Indigo's LOG


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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2011
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United States
I decided after seeing all these logs I should really keep up with it! I take pictures as often as I can when my tama evolves or marries but I would rather start fresh.

Today my little Aitichi evolved and shes is so adorable. Here is a picture of her. Shes a bit bratty honestly and needs alot of attention.


Before her I had a family of 6 generations, I got sick unfortunately and she died while I was taking care of my serve cold. And as a background of that tree, it was cursed. Those eyes just would never go, and the hat was almost impossible to get rid of. And before she died, I dropped it on concrete at work, my bag decided enough was enough and just dropped it. Its a shame the family tree image is too large for here but another time I'll post it all together for everyone to see.

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Its a shame the family tree image is too large for here but another time I'll post it all together for everyone to see.
If you upload your images using the free image-hosting service at Imgur, you should be able to post it - just be mindful of filesizes for those browsing TamaTalk on mobile devices. ;)

Good luck with your log - I look forward to seeing how your future generations shape up! 🐧

I would recommend Postimage instead of Imgur.
Is there any particular trait that makes it the better option? I don't want to be recommending anything sub-optimal. :)

(@*CrazyChick* - I'm so sorry for the interruption here. I just think that it's important to know which service is best to recommend to others here. :) )

@Penguin-keeperIts okay, actually got home and was working on the post, thanks for your recommendation as well as you @Jop. I will  look into both

A few hours after the initial post I found a marriage partner rather quickly for my girl, in fact he proposed to her making me feel worth my while. She had twins and yes, more girls, I wonder if this family will ever have boys. Anyways here is the original family tree, 


I named them Usagi and Mimi, both adorable and inherited the ears and flowers so far. I am excited to see what is to come!

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Is there any particular trait that makes it the better option? I don't want to be recommending anything sub-optimal. :)

(@*CrazyChick* - I'm so sorry for the interruption here. I just think that it's important to know which service is best to recommend to others here. :) )
Imgur was designed for Reddit. Postimage was designed for forums like this one.

And Imgur has gotten a really big focus on browsing through other people's questionable images. Postimage still has a clean interface focused on uploading your own image.

BeeIMG is another alternative.

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Okay guys today was the day! My adorable girls became adults! I missed watching them evolve since I myself was in the middle of dinner at 6, but they came out so cute! The time on them is offset by 4 hours so it took longer than I expected to see them become adults. Not to mention I got a few request in their teen form for marriage proposals through reddit, it made my day to make such cute girls. I also somehow unlocked the Tama farm, so that was a win, now to work on their tree and unlock the last three places, which i think was fairy land (?), the beauty place, and sports plaza. Since I dont have any other tamas yet the last two will be hard. 

The twins!!!

Tama farm

Irl though I got to see a double rainbow so all in all was a good day for me and the twins, by far this set has been the easiest to care for. I may not marry them off for a few weeks since I am tempted to get some pumpkin genes. Then again, I know I will see someones adorable child and let it have one of my girls.

Enjoy! And to those reading, I hope everyone had a wonderful day!

Been absolutely tired, didn't get to post yesterday so I will make a double today. Yesterday my two girls and I went on the app for a dumb amount of time, we are talking 3 hours plus. And I spammed accepting proposals. I really shouldn't have but I did. I liked one of the boys so much I nearly married them off, but I decided to wait since he was wearing a few items, it made it hard to tell if he had the genes I wanted or if he was hiding some really spooky genes. I've been keeping up visiting the pumpkin tamagotchi so I have plenty of treats. I need to find out if they eat to many will I risk them changing color, because we are not having cheeto puff syndrome again. Anyways they just woke up a few hours ago so its time to play with them again.

Hey guys its me Indigo, now I have been taking care of the twins, I plan on marrying them off Friday to give a few more people a chance to inherit their genes. Right now they are stored away in the app, which to my surprise is far better than daycare. I've been doing back to back work shifts as well as class so I wanted them to be safe 100% since I cannot predict when I will go to bed or wake up right now. But they girls are healthy and last time I saw spamming the tanuki animation. I'll post again Friday night!

