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Not exactly sure what your point is.... can you be more specific here?
Vaccination against chicken pox is a good thing to prevent catching the disease and hence having it for all eternity
im not trying to make a point, really.. just that thats what happens, if anyone would like to know :mellow:

That's not entirely true. :angry: I've been vaccinated against chicken pox my entire life and have never had either the chicken pox or the measles. Remember, once you get Chicken Pox the virus never leaves... it just becomes dormant so that later, as an adult, it can reactivate at a time when your immune system is compromised and give you a nastier disease called Shingles. Shingles is what occurs when the virus starts trying to eat your nerve endings. It is better to try and avoid getting the pox to begin with and get the vaccine.
Having said that, I do understand your fear. When I was four I cried so hard over the prospect of getting a needle that I woke all the babies in the centre and I was taken home. :angry:

This is something that you will either grow out of or be scared of your whole life. Best advice I can give you is not to look at it and try and distract yourself. Remember, the vaccines are there for a good reason and the temporary pain is better than the long term diseases. :angry:
I got over my fear by donating blood. You only can do it when you're 18 at least...but its something that helped me through it. If you can do that someday, needles won't feel as bad.

And Shingles are bad. It's probably 20 times worse than chicken pox.

Cold sores suck x.x I've been getting them ever since I was a baby.
I got my lip pierced Sunday, and now I have a fatty cold sore right on top of the piercing. So annoying.

I never knew Chicken pox stayed in your body though o.o' I had them I was just over a year old.
oh so you did get it.

kool, i wanna see!


lol, i havent ever gotten a clod sore.

I can tell you this. Do not be worried about the Hep B. shot. It doesn't hurt a bit. You can barely feel it. I had three last year but I always seemed to be shaking before it. Anyways, the only person who cried was Brianne but that was before she got the needle (Afraid of needles) and she freaked out until she actually got the needle and she's just like "That's it?"


I'm afraid from reports from one of my best buds that teh chicken pox shot hurts. Hep B. shot is like on shoulder but chicken pox on the arm somewhere.


Anyways, you have no need to worry about the Hep B shot. Cat scratches hurt more. Heck, walking on the carpet and then having someone shock you hurts more.


Trust good ol' Naira!



Don't worry. :lol: Once I went to the doctor for a check-up. When it was done, my parents asked for a flu shot. When the doctor came in with a tray of needles (da da dun) & I was like, "Aah! needles!" & I jumped on my dad's lap & hugged him. I couldn't let go! Then my mom said to take a deep breath. So I did. Then the doctor gave me a shot. To my surprise, it didn't hurt!

When u get the shots...

1. Always take a deep breath.

2. Get something to hug before u get the shot.

3. Use the tricks people have already posted.

Hope I helped!

you DO NOT have to worry about this (if you are going to a respected clinic) but last year my dad got a fake flu shot.

no one knew what it was, if it was water, or a harmful other.

since he could have been sick (he wasnt as of it was water) i dont think he was aloud to like, share drinking cups, or something he already bit into.

but now he just uses that to keep his food to himself!


When I was 9 i had to get a tooth pulled out and they had to knock me out with some anasteshia.It was actually kinda fun.After the shot I went totally crazy.I started laughing hysterically for 3 minutes,then I literally passed out(not from laughing,but from the anasteshia).When I woke up I barfed and went back to sleep for the rest of the day.

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