Internally screaming FidgetTama and their Tamas 🥚


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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2017
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Wow... Where has the time gone?
Reading over this old log of mine:♡.194664/
was a blast from the past. Like every teenager bordering on adulthood and end of school life my biggest worry was exams and wondering if the friends I had then would be my friends forever (spoiler alert past me they aren't and that's okay!)

I never did start that second log or update my old one. I'm not a year 12 student anymore so here is my third attempt at updating a log! I've definitely got way more tamas then the 3 I had back then. I'm only running my On right now but I'm thinking of starting a connection... or two... or three. I love reading the logs here, I can't wait to check up on the logs I used to read on here and read some new ones.
Not only has so much changed in my personal life and the world around me but the tamagotchi scene! So many new tamas out and so so so many of the original releases. All the different shells are so cool.

Hmm maybe to do a really big but somehow the short version of a catchup from where I was last at in my old log.
I graduated and got marks above was I was hoping for, all my stressing about exams helped with that I think!
I moved states, and worked/studied for a few years but unfortunately I've been unemployed for the last year due to disability.
Becoming disabled has really changed my life in so many ways, but I wouldn't change my life for anything.
I no longer play the fife or the flute although I still have admiration for them plus other instruments!
My interests nowadays are watching Shrek on repeat, collecting Shrek merchandise, playing video games such as The Sims and The Binding of Isaac, watching childhood shows like Clarence and Uncle Grandpa, perler beading (I loveeee perler beads!), reading and did I mention watching Shrek?
My Shrek collection has sky-rocketed over these last few years. Back then I had one singular plushie. Now it's over 200 different items!
Sorry, you probably started reading this for tamagotchi related news but here I am gushing about Shrek. Although that's how my old log was like! Just kind of rambled about this and that. It's very slice of life (?) I think! But it's how I love to write, I think it's more fun this way.
Okay but for real now onto my tama!
Right now I'm on generation one on my tamagotchi On. Right now I have Hanbunkotchi! Although I've nicknamed her Little Buddy. You can't name your first gen on the On which is weird. But I like the mixing aspect of it and there's an unofficial app that can be used on some devices so marriages can still happen. I'm sad it wasn't officially supported for a long time although I understand it from a business point of view especially since they moved on with different tamas. I will confess I still haven't brought the Uni!
Although for axolotl looking character is sooo cute! It's just a lot to justify for a tama especially on a limited fund. Maybe after some family birthdays are over I'll splurge and get one. How is everyone else finding it? I saw its only just gotten an update so it can be turned off! Glad it was added!
I was also thinking about getting a Smart patched to english but they're expensive as well.

Right now I'm reading Convenience Store Women by Sayaka Murata. It's the 3rd time I've read it and it's just a fantastic book. I really like Muratas writing style, she has a few really good books. Earthlings is another favourite of mine although I don't know if I would recommend it to anyone. I think it's a great book to accidentally stumbled across.

After that I've got to finish reading Trashlings by Brendan Kellow. Has anyone read it? It's been my favourite book since childhood. Someone brought it for me at an Op shop because it had a cat on the front cover (I loveeee cats!). It isn't really about cats (actually cats are seen as more evil in this book!) But Trashlings, a small race who live in rubbish dumps. I'm not a big fantasy reader but it's really great.
Another fantasy book I loved as a lid was called "With My Knife" although I can't really remember much about it. If I can find a copy it'll be the next book I read after Trashlings.
Trashlings took me a really realllyyy long time to find another copy of. My original copy got lost in the big move. I was devastated because I couldn't even find it online as an epub or something! Luckily I found it in another book bundle on ebay.

Yikes I went on a ramble here! I'll leave it here for now although im pretty excited to start a new tama log!
Wow... Where has the time gone?
Reading over this old log of mine:♡.194664/
was a blast from the past. Like every teenager bordering on adulthood and end of school life my biggest worry was exams and wondering if the friends I had then would be my friends forever (spoiler alert past me they aren't and that's okay!)

I never did start that second log or update my old one. I'm not a year 12 student anymore so here is my third attempt at updating a log! I've definitely got way more tamas then the 3 I had back then. I'm only running my On right now but I'm thinking of starting a connection... or two... or three. I love reading the logs here, I can't wait to check up on the logs I used to read on here and read some new ones.
Not only has so much changed in my personal life and the world around me but the tamagotchi scene! So many new tamas out and so so so many of the original releases. All the different shells are so cool.

