Well-known member
^Crap I forgot you in my list. Do u love me? Lol.
Wow. Eight out of eight. O:@ Esther-----
1. Your name is Esther
2.You have brown hair
3.You have a little brother
4. You used to be bratzroxg
5.You make friends fast
6.Your'e clumsy
7.Your'e 13
8. You live somewhere is MA
spelling mistake*edit
I know you don't love me, Sky. No need to tell the world.I love everyone =D... Well, Most of you.
i got the MA thing wrong. I meant to say PAWow. Eight out of eight. O:
Well done.
Rawrrooo. It's okayyy. I don't even remember what happened xDWeiwei Everyone has their inner beech. Mine was just showing that day. xD
PA= pennsylvaniaMaria: ILY too, gorgeous one.Mikey: We have yet to speak. O:
Phoebe: And again, I need to be speaking to you lots more. <3
Krystal: You're so byootiful.
And to the .:Monstertrucks:. person, you originally wrote PA. But I changed it to MA. Because I have no idea what a PA is.
Excuse me? 5 feet short? I'm only like 5'1 1/2 [Yes. The 1/2 makes all the difference] and I'm freaking almost 15.^Let me introduce myself. My name is Mikey, I'm 11 years old, I'm short (5"0') and I'm very hyper. [:
Awww, Izzy! I love you, too.<3333Aww wow, this is like a loving post.;] Well i'll list people. Some arent still here. ill name them, even if they aren't loved now, they were once loved.
Sarah- You are the first friend i made and your so amazing. I love you my sexy sister<3
Mandi- You are like, so awesome. Your my mandikins, dont forget it<3
Dalton- I dont think you really like me anymore, but we were good friends<3
Happybunni- I was friends with you for a while and you dont come on anymore, but i still love you<3
Zuzi- You hated me from the start. Right away. But somehow we became best friends. I love you now and the hate is gone<3
Paul- You are just awesome. You never really talk to me, but i still love you<3
KiwitchiFan- i just met you a few days ago xP but you are just amazing, just super amazing<3
Lee- Ohmygod Lee you dont come in anymore, but I remember when you tried getting me unbanned and that was awesome ily<3
Britt (Birt)- Birt, you are just undescribably amazing. We started out hating each other, but now we're friends and thats all that matters<3
TamaGirliey- This was LOOONG time. I still miss you. I haven't talked to you in forever. You have probably forgotten me, but i never forgot you<3333
Rokoni-Sama- You, are one of the sweetest girls I've met on this site. You haven't been on in forever, but i still love you<3
Sky- You are so supa fly xP. I don't talk to you so much anymore. Not sure if you still like me but i still like you<3
Well thats all I remember. I think theres more. If I forgot please tell me. Thanks<333