Well-known member
^Lol I knew that. xD And ily too. Krystal... my... aren't you my stuffed animal owl?...
Yupp.^Lol I knew that. xD And ily too. Krystal... my... aren't you my stuffed animal owl?...
Awww, Britt! ILY 2!!!Ahhh. I'm on so many people's lists. Monster, ily too.
But yet, I have yet to speak to these "popular" people I hear so much about. Well, except Feebee, she's famous on TT and I speak to her.<3 But Ksenia, Esther, Starfire, and so many others are people I've yet to speak to. And I want to because they sound awesomeful. SoyeahtheyshouldtalktomebecauseI'mtooafraidtostartaconversation.xD ANYWAYS, I should make some shout outs.
Ahhh. I love you. So much. We've talked a bunch of times and we share quite a few inside jokes. You are so awesome, like, it's not even funny. I love you, Michaela. I even wrote a song for you. [:
Ohmy. You have no idea. I care about you and love you so much. You are one of the closest people to me. On this site and in real life, even though we've never met. We used to talk so much. I miss you.
I love you. I love you. I love you. You are one of the best friends I've ever had. EVER. I'd love to talk to you on the phone a lot more. And we'll meet one day, just watch.
We'll meet. Listen to your heart, it's all you need. We will because I love you very much. And I hate to hear about you being in any kind of pain. It kills me, really. But I love you. So much.
I'll make more shout outs later. xD
These are epic people who I'm too scared to PMMy ILY people I absolutely ♥ but I'm too scared to PM them....O: lol
~Michelle (x.Saku)
~Angie( ice mountain )
~Neverending A.B B Y S (sp?)
-Abigail(City Lights.)
~And a heck of allot of other people that I can't remember right now, lol xD
*edit-added Nix.
*Oh yeah,no specific order people.
*added 3 people in the end :3
What happened to Bradie Webb? xDD^Mikey's my boyfriend! You shouldn't be shy, I was once afraid to PM him but our friendship blossomed so much.
Lol, I'm being soppy.
So ILY Mikey. xD
Ooh nooo. Just PM and it'll be fine. We all like random PMs xD Right?But Ksenia, Esther, Starfire, and so many others are people I've yet to speak to. And I want to because they sound awesomeful. SoyeahtheyshouldtalktomebecauseI'mtooafraidtostartaconversation.xD