Same here except the day went by fast, because...
1.My mom gave me my DS as an early gift!
2.She also gave me Tamagotchi Corner Shop 2!
3.I got eighty bucks in all from my family (aka mamaw, papaw, uncles and aunts. You get it

4. I also got the game Dogz for my DS from my mamaw and papaw!
To bad for my cousin. When he got to my aunt Judy's he ran straight to the bathroom, and puked. He has some kind of bug, and he says it is the worst christmas for him EVER. But tommorow he will find what he told me he wanted, a Wii.
Yes my cousin is getting a Wii!
Im so happy for him, yet so sad for him.
I have a movie line up of my DVD's tonight, so I probably won't go to bed at all.