I'm really embarassed to say this but...I can't pronounce Tama character names!


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Dec 13, 2009
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I NEED HELP! I recently discovered I am pronouncing all Tama character names completely incorrectly! Here are the ones I need help with:

Mametchi (and all his family) - I believe it is Mah-Meh-Tchee but I don't know.

Memetchi - I believe it is Meh-Meh-Tchi...

Mimitchi - Mee-Mee-Tchee or just Mih-Mih-Tchee?

That's all I can think of, but those are pretty major characters.. Also, how do I get into the habit of saying them right? I keep getting it wrong!

P.S. I was never allowed to watch the Tamagotchi episodes with the sound on, and never had a friend to direct me about them. That's why I got the characters wrong. I'm glad no-one else has my problem!!

~ Dazzmina ~

for mametchi, it's "mah-meh-tchi.". in japanese, it's prounounced "mah-may-tchi", but don't worry about that.

the same applies for his family, you just add the beginnings: mamametchi, papamametchi, and chamametchi.

for memetchi, it's "meh-meh-tchi". in japanese, it's "may-may-tchi".

and when it comes to mimitchi, i personally prefer "mih-mih-tchi", but you can say it either way as in japanese it's "mee-mee-tchi".

it's pretty simple, i guess...just keep it in mind and correct yourself when you pronounce it wrong. (or if you say it the way you don't want...)

don't be embarrassed, i'm sure a lot of us had trouble with tama names. (i sure did....)

LOL, I'm way off course. I've been doing:

Mametchi = Maim-Tchee (come on, I was only 7 when I assmed it was pronounced that way!)

Memetchi = Mem-Tchee (I have no idea where THAT came from)

Mimitchi = I have been getting this one right, I was just double checking...

Looks like I need to do a lot of work on these! Thanks! :)

~ Dazzmina ~

you're welcome! honestly, it's not that hard.

for mametchi, just think of edamame. (eh-dah-ma-may.)

If it makes you feel better, I used to call Mametchi Maim-tchee too when I was younger. xD

Don't worry though, I'm sure a lot of people have wondered about the correct pronunciations too. xD

LOL, I'm way off course. I've been doing:

Mametchi = Maim-Tchee (come on, I was only 7 when I assmed it was pronounced that way!)

Memetchi = Mem-Tchee (I have no idea where THAT came from)

Mimitchi = I have been getting this one right, I was just double checking...

Looks like I need to do a lot of work on these! Thanks! :)

~ Dazzmina ~
xD I said Maim-tcheee when I was 7 too! :D

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