im new... can somebody help me?


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Hi - Welcome to the site :rolleyes:

You got quite a few responses to your introduction topic: (just in case you didn't notice) B)

If you are new to TamaTalk you might find the Users Guide to TamaTalk forum useful. This will help you get to know how things work on TamaTalk itself.

Best thing to do is to click your way around the different forums and have a look at some of the topics that have been made and the answers that have been posted - it's a fast way to see how to get particular questions answered :p

If you are new to Tamagotchis and have a question, then you can either use the search engine to look for information already posted on the TamaTalk forums using a key word or post a new topic in the Help for New Tamagotchi Owners forum asking a specific question. There are loads of helpful members here who would be happy to answer your questions :D

Enjoy your visits B)

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