I'm so Miserable.


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I know JUST how you feel. My heart was torn into pieces when I found out my dog had to be put to sleep. I thought my life was over. I wanted to hold on to her for the rest of my life. :(

Just remember the good times with the cat. I love kitties too. :blink:

You'll make it through. *Hugs*


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I know exactly how you feel.. In 2 or 3 days my dog has to be put to sleep due to moving and stress levels (He is about 13 years old) so yeah .. I know exactly how you feel ;[

It sux' doesen't it ?

I've been with several animals as they passed away, either due to incurable illness or having to be put to sleep. It is extremely difficult to lose a beloved pet...but I feel that in their time of need at the end of their lives it is best to be there with them. It may be one of the hardest things you will have to do, but I just think of the animal's feelings over my own and I stay with them. Le t them know that you love them and will be with them always.

I do understand, though, being really disturbed by death. I have a real issue with it, and the fact that ther is nothing you can do to change it. It terrifies me. I believe in the afterlife, and I believe that our animals go there too, but I am still very death-phobic. So, I understand that side of it, too.

:ph34r: awww im so sorry *hugs* ok u should spend time with her and lay down with her before they put her down and just close ur eyes and ears when they do put her down. being with er at her last moments is just as good as being with er at her last seconds you have to know if u are not wit her at this hard time u will regret it for the rest of ur life once again im SOOO sorry i swaer there are tears in my eyes as i typing this :p
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Well, my mom decided to do it tomorrow. I'm taking school off just to stay with him, so I've decided to be there when they put him to sleep. Atm, I'm just going to pretend nothing is going to happen.

Thanks for all your concern, all my real life friends don't even care.

Like, death scares me sooo much, it's my biggest fear. As Aubrey said, death disturbs me, and if there is a Heaven I pray my kitty will see all your lost pets there as well.

Again, thank you for your stories, experiences, input, and thoughts. It really means soo much.

Tomorrow is his day, but right now I'm not going to think about it.

Don't be sad that's it over, Just be glad that it happened.

(Or something like that.)

Is what you say to someone when they just got dumped.

I feel the meaning of the phrase could fit well here.

Your kitty had a great life, I'm sure, and now he/she will be put out of his/her misery.

Much love,


Well, he's gone.

Last night, him, me and my mom slept in the same bed, and I didn't sleep. He was sleeping so peacefully, I just started crying.

About an hour ago, my mom told me the doctors would be here soon. So I lay with him, talking to him about the good times, how heaven would be like, etc. Then I had the feeling he wanted to see my mom, so I called her in. She said bye, but then right after we hugged him, he started acting weird, his teeth were out and he was in major pain. He was pssing over, right when the doctors came in/when we said bye. Since he was passing on his own, they gave him a needle in the heart to ease the pain, then he was gone.

It was amazing how he started to pass on his own, after we told him bye. I don't know how he knew, but he did.

Again, thank you for the kindness and words, it helped a lot.


Sorry to hear your cat died =[

i had 2 pets die by getting hit by a car/truck/etc, My kitten Moomoo was gonna surive but she was bleeding alot and she died


I'm really sorry to hear the bad news...

It's so sad. It must be hard for you...

I've had pets put down, but I couldn't imagine what you're going through.

It sounds like he was ready. Even though you may not have been for it. He might have been in a lot of pain, and it was good for him to go then, so he wouldn't have to go through it any longer.

Sounds like he was a good cat to have. You have a lot of good memories with him.

You got to say goodbye, and he must have known it was his time, like you said.

I hope things work out for the best for you.

Don't worry about it :angry:

If you have a religion, pray.

Or, if you really don't want to see it happen, give the cat some 1 on 1 time, stroke her/him, and play with her/him, before your parents put her down. Just think that the cat will be happier now.

Well, he's gone.
Last night, him, me and my mom slept in the same bed, and I didn't sleep. He was sleeping so peacefully, I just started crying.

About an hour ago, my mom told me the doctors would be here soon. So I lay with him, talking to him about the good times, how heaven would be like, etc. Then I had the feeling he wanted to see my mom, so I called her in. She said bye, but then right after we hugged him, he started acting weird, his teeth were out and he was in major pain. He was pssing over, right when the doctors came in/when we said bye. Since he was passing on his own, they gave him a needle in the heart to ease the pain, then he was gone.

