I'm pretty bad with internet safety...
Carly, Maria, Michelle, and Acid know my home address.
Almost everybody knows my last name.
Maria, Michelle, Grace and Carly know my home phone number.
LOADS of people know my email address, cuz I give it out pretty freely.
Maria's called me. So I definately know she's not some stalker guy. Michelle has pics, videos, and I've webcammed her. She's not a stalker either. I've met Carly in real life, so she's not a stalker either. Acid has made videos and had pics --- not a stalker. I haven't seen Grace before, but she knows Beth and her friends, so I'm positive she's not a stalker.
There are a lot of people I definately would give my home phone and address out to. But only my trusted friends such as Esther, Katie, Krystal, Feebee, Huntr, etc...
I'm also writing letters to a few people. At the moment Michelle has sent her letter, and I'm planning on sending one to Acid and Maria. If you're aloud to write letters and you know you're a friend of mine and I trust you, just PM me