I'm sick of it. He's such a pig.


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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New York; United States
Okay, so my 'friend' Matt is a pig. Just like all the other guys in our grade, but worse because he picks on me. A lot. I haven't exactly been through very much puberty yet, so my ****s are still kinda flat and my butt is too. I'm rather small for my age, and skinny.

At first, he told me I needed breast implants. Then, he said that I stuff my bra (which I don't), and today he threw a pen cap at me and said he was trying to aim for where there's 'nothing there.'

I've had enough. He's such a pig. I'm wondering if all guys are like this. Are ****s the one thing that can make or break a relationship? It's so disgusting. It's horrible that he makes fun of me for something I can't help. As if I wasn't already self conscious enough about my body.

Has this ever happened to you before or have you witnessed it happening to someone you know? How do you think I should handle the situation? I'm really just don't with having him as my friend. It's not worth my time.

You're right that he's not your friend. Friends don't treat you like that - it doesn't matter to them how you look because they know you for how incredible you really are. So he's not your friend and you shouldn't pretend that he is one.

Your options are sort of limited. It's the end of the school year (you probably have a few weeks left at most?) and you could just ignore him and wait it out. You won't have to deal with him all summer and then in the fall things are different. He may not be in any of your classes and/or he may have grown up. Ignoring is always a good thing, because bullies like this are usually looking for a reaction from their victim. If you don't react, they get bored and move on.

You could always report it to your school office though. This is a form of sexual harassment and school's have no tolerance for it. I know at my school Matt would probably get three days of in-school suspension (I know this because in the junior high my friends and I had to report someone for this sort of thing). That could always make this kid really, really angry with you though... so you have to be careful.

I was really flat chested and skinny in junior high and in eighth grade there was a boy who sat behind me in English and he always made fun of my lack of chest. One day he said, "My ten year old sister has bigger breasts than you!" and my friend Kayla butted in and was like, "Oh, so you look at your sister's chest? What's the matter with you?!" (or something like that, haha) and it shut him up =] I don't run into that problem now though. My butt is still kind of flat but I'm not flat chested anymore. People develop at different rates and come in all shapes and sizes. Someday Matt will realize this... most junior high boys lack that kind of maturity though, so you have to give them a few years. Eventually they'll come around. And no, not all boys are pigs like this :D

Cinderpelt's right. You need to either ignore him, or report him. Reporting people is the best way to go. No matter how angry he may be, he most likely be dealt to. That is a form of bullying, and bullying can't really be tolerated.

Cinderpelt's right at a second point. People come in different shapes and sizes, and grow at different rates.

Don't feel bad, God made you perfect! I didn't get my ****s til I was 20 and it was like BOOM there they are! You may just be a late bloomer like me, you shouldn't worry. But I don't like that he's outing you on purpose like that, he is a bit of a JERK for doing it. He has no right to comment on your body like that. Have you told your Teacher or Principal about this? Have you told your parents? If not I think you should, as you have a right to be safe, comfortable and respected at all times! Your body is your business and belongs to you and no one can change that!

I'm wondering if all guys are like this. Are ****s the one thing that can make or break a relationship?
it depends on if he's actually a nice person, or just a loser xD <-- and Matt seems to be the latter... =)

But that's pretty much all that guys think about, so I guess you kinda just have to wait, until he..calms his hormones? xD All the girls in my grade who have boyfriends are the ones with chests, too. [i.e. not me] :p

Maybe next year he'll kind of stop, and start judging you in better ways. it'll eventually stop.. so if you ignore him it will go away eventually. key word; eventually. =)

I'd just wait it out. He's bound to get bored of saying it at some point. But if it gets worse, I think you should tell someone.

Have you told him you want him to stop? If he respects that and stops, and then after that you decide you like him enough, then maybe give him another chance.

If you ask him to stop and he doesn't, he doesn't respect you. Then you should probably just stop talking to him. You're right, he's not worth your time.


The thing I just wonder about is that have you shown him that you think he's a pig, or that you're sick of it? If he doesn't know, he'll just continue to do it because he doesn't know you have such a big problem with it. Guys kind of need a hint.

Most of the guys I know are like this, and some of the girls too :/ Just ignore it, he's really immature. One day he'll grow up and you'll have juggalos and he'll be all "DAYUMM." and you'll be all "haha too bad you're a loser nao go away"

^ Juggalos! xD

Thanks guys. I have expressed to him that I think he's a pig. I guess since it's the end of the year I'm just going to ignore him and then see what happens next year. :)

Good idea. Ignore him. But if this behavior continues, I would report him. Bullying is not to be tolerated, and that is what he's doing to you. You don't deserve to be treated this way. I drive a school bus, and kids do this on the bus as well. I write them up, after a verbal warning, and they get into a lot of trouble. Friends don't treat friends this way.

Make fun at his... puberty stuff.

you know what I mean
That's the first thing I thought of when I read her post.

It means you should tell him he has a small peener.

"My mosquito bites are bigger than that thing you call a penis, so."

Are ****s the one thing that can make or break a relationship?
Only for complete and total idiots that aren't worth your time.

Anyway, like people are saying, ignore him, or just laugh at him when he insults you. People like that shouldn't be taken seriously, they're just childish morons.

Hope it works out <3

He's just immature and just wants your attention. Just ignore him.

I haven't had anything like this happen to me since I don't know very many people, but I can guess the way it feels.

You know, I get picked on about that too... but mostly because my butts a bit bigger than my chest, and I'm skinny for my age, but you know what? I found out that most of the time when guys do that, it's simply because they want your attention. Sometimes they don't realize that some of the things they say are hurtful, and perhaps if you explained this to him he'd find better, kinder ways to try and get your attention. I seriously think he likes you, and those are just his attempts to make you notice him more.

'If you think I'M skinny take a look at your penis. If you think I'M small, take a look at your penis. If you think I'm ugly, try look in a mirror without breaking it'. I always use that one :ph34r:

Okay, so my 'friend' Matt is a pig. Just like all the other guys in our grade, but worse because he picks on me. A lot. I haven't exactly been through very much puberty yet, so my ****s are still kinda flat and my butt is too. I'm rather small for my age, and skinny.
At first, he told me I needed breast implants. Then, he said that I stuff my bra (which I don't), and today he threw a pen cap at me and said he was trying to aim for where there's 'nothing there.'

I've had enough. He's such a pig. I'm wondering if all guys are like this. Are ****s the one thing that can make or break a relationship? It's so disgusting. It's horrible that he makes fun of me for something I can't help. As if I wasn't already self conscious enough about my body.

Has this ever happened to you before or have you witnessed it happening to someone you know? How do you think I should handle the situation? I'm really just don't with having him as my friend. It's not worth my time.
Boys will always develop later than girls. It's a proven fact. I know this is unusual, but he could be picking on you, because he knows this fact and is unsecure about his own body. Try talking to your mum or the school about it.

Just a thought.

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