Hmm maybe to do a really big but somehow the short version of a catchup from where I was last at in my old log.
I graduated and got marks above was I was hoping for, all my stressing about exams helped with that I think!
I moved states, and worked/studied for a few years but unfortunately I've been unemployed for the last year due to disability.
Becoming disabled has really changed my life in so many ways, but I wouldn't change my life for anything.
I no longer play the fife or the flute although I still have admiration for them plus other instruments!
My interests nowadays are watching Shrek on repeat, collecting Shrek merchandise, playing video games such as The Sims and The Binding of Isaac, watching childhood shows like Clarence and Uncle Grandpa, perler beading (I loveeee perler beads!), reading and did I mention watching Shrek?
My Shrek collection has sky-rocketed over these last few years. Back then I had one singular plushie. Now it's over 200 different items!
Sorry, you probably started reading this for tamagotchi related news but here I am gushing about Shrek. Although that's how my old log was like! Just kind of rambled about this and that. It's very slice of life (?) I think! But it's how I love to write, I think it's more fun this way.
Okay but for real now onto my tama!
Right now I'm on generation one on my tamagotchi On. Right now I have Hanbunkotchi! Although I've nicknamed her Little Buddy. You can't name your first gen on the On which is weird. But I like the mixing aspect of it and there's an unofficial app that can be used on some devices so marriages can still happen. I'm sad it wasn't officially supported for a long time although I understand it from a business point of view especially since they moved on with different tamas. I will confess I still haven't brought the Uni!
Although for axolotl looking character is sooo cute! It's just a lot to justify for a tama especially on a limited fund. Maybe after some family birthdays are over I'll splurge and get one. How is everyone else finding it? I saw its only just gotten an update so it can be turned off! Glad it was added!
I was also thinking about getting a Smart patched to english but they're expensive as well.

Right now I'm reading Convenience Store Women by Sayaka Murata. It's the 3rd time I've read it and it's just a fantastic book. I really like Muratas writing style, she has a few really good books. Earthlings is another favourite of mine although I don't know if I would recommend it to anyone. I think it's a great book to accidentally stumbled across.

After that I've got to finish reading Trashlings by Brendan Kellow. Has anyone read it? It's been my favourite book since childhood. Someone brought it for me at an Op shop because it had a cat on the front cover (I loveeee cats!). It isn't really about cats (actually cats are seen as more evil in this book!) But Trashlings, a small race who live in rubbish dumps. I'm not a big fantasy reader but it's really great.
Another fantasy book I loved as a lid was called "With My Knife" although I can't really remember much about it. If I can find a copy it'll be the next book I read after Trashlings.
Trashlings took me a really realllyyy long time to find another copy of. My original copy got lost in the big move. I was devastated because I couldn't even find it online as an epub or something! Luckily I found it in another book bundle on ebay.

Yikes I went on a ramble here! I'll leave it here for now although im pretty excited to start a new tama log!
I'm back again with a little tama update:
Little Buddy reached adult hood- I totally forgot how quickly the On tamas age! She only just hatched! I ended up using the mixing meets app to marry her off (sorry Little Buddy!) To a robot looking character. Hopefully I'll get some decent genes! Haven't decided on what other tama to raise along side my On. Leaning towards my IDL or my Friends Dream Town.
I now have a little baby tama I called Cain. I can't wait to see how he looks when he's older!

For my personal life, we celebrated by giving each other chocolate recently. I finished Convenience Store Women and am going to move onto Cry Blue Murder, another childhood favourite of mine.
(Sorry Trashlings you'll just have to wait!) I saw it on my shelf while reaching for Trashlings and decided it was time for another re-read. I definitely recommend it!
The twist was one I could see coming and yet it still shocked me so much during my first read.
I've been considering getting an Ereader device, mostly for borrowing ebooks from my local library as it's hard for me to get there. Public transport isn't the best here, especially if you're a mobility aid user.
Lots to research about them though
Has anyone played Tomodachi life? I was really happy to find it in store for $10. It had no case so I think it was misplaced back stock from years ago. Since 3DS games haven't been sold at that shop for years!
Anyway it's been really really fun. I really love Miis and find them really charming. I've heard good things about Miitopia but I haven't played it yet. I'm hoping for a Tomodachi Life port to the switch!!
My island is called Milk island and I've put a whole range of Miis on there. It's fun seeing what they all get up too. The drama on my island though... my goodness!

I also started my IDL.... loved it.... then the batteries in it died! Dud batteries I guess. Other than that all that, not much else to report. Once I've got some more tama news/personal news I'll have to remember to write an update.
Bye for now!
My last update was pretty average, sorry about that!
Although I won't lie- I really like reading logs/stories like that.
Have you ever heard of the term "epistolary novel" before?
It's a novel/story that's told in a more personal written form. So think diaries, letters etc. You've probably read one before!
One of my favourites is called "Letters From the Inside" by John Marsden. (You might know him from another series of his- the "Tomorrow When the War Begins" novels!)

Anyway- if you're up for reading something new check out some stories by him. He's got a few that are written in the same way. So Much To Tell You and then after that Take My Word For It. Two great books. Also Checkers! I'm really lucky to have a signed copy of Checkers.
Anyway, Cry Blue Murder is that type of book. Told mostly through emails with news reports and police interviews mixed throughout.

