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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2007
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Omg!! Today we recieved these little cards saying about the injection for chicken pox and hepatitis B... waaaa..... I'm really scared about these TWO injections .... and we are gonna do it again later this year to stop it from coming back! I'm sooo scared!! But I really want to do the hepatitis B injection because that is a really scary diesese where the virus goes in your blood and kills your liver so you can die and most importantly there is no treatment for that ! Waaaaaaaaa........ I don't really wanna do the chicken pox one because you are going to have that anyway!! Hmmm...... I really need some courage now...... can anyone help me!!?? But beside that I'm fine! Have you guys ever had to do an injection that you hate or are you scared of?? :p

I don't really wanna do the chicken pox one because you are going to have that anyway!!
That's not entirely true. :) I've been vaccinated against chicken pox my entire life and have never had either the chicken pox or the measles. Remember, once you get Chicken Pox the virus never leaves... it just becomes dormant so that later, as an adult, it can reactivate at a time when your immune system is compromised and give you a nastier disease called Shingles. Shingles is what occurs when the virus starts trying to eat your nerve endings. It is better to try and avoid getting the pox to begin with and get the vaccine.

Having said that, I do understand your fear. When I was four I cried so hard over the prospect of getting a needle that I woke all the babies in the centre and I was taken home. :)

This is something that you will either grow out of or be scared of your whole life. Best advice I can give you is not to look at it and try and distract yourself. Remember, the vaccines are there for a good reason and the temporary pain is better than the long term diseases. ;)

Omg!! Thank You Bell sprout!! thank you for saying all of that now I understand thank you!!

thats funny... at our high school the year 10s, 11s, and 12s have to have them and then get them by term 2. booyah. XD

anyway Ill tell you a story:

in year 4 we had to get injections for maninja cockle b (or a, cant remember) anyway, we got it and in line all the grade 6's were crying and everyother kid. guess who wasnt? I just flinched and faced a side affect. a headache. (lol) I thought it would hurt but it didnt (I guess the teachers were right about it not hurting. and they ALWAYS LIE!!! oh well. and apperently I was the bravest girl they've seen. (wow) ands when I had needles for EVERYTHING when I was 3 and the doctor was talking to another person while injecting the needle. then after I had 5 needles I got a lollipop and I had mcdonalds! Mcdonalds is in the hospital. *Smiles*


Injections aren't so bad. I get one every three months so I don't really fear it anymore.

It's just a quick poke and it's over. Your arm or whever they give it to you might be a little sore the rest of the day, but it's not bad. If you want to avoid bruising and extra pain, ask the nurse to inject you slowly. It sounds like that would make it hurt more, but it really doesn't. The last nurse who shot me did it really fast and I had a fatty bruise from it x.x It hurt for about a week. Slow injections are always the best.

When you go get it done just think, 'This is to help me, and it's not that painful. Just a quick poke and I'm done.'

yeah, It's only a little pinch! Like from a sibling or cousin :) . You might be scared now but once the first one's over you'll be like "what? That's it? I COULD HAVE 50 MORE IF I WANTED TO!!!!" But you shouldn't take 50 more.

But having a little poke is better than having a killed liver. But when it happens, don't look at the needle.

I am horrified of shots and needles.* As I cringe here at my computer.* I had to get a series of shots and I cried. I am a little old for that but I have always had a fear of those things. I got the chicken pox shot for no reason seeing as I have already had the chicken pox and already got the vaccine too. I got it after I had the shot for it!! So it doesn't always protect, then recently I got it again. Pointless! But I heard that you can somehow get it again...? I don't know how or why but whatever!

I got the chicken pox shot for no reason seeing as I have already had the chicken pox and already got the vaccine too. I got it after I had the shot for it!! So it doesn't always protect, then recently I got it again. Pointless! But I heard that you can somehow get it again...? I don't know how or why but whatever!
Chicken pox virus is a bit like the flu.. it is prone to mutation and is also very good at taking advantage of your body when your immune system is on a bit of a low. :wacko: If your immune system is weak then even if the antibodies are there, with a particularly opportunistic disease such as Chicken Pox, you may still get infected.