Good evening guys! So as promised an update from yours truly, so I finally married off Usagi and Mimi, Usagi was the one who had the genes I desired so I married her off (I feel bad for Mimi, but I like to pretend she married the other twin <3) 

Then Usagi getting married.

And of course the newest set of lovely twins- Quartz (light pink) and Ruby (Dark pink)

Since they evolved at work I wasn't able to get full care points, but I am at the point of as long as they are alive and healthy.  They so far have mom's ears and I cannot wait until tomorrow to see what they got from dad, which btw, here is a picture of dad and brother.

They're names were in Japanese but since their owner speaks English I plan on asking her if she named them or left them at default. I LOVE these two girls already. I miss Usagi and Mimi but I don't like holding onto a tama for more than two weeks. I feel like its bad luck but I have seen some proud Tama parents who keep theirs forever. Lets just get the family linage up shall we? 

Anyways I hope today's journal entry was good, if you all have questions or possibly want a picture of the tamas let me know! I am more than happy to answer questions, or you know keep reading. Have a good evening!

BONUS: UPDATED TREE (You will need to click it to see the full image)

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Just coming in now: Again been pretty busy studying for my exam so I'll update with cute pictures soon of Quartz and Ruby! Yesterday they became adorable little teens and I couldn't stop squealing! Like OML I couldn't ask for better genes. They were on the app and got some attention on reddit which I feel like a proud mama to the best twins ever. I thought I was beyond in love with Usagi and Mimi but Usagi's offspring  are just as cute as her. To my surprise they got some of dad's genes and the cutest parts of mom. I'm going to have a hard time letting them go when its the right time. Hopefully I can find a partner who can enhance the family beauty more or just appreciate the genes. Today I played with them alot and forgot it was nearly time for them to become adults, I came home to hear them calling for me to show off their newest forms. I think I woke up the neighbors. Anyways I'll post some cute updated images once my phone finishes charging!

EDIT: Alrighty guys here are the pictures from today!!!!!

Their teen form, which honestly I wouldn't have been sad if they caught peter pan syndrome (But I am happy they didn't). I don't even have words for the cuteness that has been gifted to me.

And now they are ADULTS!!! Aren't they the cutest! I didn't take many today so sorry about that, I wish I had but sadly there wasn't enough time to. 

Well I'll try to catch cuter pictures tomorrow since I am making charms of some of my favorite generations that I have had and maybe a few extras. Let me know in the comments what tama was your favorite, I love to see everyone's tamas. Have a good evening! 

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Okay guys Its Monday which means I didn't study well enough for my exam and focused on my kids too much. Onwards!!! These past two days Ruby and Quartz needed a lot more love, in fact the higher the meter- the more they summoned me oddly. In fact they haven't even gone to bed. It's one a.m and the clock is only 3- Never mind did my math. Ignore my 5th grade level math. Point is they have done a few more things that have I haven't seen before like this:

She's so mad here, its my first time seeing this animation! Just look at them playing, its actually kind of cute. Not sure what I was supposed to do about this since their meters were full.

Just look at that sass. Look. at. It. After the ducks would fall over.. every time.

Or this one. Again, they were full and the only thing i could think of was sticking on a flower crown. Btw I'll do that tomorrow, their reaction was priceless. And not what I expected.

at the moment this was their happy meter. Pretty high, but after observing the great power of the official app, its always going to be full.

To my surprise though even though I named them off their colors by birth (i.e quartz in the baby picture was the white one and ruby the red) They stayed the same colors, even in the current picture they stayed in the same placement too. Except when I named them, for whatever reason Quartz was first born and Ruby second, after the family photo, BOOM! Quartz and Ruby switch sides and I had to keep track. But they never changed their colors, and even as teens had different features. Maybe the shades but its been easy seeing who is who. Moreover Quartz has been proposed to about 3 times now. Poor Ruby. Hopefully I can marry off Ruby in the future since Quartz already has technically 3 sets of offspring.

Quartz recent proposal.

Anyways I need to cram before bed, after all medical school literally does not pay for itself. Show me pictures of your current tama or let me know what kind of stuff you'd like me to post about, maybe crafts made around my tamas or things like recording the animations such as the ones I mentioned earlier. See you guys tomorrow!