It was amazing how he started to pass on his own, after we told him bye. I don't know how he knew, but he did.

Again, thank you for the kindness and words, it helped a lot.

You were in my prayers over the last couple nights. :D

Now I can definitly empathise. My cat rosemary, the one I was talking about before, we arent putting her down this weekend, she died this morning. We are getting her cremated. It isnt as bad as it seems, but it hasnt sunk in yet for me. You will get over it once it happens, it really isnt that hard.

Im really sorry to hear that D=

MY cat was 18 when it was sick. They put her down too. But now I have 2 wonderful kitties in my life that are now 7 years old.

Well, Do you have any other cats? You could always rescue or adopt one too.

Sorry about your cat. I bet he had a wonderful 20 years =]

Well, he's gone.
Last night, him, me and my mom slept in the same bed, and I didn't sleep. He was sleeping so peacefully, I just started crying.

About an hour ago, my mom told me the doctors would be here soon. So I lay with him, talking to him about the good times, how heaven would be like, etc. Then I had the feeling he wanted to see my mom, so I called her in. She said bye, but then right after we hugged him, he started acting weird, his teeth were out and he was in major pain. He was pssing over, right when the doctors came in/when we said bye. Since he was passing on his own, they gave him a needle in the heart to ease the pain, then he was gone.

It was amazing how he started to pass on his own, after we told him bye. I don't know how he knew, but he did.

Again, thank you for the kindness and words, it helped a lot.

It was good to hear he wasn't suffering much when he crossed over. He felt your love and embraced all of it before going so now when he reaches that other side, he will have many stories to tell the friends he will meet. He'll tell them all about you and your mom, and how great people you are. He'll watch over you in spirit and I believe when you feel most alone, he'll be there in his own way now to make sure you will be okay. I know whenever I get really down I can almost feel Max in the room guiding one of the cats to see that I'm okay and will be okay.

Anyway he sounded like an awesome cat and who knows...this will sound cheesy but maybe he'll meet my Maxwell whom I lost years ago and they'll swap stories and play together. I'm just glad your little guy isn't in pain or discomfort anymore :)

Well, he's gone.
Last night, him, me and my mom slept in the same bed, and I didn't sleep. He was sleeping so peacefully, I just started crying.

About an hour ago, my mom told me the doctors would be here soon. So I lay with him, talking to him about the good times, how heaven would be like, etc. Then I had the feeling he wanted to see my mom, so I called her in. She said bye, but then right after we hugged him, he started acting weird, his teeth were out and he was in major pain. He was pssing over, right when the doctors came in/when we said bye. Since he was passing on his own, they gave him a needle in the heart to ease the pain, then he was gone.

It was amazing how he started to pass on his own, after we told him bye. I don't know how he knew, but he did.

Again, thank you for the kindness and words, it helped a lot.

I still think it was really brave of you to be there. Hope you're feeling better. He's in Heaven now. He's fine. But it's good to know, that when he died, he wasn't in much pain, and how he knew.

Anyway he sounded like an awesome cat and who knows...this will sound cheesy but maybe he'll meet my Maxwell whom I lost years ago and they'll swap stories and play together. I'm just glad your little guy isn't in pain or discomfort anymore :angry:
I'm sure they will meet eachother, I bet they're chatting up a storm right now. :]

Again, thanks for keeping us in your prayers and sharing your thoughts. Having you guys during this dificult time really helped and was greatly appriciated.

I still can't get over the fact he's gone. Like it seems weird without him, I dunno.

I'm sure they will meet eachother, I bet they're chatting up a storm right now. :]
Again, thanks for keeping us in your prayers and sharing your thoughts. Having you guys during this dificult time really helped and was greatly appriciated.

I still can't get over the fact he's gone. Like it seems weird without him, I dunno.
I know how you feel... It is hard at first, but you'll be fine. And I'm sure it seems strange without him being there. Just keep your mind off it. That's what I did when my dog passed away. It was hard and took some getting used to. But I was fine. And you'll be fine too. :]

sounds like me when all 3 of my guinea pigs dies i was misreble and cryed evey day for them to come back even thogh i knew they couldent come back but when i got a new one he kept me away from misery

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