Like I said before, once you have the Chicken Pox virus it NEVER leaves. It hides away in your body in a dormant state so the next time your immune system is weak it pops back up to say hello - which is why kids will sometimes get Chicken Pox more than once... or will get Shingles (the much nastier version) later as an adult.

If you are healthy the vaccine is far from pointless and if you've already had it, stimulating your immune system to keep it under wraps is a good thing.

Omg!! Today we recieved these little cards saying about the injection for chicken pox and hepatitis B... waaaa..... I'm really scared about these TWO injections .... and we are gonna do it again later this year to stop it from coming back! I'm sooo scared!! But I really want to do the hepatitis B injection because that is a really scary diesese where the virus goes in your blood and kills your liver so you can die and most importantly there is no treatment for that ! Waaaaaaaaa........ I don't really wanna do the chicken pox one because you are going to have that anyway!! Hmmm...... I really need some courage now...... can anyone help me!!?? But beside that I'm fine! Have you guys ever had to do an injection that you hate or are you scared of?? :blink:
Agh! Needles :huh:

Would you rather be healthy, and have a moment of pain, or have no shot and have a life of pain?

I don't see why you need one for chicken pox though.. I mean, you have the illness once, and it most likely never comes back!

I think they just like seeing the funny faces kids make! :huh:

I would rather have no pain, no disease. Maybe I will invest in a bacteria free bubble.

its not bad.

i had to get 3 in one week.

odly enough i found them funny, and started to laugh.



Im getting a Needle At school today, I dont know what its for but everyone in grade 8 is getting one

I had one back in junior school, year four or five probably, I forget...

I was frightened, but was for meninjitus though so I'm glad that I had it, many of us had the strange side affect of a yellow patch on their shoulder where it went in ;) but I don't think I had that...

im not afraid of them they kinda feel like bee stings..... and don't you get chickenpox when your three,four ect. I got them once when I was three but I only had like four on my back and I never want that to happen again

im not afraid of them they kinda feel like bee stings..... and don't you get chickenpox when your three,four ect. I got them once when I was three but I only had like four on my back and I never want that to happen again
You can get chicken pox at any age. When you are older it is called shingles and is much worse. My bio teacher had it last year. It is really bad then though. I had the vaccine and got it when I was around 7 or 8.

Maybe I will invest in a bacteria free bubble.
bacteria live inside you in the billions. but if you didnt have them you would die.

that has actually happened with a boy who had no immune system (as a genetic disorder and NOT what you might be thinking :pochitchi: ) he lived in that bubble with no human contact for 12 years untill reasearchers were able to transplant his sisters bone marrow into him. and there was a hidden virus in her bone marrow, which caused cancer and ravaged through his defenseless body. then he died.

bubbles =/= happyness.

Like I said before, once you have the Chicken Pox virus it NEVER leaves. It hides away in your body in a dormant state so the next time your immune system is weak it pops back up to say hello - which is why kids will sometimes get Chicken Pox more than once... or will get Shingles (the much nastier version) later as an adult. 
this is because the chicken pox is a variation of the herpes virus (ALSO not what youre thinking :mimitchi: ) which is a hidden virus. once you have it, you have it forever, like a cold sore. the herpes virus hides in the spinal fluid (it is not known why it resides there) and with a trigger will become active. like a cold sore.

this is because the chicken pox is a variation of the herpes virus (ALSO not what youre thinking :lol: ) which is a hidden virus. once you have it, you have it forever, like a cold sore. the herpes virus hides in the spinal fluid (it is not known why it resides there) and with a trigger will become active. like a cold sore.
Cold sores suck x.x I've been getting them ever since I was a baby.

I got my lip pierced Sunday, and now I have a fatty cold sore right on top of the piercing. So annoying.

I never knew Chicken pox stayed in your body though o.o' I had them I was just over a year old.


I really don'y know what to say

I have never had one

Jess :lol:

this is because the chicken pox is a variation of the herpes virus (ALSO not what youre thinking :D ) which is a hidden virus. once you have it, you have it forever, like a cold sore. the herpes virus hides in the spinal fluid (it is not known why it resides there) and with a trigger will become active. like a cold sore.
No exactly sure what your point is.... can you be more specific here?

Vaccination against chicken pox is a good thing to prevent catching the disease and hence having it for all eternity. :mellow:

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