If you had the New Furby (or about 2 or more), what would you name them?


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2012
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If I had a Orange one, I would name it Rayby (Furby and Rayman)

or maybe a Blue one, named Globy (Globox and Furby)

What would you name your cute little Furby (or Furbys for that matter)?

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Furb and Jelly. I don't know why the second would be Jelly... But I like the name. Maybe my mom's will be named Jelly when she gets it. Lol. Its the purple/pink one. My Furb is the teal-blue one. They would both be called Furbs though... Lol.

okay, now that's just cute times 10. Okay, here's a list of Rayman character names assigned to each Furby (with a different color):

Ly- Yellow Furby

Uglette- Pink Furby

Rayman- Purple/Pink or Red/Orange Furby

Globox and his Babies- Blue Furby (and maybe a few blue Furby Babies to make sense)

Murfy- Unknown Color (No Green Furby)

Moskito- Purple/Pink Furby

Clark- Yellow Furby

SSSSam- Blue Furby

LOL it'd be nice if they can customize the Furby toys and make them look like the Rayman characters...but, anyways, I've assigned names to the Furby toys and their colors. All except poor Murfy. if they made a Green Furby, it would suit him. but anyways, what other names can you give your Furby?

I don't generally name electronic pets unless they can be programmed to respond to said name ( or in the case of some Tamas naming is part of the startup procedure ). My Furby shall be known as Furby or Furb for short. That is unless they have names of their own like the originals. Then he shall be whatever he introduces himself as.

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