In a Galaxy far, far away... is... the Porg Tama nest!


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Iza - Ahh! I actually had no idea that was the case. Thats amazing to know! :D That might be a fun challenge at some point, to see how long I can keep one going. Thank you for letting me know! :)

TamaLog Time- and boy is it overdue!

Hello there everyone! Its time for Porgs TamaLog! Due to my own Birthday celebrations and visitors, I have been away for over a week now and have had to keep all of my lovely little virtual critters on pause. I have also unfortunately managed to fall ill again (probably with the same cold, as I hadn’t quite gotten rid of it before I went charging about and overdoing it- oops!), so my posts are going to be a bit on the slow side.

Now, as all of my current logged critters have been on pause, I don’t have anything new to report in their world. Sorry about this! However! Not all is lost in the way of updates, as I was blessed with an abundance of Tama-goodness on my Birthday from my Mother, best friend and Fiancé. Yay! :wub:


I decided to run the Chibi that was gifted to me by my best friend, as I thought it would be easy enough to keep with me and keep alive (it also meant that I didn’t have to stress too much about getting photos and could actually get photos to share with you all, when I finally managed to sit down and update). I introduce ‘Pinkie’ to all of you- and this is her story! :)

Pinkie hatched into a happy bouncing Marutchi, which I unfortunately wasn’t there to take a photo of (I also derped out on the egg and did not photograph that either- doh!). She was sitting on my kitchen table at the time and I was sadly not fast enough to grab my phone and run there when I heard the familiar ‘hatching’ beeps.


During her adventures with me, I decided to try something a bit different- in the hopes of getting a Tama I really wanted. So, I kept her ‘happiness’ to a minimum, but kept her well fed. This resulted in the Tama I wanted! Kuchipatchi! Yay! :D

I cannot take credit for this method, however, as my Fiancé was the one who initially discovered how to get him- by being a bit on the paranoid side in regards to giving him too many snacks. :lol: His Kuchipatchi was named ‘Jeremy’. :wub:


Sadly, like all Chibis, Pinkie decided to evolve into one of the two humanoid-like Tama characters- Oyajitchi. Oh well… In my mind… She is still very much a she and a Kuchipatchi. :lol:

