I was away since the end of last year after my senior cat passed away, some family issues, and health issues all at the same time. I was unwell in all the ways a person could be unwell and I was just too tired to come here to talk and play. I missed it here, and did check my inbox to see if anybody "rang", so I did think about you all.
O.K. so last time I was here I was running a P1 & P's on 2nd generation. It was my first colour Tama and by the time I left the forum I had my head all wrapped around it, and was back in the Tamagotchi game.
I had also started collecting...when the original intention was pure nostalgia. I had a log running about the melancholy of a very pensive little Knightchi. Does anyone remember that?
Now I'm back and oddly enough as soon as I got back into things I went onto ebay and noticed only a few days ago the Sanrio M!X had come out. So I have all the M!Xes now. I'm running my "old" P's back up again (Gen 5 now) a normal M!X Melody ver. and a Princess Spacey iDL.
So now you're all updated on me! My questions! I need an upgrade!
1) How can I access the park outside of the marketplace in the iDL? I can meet pets and buy things on sale at the Donut Park...but it doesn't seem to have the same features of Bud Park on the P's. Is there something I'm missing here?
2) Babysitter?
3) Are there any translations on the heart/infrared connections and what you can do when you connect with the P's? I can play games, and visit and leave a random present. Sometimes it's a flower, heart, skull or poop.
My P's has a lot of money and I want to give some to my iDL.
4) I had Eco Town and Base opened up on the P's. After changing the batteries those areas are greyed out. What happened?
5) The Sanrio Pierce...is there any point now the Sanrio M!X is out? Would I get anything significantly different? Should I bother?
6) Everytime I look up guides for influencing the personality traits people get linked to the same half-finished table:
is there a complete one?
7) New Colour Tama! 4U?
OK so with a M!X, P's, & iDL I was thinking the next colour Tama I should explore is the 4U. (? opinions?)
I have an infrared dongle for patching the P's. Would this work on the 4U? If not what are the cheapest things I'll need to get the downloadable content?
Then besides the Anniversary & Plus Colour ones I'll have at least 1 in every colour version won't I? (I'm not counting different shell designs, I'm not that hardcore of a collector!)
Seeing there are less colour ones I found collecting them first easier. I know there are double or triple the amount of Black and White versions as well as spin-offs.
8) Should I even bother with the iD and the 4U + ?? Are they really that different from the 4U and iDL? I feel like they won't be that different considering they share a name. Maybe a few things missing. Am I right?|
That's gonna get be back in the Tama game for sure.
I was away since the end of last year after my senior cat passed away, some family issues, and health issues all at the same time. I was unwell in all the ways a person could be unwell and I was just too tired to come here to talk and play. I missed it here, and did check my inbox to see if anybody "rang", so I did think about you all.
O.K. so last time I was here I was running a P1 & P's on 2nd generation. It was my first colour Tama and by the time I left the forum I had my head all wrapped around it, and was back in the Tamagotchi game.
Now I'm back and oddly enough as soon as I got back into things I went onto ebay and noticed only a few days ago the Sanrio M!X had come out. So I have all the M!Xes now. I'm running my "old" P's back up again (Gen 5 now) a normal M!X Melody ver. and a Princess Spacey iDL.
So now you're all updated on me! My questions! I need an upgrade!
1) How can I access the park outside of the marketplace in the iDL? I can meet pets and buy things on sale at the Donut Park...but it doesn't seem to have the same features of Bud Park on the P's. Is there something I'm missing here?
2) Babysitter?
3) Are there any translations on the heart/infrared connections and what you can do when you connect with the P's? I can play games, and visit and leave a random present. Sometimes it's a flower, heart, skull or poop.
My P's has a lot of money and I want to give some to my iDL.
4) I had Eco Town and Base opened up on the P's. After changing the batteries those areas are greyed out. What happened?
5) The Sanrio Pierce...is there any point now the Sanrio M!X is out? Would I get anything significantly different? Should I bother?
6) Everytime I look up guides for influencing the personality traits people get linked to the same half-finished table:
is there a complete one?
7) New Colour Tama! 4U?
OK so with a M!X, P's, & iDL I was thinking the next colour Tama I should explore is the 4U. (? opinions?)
I have an infrared dongle for patching the P's. Would this work on the 4U? If not what are the cheapest things I'll need to get the downloadable content?
Then besides the Anniversary & Plus Colour ones I'll have at least 1 in every colour version won't I? (I'm not counting different shell designs, I'm not that hardcore of a collector!)
Seeing there are less colour ones I found collecting them first easier. I know there are double or triple the amount of Black and White versions as well as spin-offs.
8) Should I even bother with the iD and the 4U + ?? Are they really that different from the 4U and iDL? I feel like they won't be that different considering they share a name. Maybe a few things missing. Am I right?|
That's gonna get be back in the Tama game for sure.