Interesting (and possibly embarassing) Facts


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-I admit it...I've looked up porn on the internet was gross..I'll never do it again.
I did too... >.>

And Im 10! :p


Lets see. What is there possibly embarrassing to know about me?

- When I'm alone I like to dance very crazy. (VERY crazy. Something you'd never do in front of your parents or principal)

- I lie to my teachers to get good grades. (how embarrassing if one of them was one here :D )

- When I'm at a friend's house for dinner and I don't like what their parents are serving I put it on my friends plate.

- When I'm home alone I run around in only a tank top and boxers and spit milk out my window to see where it will land.

- I have a high metabolism.

- My self-esteem is higher than the average person and I think I am better than everyone else.

- My posts are way to long and I do that on purpose :D

- Sometimes I wish I had bigger ****s.

- I leave the refridgerator open sometimes.

- I attempted to run away one day in april because I was mad at my mother.

- I care to much about what people think about me.

There is so much more. but I'm not sure how far to go :p

Let me think of a few more..

-I have more friends on the internet then in real life

-I'm a social outcast at my school

-When I'm bored, I sing my ABCs's

-I'm getting an x-ray to see if I broke my butt-bone

-I find people in general to be very.. interesting

ALL of my friends are right here, on TT. I luff you guys!

I doodle really freaky creatures...

I have awful handwriting. If the President saw it, he'd probably sue me. xDD

I get really hyper after eating cookies. And ice cream... *Evil laughter*

I can be really childish at times. D;

- I'm like 30 pounds overweight. (It's strange, because I actually don't eat much on a regular basis. o.o)

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-I have 2 friends. That's it. D:

-I like to step on the frosty grass to hear the crunchy sound. <3

-I can make myself cry

-I was genuinely upset today for the first time since 2007.

-I am scared of cars

-I like to stare in the mirror then hide in my bed for fear of bloody Mary

-I've already done a list but I'm too weird

-I play excellent flute, keyboard, guitar and recorder, and other instruments

-I love classical music

-I have 2 friends. That's it. D:-I like to step on the frosty grass to hear the crunchy sound. <3

-I can make myself cry

-I was genuinely upset today for the first time since 2007.

-I am scared of cars

-I like to stare in the mirror then hide in my bed for fear of bloody Mary

-I've already done a list but I'm too weird

-I play excellent flute, keyboard, guitar and recorder, and other instruments

-I love classical music
Oooo..don't remind me. *Hides*.

Actually, I do exactly that xD.

overly aggressive. when im trying to fall asleep, im scared. i just cant sometimes. i feel something in my room. my family has a squirrel problem. one fell down our chimney. (AND LIVED) another one got in my room at 4 am. yeah 4 am. i burp at unessacary times. i get angry real easy. i have anger issues. i just recently figured out that if u are trying to get some one to stand up, dont wack them. i will eat anything u put on my plate. anything. i ate a mutant froot loop, and unidentified thing off my friends muffin, jello choclate milk, (dont ask) and alot of other gross stuff that will make u gag. i eat too much but im a stick. i have to wear a mouth guard to bed. i have to get braces real soon. i hit pueberty early, but i only got the zits and the huge feet. size NINE! im a tomboy. total tomboy. i talk to boys. it eat lunch with boys. im partners with boys in classes. ive never had a real bf. i should be doing my homework right now. :3 i have a really good singing voice, im willing to sing in front of 300 ppl, but not in front if just one person. i seem to fit in with everyone at my school. i know for a fact 3 boys like like me. im a partial goth

well, thats me. in all my over aggressive, tomboy, goth, pig, boyfriendless glory. :(

EDIT: my name means grace, whcih i dont get at all. im a HUGE klutz

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ME TOO!! 0_0
I like creating Club Penguin's for nothing. I have like, 5 accounts I don't use.

I LOVE Club Penguin's parties music and tunez xD

I get weird easily.

I get hyper very easily, but at school I'm as quiet as a mouse 0_0.

I LOVE maths and physics.

I DREAM to be an engineer =]

I'm 2% tomboy, 95% rocker, 3% punk =D

I ADORE converse.

I bite my nails a lot.

I adore pie =]


I dance whan nobody's looking.

I do ballet x_e . I secretly adore it though =D
i am SO much like u just about everything, even the ballet is the same. pie is goood

Some more:

-I hit puberty REALLY early. I started to get zits on my face when I was 6!!

-I'm taller than the average 11 year old.

-I'm listening to a random song on the radio at the moment when I'm meant to be reading xD.

-I HATE the jonas brothers, miley cyrus, metro station and a whole lot of other ''top'' bands/singers.

-I ate a tissue before...

Some more:-I hit puberty REALLY early. I started to get zits on my face when I was 6!!

-I'm taller than the average 11 year old.

-I'm listening to a random song on the radio at the moment when I'm meant to be reading xD.

-I HATE the jonas brothers, miley cyrus, metro station and a whole lot of other ''top'' bands/singers.

-I ate a tissue before...
How tall ARE you?

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