If you could only have ONE Tamagotchi...


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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2008
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California, USA
I didn't put this as a poll because I knew I'd pass the limit of 20 options easily just listing all the Tamas. So if you were only allowed to have ONE Tama, which kind would it be? (Assuming that if you pick Mesutchi and Osutchi, you could have both of them.)

I haven't played with a lot of the older versions, but I'd say either a Mesutchi and Osutchi pair (they're fun and they have a lot of cute characters) or a Music Star (it has lots of things to do).

Vers. 1-5. V5.5, MS, and Tama-Go are terrible.

But I only have 1 Tamagotchi running, which is my V5 Japan, so I'll stick with that.

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Hard... v3 or p1 :/ Possibly my v4 or v4.5 or Tamago or Music Star for more options...

That's really hard...

I love the v2, even though mine's being stubborn and won't ever let me play any games with him,

that's probably my favorite version.

OR a v4.5, I have 3 of those and I love them :)

Third choice would be a Music Star.

I have like, 6 of those. I love it! Butttt, they require a lot of attention, so I do prefer the simpler versions.

i've only ever played with a v5 v5.5 music star and a tama-go. So out of the ones i know i'd pick the tama-go. I like only raising one tamagotchi and i like how many games you could have if you get the figures. I also think it's a good lineup of characters in the tama-go.

I didn't put this as a poll because I knew I'd pass the limit of 20 options easily just listing all the Tamas. So if you were only allowed to have ONE Tama, which kind would it be? (Assuming that if you pick Mesutchi and Osutchi, you could have both of them.)

I haven't played with a lot of the older versions, but I'd say either a Mesutchi and Osutchi pair (they're fun and they have a lot of cute characters) or a Music Star (it has lots of things to do).
A Music Star V6

iD L hands down. It has the most, and best features. Cute characters, extremely interactive, great appearance and just great fun!

I know I just started my v5 but I like that their are 3 characters so I'd have to go with that one.

I really would like a tamagotchi id or tamagotchi id l Or mayabe a morino or ocean.

I only have one,so I'll keep my V3,thanks very much. It's like the most middle of tamagotchis,nothing extra added or anything taken out.

either an Angelgotchi or an Osu/Mesu pair :mellow:

I would eat someone alive for an Osu/Mesu. :)

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