I will not be updating this for a few days, I need to work through some personal stuff, but I'd figure I would let you guys know Ruby and Quartz are 6 years old and doing just fine. By the next update I should have a partner for Ruby.

Helllooo guys! Did you miss my sweet pumpkin children? I'm sorry I had to breath for a week, some drama within our family was going on and I needed to work through it, but hey! Guess what? My sweet little Ruby found her husband! Oh my lord there is so much to go through, so this post will be a lot, I will try to stay in order and give the major details, after all who has time to read? >w<

Okay shortly after I stopped posting it was mainly me spamming them into the app to keep them happy and alive, so they were always at maximum health and happiness. I had a hard time wanting to let them go, after all the great people of reddit posted the cutest Tamas I had ever seen. Monday rolls around and they mainly stayed in the app since I had worked all day, all they did was their usual routine. Tuesday rolled around and me and the girls woke up together, fed them and put them in their special pouch, on my way to class the girls got sick suddenly and for the first time I saw the black ghost everyone speaks about, SUPPPER SCARRY! Luckily I pulled up to class right then and there and watch them get dragged off to the hospital, pretty weird but I guess its because they turned 9 that day. 


So I send them to their parents and went to class. That night in fear this may happen the next day I throw them into the app around 11pm, in the middle of studying. OH BOY THAT WAS A MISTAKE. I actually found the perfect match within minutes of loggin on, too bad my phone disagree and the app crashed. I didn't even get the egg.


Worst part? He proposed to me to get my genes, so there was no way to get that egg back. So I returned to the quest of finding Ruby her perfect husband, many would ask but none would make the cut, even I threw out a few proposals, all three said no. They probably didn't know of the trick yet to share genes, or were waiting on someone. So in honor of the many offspring for Quartz (since 90% asked for her) let us view the montage!


All the men that said no. (NOO SPOOKY FOR U)


Finally after a few minutes, I try one last time to propose to another tamagotchi, I was shot down within seconds. Ouch, and then the proposal came in, its 2am at this point and all I wanted was cute spooky babies. And these twins scream cute and spooky. They were not pumpkins but reminded me of ONI's so I sighed and said why not, I almost lost the proposal too, since I hit no the first time, and quickly ran back to ask again. This time we were done, the egg was delivered and I now have spooky demon babies.

Meet the boys Yuzue and Rui ( I really didn't know what to name them and this popped up in my head) The first set in god knows how long of boys, maybe even my first set of boy twins. They came out pink so I was quiet confused until I saw the poop shaped heads, I call them my little u know whats respectively. After all they inherited mom's absolute deadly sass. 

They would grow pretty quickly but the first night they KEPT ME UP UNTIL 4AM. This was my fault since I forgot to adjust the time after the batteries had died. I stayed up keeping them alive since I worked hard to get them, there was nothing you could say or do to detour me. NOTHING. I'd watch them become little red demons, then adorable jellies, and finally these cute little pinkie pies. I forgot for a bit, that they were boys.

Today they really just were baby sat by Ruby and Oni since I woke up ill and still had work, even then they were well behaved and didn't need much attention, I will be on the app tonight showing them off to the world taking proposals, but just like mom, they're not going anywhere  for awhile. I'll talk about them more when we get to sit down this week end, and its Cannon guys, Rui has the horns and Yuzue has the icecream, yet Rui is the well behaved one. Guess sweets really rot your brains huh? Anywho I promise no more monster posts, but I will keep everyone updated! Ill also be posting some cute spooky fan art soon of it! Let me know what you all want to see as well, I want to feature as much cute stuff in this diary as I can!

So sadly on oct 30 my spooky boys passed away at 6 days, I am unsure what killed them, but they were happy and fed, just unattended for an hour, so they did die pretty quickly. I am a bit depressed but working on a new family line, maybe make it to the next generation this time, it seems for whatever reason by the 6th generation they start getting sick faster. Maybe its just me, anyways I'll post updates of images when my phone is charged, right now I have a cute devlish teen, looking like it will be a mametichi soon, and hopefully I can find him a good wife and start making some cute little fall babies! RIP Rui and Yuzue, you honestly were little demon bbys, but didnt deserve to die.


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