobody should wear that much. Don't go past the outside of where your eyelashes grow.
All in all, if your mom says no, then no is the answer, sure mom's can be kinda tough, but as you get a little older and little more zitty she'll probably let you slide.