I finished it a few days ago... still a really great book.
I haven't begun anything else yet, but my talk of John Marsden just now and his books I'm thinking of re-reading Checkers... sorry reading list you'll just have to wait!

Still thinking about an ereader... I have a birthday coming up in late May so I'm wondering if I can ask all my family to come together and put funds towards one.
Although my older brother asked me the other day if I had any tamagotchis I had my eye on for a birthday present. Not a tamagotchi but a virtual pet, the Anipalz Cat I kind of want.

Maybe a Uni? Older brothers are kind of good for some things I guess (I kid I kid).
But I saw leaks for the Sanrio Uni! I really want the angel one depending on a few things. The Sanrio one looks cute but I'm not sure if I'll get one... but then again it might be like how I didn't get the mix and now it's kind of expensive to get one. Decisions decisions!
Anyway! I only bring up epistolary novels because I find that this is turning into something along that line. Just how it was in my old log, more of an online journal that happens to have tamagotchis involved.

Getting back into running my tamas has had me looking online for new ones... the cost of them still amazes me. I saw a really broken and dirty one and they still want over $100 AUD for it! I'll never forget when I got a Tamawalkie for $10AUD (including Shipping!). Unfortunately I had to sell it for emergency funds but it was the best luck I'd had ever finding Tamas. Hoping I'll find another one eventually.

Okay! Now for my own Tamas!
I stopped running my On! It's always fun but I just felt it wasn't really scratching the Tama Itch I've been feeling. So I started one of my V4s! I've never really played with them much as the mail function used to annoy me aha. But I'm glad I've given it a proper go this time.
Currently have a little guy called Frog!
Thinking of starting up another connection so I can connect them. Maybe another V4? V3?
I found the cutest little bags to carry around tamas in. Here's the marshmallow bag. It used to have little plushies in but I gave those to my little sister.
Here's Frog, hanging out with me playing the Sims 4. I lost my last legacy save file and unfortunately forgot to back it up. Two years of gameplay wasted!
3rd gen at the moment on my new one...the Pickens family. I fear my founder doesn't have long to live :( but at least she got to grow old surrounded by her son and his children.

Ah! Back to Tamas sorry!
It's been really great to hear the old tama sounds again. I've always loved the beeping from the connections.
So far Frog has been doing great! Tonight we played a lot of games together because I will admit I have been a bad tama parent and fed him way too many snacks when I was busy. Sometimes the dailyness of life can get in the way!
But gis training is almost full so that's something at least.
I don't have a particular character I'm aiming for.. at least not this time. I'm very interested in the job aspect of this tama.
I carry him around in his little pouch on a lanyard/or attached to the front of my bag so he can see the world. I like thinking he's looking out at everything going on.
We have visitors coming soon so it's been a mad rush trying to get everything up and running for them to have a good time... plus it's 3 people's birthdays soon! All in the same week so it's a super stressful time of the year. So unfortunately for Frog it means he didn't get as good of care as I would have liked. I know that I can always just pause him but at the same time I would have hated being a child and paused by my parents every time they were busy. (Could make for an interesting short story???)
Today I spent over 3 hours perfecting the bathroom while Frog just hung out doing his own thing.
I love looking over and catching him brushing his teeth or bathing or just any silly little thing.
Right now he's in his teen stage (Hinotamatchi) which apparently you get from "OK to good care" so at least it hasn't been as horrible as I thought. There's some really great adults in that tama group so I'm excited to see who he evolves into it.

I think I'll leave things here for now- even though I have a million other things I want to talk about. Next time for sure! I've been writing these logs on my phone and so I'm still not sure how attaching photos will go. Next log I'll write on my laptop, since for some reason I can't custom fonts or sizes on my phone. I'll get there eventually! Bye for now!


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I'm back again! To be completely honest with you... I don't have all that much to write about! I just couldn't stop thinking about this log and my old log I wrote all those years ago in high school. Man... the time just flies by without you noticing sometimes. Anyway.
So I wanted to just make a quick update on my personal life and then my tama life (they're basically one and the same right?:lol:)

So! life actually got fairly busy for me since my last update, my family had visitors (Family that lives far away!) and it was so good to see them all! Only a little bit of drama but what family visit is complete with out it? They stayed for a week and my faithful tamas stayed with me throughout the entire journey. It was actually really nice to be able to take photos of them outside for once.

I'm mostly housebound these days due to my health. I'm a mobility aid user so my sister gave me this cute white lanyard that I had either hung around my neck or my handle bars. I put the cutest little pouch on it (can be seen in my last update!) I love the clear bit so I can check on my tamas without having to take them out. especially since the weather wasn't the greatest. Weather here is never really on your side, days you feel capable to go outside results in the world deciding "hmm I think I'll rain today... might even throw in a thunderstorm too while I'm at it."

