Infamous approaches to parenting


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When a parent doesn't understand the needs of the other child. like one child does really well in school and the brother/sister has ADD/ADHD and does no attempt to help them and just keeps insulting them, telling them they are lazy, and constantly compares them to the other and tells them to be more like the other. When that's impossible. Also when parents choose favorites.

When some child is going through some tough times like depression or something, yet the parent just says 'we've all been through it' and expects them to just get over it with that sentence. It doesn't help anything tbh

I used to make fun of my parents for doing that... I had personal experience with that exact same thing. They used to yell at me "YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY SYMPATHY FROM ME" and keep yelling. How can one improve their mood if someone is screaming right at you making you cry xD

When your parents are in a debate and bring you into it even though you don't want to be

Also when you're on a computer and your parents tell you to look up something and spend a long time talking about it wHEN ALL OF YOUR STUFF IS STILL UP AND FFFFFF

When parents get the idea in their heads that they are their children's 'god', that their word is law. There's room for the child to grow and to truly become mature. I guess sometimes it's true when it is said that adults are just really big kids...

And don't forget the parents who think their child is a perfect little angel even though the child gets into trouble a lot.

I teach piano lessons to young children as a part-time job, and I've seen some.....interesting parents.

There are the parents who get blame me if their child doesn't practice. I can't be there 24/7, so teach your kid some responsibility!

Then there are the parents who enrolled their child in piano because they want them to be a famous concert pianist. News flash: there ain't too many of those.

And of course, the parents who throw shade at other parents at recitals and piano competitions. This "my kid is better than your kid" crap. And I've even seen parents throw backhanded compliments at other peoples' kids!! Just awful!!

when parents force their religion/beliefs upon their kids. i'm lucky to have parents who allow me to believe what i want even if they disagree, hence i am the only person in my religious studies class who does not follow the same religion as either of my parents. but i've seen some really young kids, like 5-7, saying racist/homophobic stuff they're obviously just parroting from their parents. the parents have no right to indoctrinate their children with these beliefs, causing the children to go around saying offensive stuff, getting told off and not knowing why. honestly, whenever a kid says something offensive i feel pity rather than anger at them, because they don't know what they're saying and never had a chance to believe anything different.

I always die just a little bit inside when I see a parent tell their child no to a toy because said toy is geared to the other gender. I had MLP and G.I. Joes, K'nex and an easy bake oven, and everything in between over the years, and I never once questioned my gender identity As a result of not being told what it was through the toys I played with.

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