Sweet Kandi
Well-known member
Ello to all ^.^
I'm back from my vacation in Oklahoma! Our internet died on us around the beginning of November, so that's why I haven't been on if anyone wondered/noticed.
I had an awesome time :3 The next time I go down there though, I'm driving >.<' I hated not having my car.
I took three pictures I shall share ^.^ I would have taken more, but the thought never really occurred to me o.o'
Bruce, Me, and Tay
Bruce = current, Tay = ex. We were in her dad's room when we took this ^.^ This was taken Thursday afternoon.
This is a tag on the side of the Murrah building at the Oklahoma City bombing memorial from 1995. This was taken Around 3am Thursday morning.
Me in the snow
Needless to say, I'm not a fan of snow. It came up to my knees x.x' And no, I'm not kneeling, lol. This was taken Thursday night.
I'm happy to be home after a month of being away, but I really loved it down there. I guess I could have kept my departure notice up XD Aw well.
Tis good to be back on TT <3
I'm back from my vacation in Oklahoma! Our internet died on us around the beginning of November, so that's why I haven't been on if anyone wondered/noticed.
I had an awesome time :3 The next time I go down there though, I'm driving >.<' I hated not having my car.
I took three pictures I shall share ^.^ I would have taken more, but the thought never really occurred to me o.o'
Bruce, Me, and Tay
Bruce = current, Tay = ex. We were in her dad's room when we took this ^.^ This was taken Thursday afternoon.
This is a tag on the side of the Murrah building at the Oklahoma City bombing memorial from 1995. This was taken Around 3am Thursday morning.
Me in the snow
Needless to say, I'm not a fan of snow. It came up to my knees x.x' And no, I'm not kneeling, lol. This was taken Thursday night.
I'm happy to be home after a month of being away, but I really loved it down there. I guess I could have kept my departure notice up XD Aw well.
Tis good to be back on TT <3