I really want my log to be a place where, even if no one else reads it, it'll be a place where if I'm ever at a point later in my life where I'm any better (or worse I suppose) health wise then I can use this to look back and see how far I've come.
I suppose its life an online journal (diary? I'll have to research the differences.) Of course I'm also very happy and grateful to be able to share my journey with my tamas.

annddd speaking of tamas I have a lot of news and at the same time almost no news!
So here's the basic run down- I've jumped from tama to tama! Seriously! Been through almost every generation of connections, to my friends and then my dream town, I even put batteries in my tamatown go! Now I've only got my V5 running and I think it'll just be that for a while.
It was my favourite version as a kid so its kind of a nostalgic thing for me. I can't think too hard about it because then I think of my dad and how he used to buy my tamas and then I get emotional. (My dad is fine! Don't worry he's doing great, I'm just a sucker for nostalgia and it gets me every time!:-()

So any tama news previously on this log is gonna just be outdated. I did have most of an entry typed up already but decided against posting it because none of the tamas I had running in them are still running. We'll just say they went on holiday or something. They might make a comeback depending on how I go with wanting to run them.
I will say this though- the V4 will probably never make a return! I admit it! I just can't stand the mail system. Seriously! Mail multiple times a day? It'd be fine if was the bottom two but its always the first option. I can't think of what to call that but the ones that show money and skills luck that day. But why do I need like 30 messages about it?
Sorry to anyone who likes the V4! I do love the rest of the features, I enjoy the school minigames and the work ones. Just can't be beeped at for mail that many times a day...

Anyway I think I'll leave this log here but heres a few photos I actually did take of previous tamas.


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Wow! You let yourself take a break from writing this and all of a sudden its been a month!
Things have been a whirlwind here! The most important thing though is I have Tama news!
I finally took the plunge and brought the Uni and have been having fun with it! Plus I brought a P1 and P2 re-release and raised tamas on there which I'll show off a little later.
I have tama news but so does everyone else... the connection re-releases! Oh my gosh how exciting! I cannot wait, young me is cheering.

Well, now for the diary part of this tamalog on what I've been up too:
So! First off, I had a birthday in May I'm one year older and got spoiled rotten by my family. I was given money from my brother and I ended up ordering the Uni and some FNAF Youtooz figures from the movie. I got Doug, The Yellow Rabbit and a Mike plush. I considered getting the Binding of Isaac cup they had but I have too many cups.

First character I got on my uni was Kuchipatchi who I adore!
Here he is!
I kept him around for a day or two and then hatched another tama.

(Me too little guy me too...)

I've currently got Mametchi! Second gen and I hatched him the day I got some bad news so I think I'll keep him around until things pass.
The bad news was that I have to move houses. I'm currently looking and applying to houses at the moment. Mametchi came with me to our first house inspection. The house was okay, rent is expensive but we'd have an extra bedroom I suppose. It's got solar panels which I like. It's small but still big enough that I think my room mates and I wouldn't be too under each others feet.
Heres a quick photo of Mametchi I took when looking at one of the bedrooms:
Well it could potentially be my bedroom but everything is up to fate at this point! Still have to apply for more houses when they pop up.
So! hopefully my next log will have better news! Until next time, bye from Mametchi and I!
So remember what I was talking about in my last update? Something about letting yourself take a break from this and suddenly....
Yikes! It's been like 2 months! I finally moved house! I only just started running my Uni again this morning. So many cool dlcs!!
Also whats more exciting... Connections! I ended up buying two of them, the rainbow and bubble shells. I'm a sucker for anything bubble themed. Thats why the bubble dream town shell was on the top of my wanted list for ages.. I found it in an anime/gaming/hobby store a few years ago and was sooo excited.

Today has been a fairly lazy day for me, well I shouldn't call it a lazy day. More like a rest day after a busy day yesterday.
I finally got a phone that could connect with my 4U and patched it to english! So I'm running that for a few days plus my uni. I'm not really a fan of the Angel DLC minigame, so I'm thinking of changing it to the Monster or Sanrio DLC. I heard from someone else that the Sanrio game is the easiest, so it makes for a decent way to start gathering gotchi points. I finally updated my Uni as well and tried out the Tama Search function, no real opinion on that yet as I don't know much about it.
I was hoping the uni would give us a way to connect to friends over the internet for marriage like we could on the tamagotchi On/Meets app. Oh well.

I'm considering getting a Pix but have to do more research about it, then of course the search itself for a decently priced one. Which is becoming harder and harder to do with buying tamagotchis online these days. I'm not complaining i swear (okay maybe a little bit) but it can be frustrating.

Well I was planning on doing a better log than this but I'm signing off for now, this is just a little update so I remember to keep the log active. Bye for now!

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