• Who would you meet?
Well, I'd try to poke everyone who wouldn't get annoyed, when I poke them. And I'd try to meet my buddies. (Basically, that's anyone I talked to.) I'd also try to meet Mametchi 4ever, since they're a good buddy of mine. :furawatchi: And to all my other buddies, don't feel bad! You're still my buddies and I'd love to meet you too, buddies! And your still my buddies! (Wow, so many buddies)
• If you could bring one thing for "show and tell", what would it be?
Fanbernine B. Ferret: My little Fanby Ferret. He's my stuffed ferret that I can whack people with.

I luv Fanby.
• What would you wear?
Some kind of insane shirt. (Most likely something to do with Elmo or Cookie Monster.) Jeans. My sneaks or crocs. My glasses and my Webkinz Charm Necklace. (I always wear those accessories.)
• What would you bring as a snack to share?
CHOCOLATE! (And cookies.

• What kind of tam would you bring?
V5 DUH. I have a whole freakin' log on the version!
• What would you do?
Poke people, whack people with Fanby, chase people around with Fanby, anything random and crazy.